The Official WACK Thread ~ Home of BiSH, BiS, EMPiRE, MAMESHiBA NO TAiGUN, GO TO THE BEDS, PARADISES, and WAgg


Oct 2, 2019
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BiSH's Twitter retweeted this. Another WACK x avex partnership? Link in that Twitter account directs to BiSH's official page with a timer, so that's intriguing too.

I like that people are starting to speculate so much in the comments section. Definitely something to do with BiSH since even the Twitter page retweeted it.

AHHHH now I can't stop thinking about it

Stan BiSH

Global Star Early Supporters
Jun 20, 2019
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The cover art for the プロパガンダ and PROPAGANDA best-of albums are here!

Done by an illustrator called FACE, he's uses minimalist styles in his usual artwork but curiously it's missing his signature "face" from his other work. He's done collabs with UNIQLO and Tower Records before so it's pretty cool to see him do it with BiS.

i like it, is simple but is also eye catching, kind of getting a Christmas feeling from it (that or of the Soviet union:doge:)

(His signature face btw: )

please tell me he painted the members in this art style too :partydogo:
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Stan BiSH

Global Star Early Supporters
Jun 20, 2019
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Looks like somethings happening in December 3, and I think it's BiSH related because the website is in the description
im always scared of what's gonna happen when they do shit like this, they even made a youtube and twitter account for it

seems like something big, can't help but feel a little worry about sudden announcements like this :jinjudge:

BiSH's Twitter retweeted this. Another WACK x avex partnership? Link in that Twitter account directs to BiSH's official page with a timer, so that's intriguing too.

I like that people are starting to speculate so much in the comments section. Definitely something to do with BiSH since even the Twitter page retweeted it.

i wonder what kind of deeper partnership they could have when almost half of Wack are already signed under them :wherearethelies:

what are the chances of Avex buying Wack? sounds like a reach but EMPiRE is following the twitter account too and they are also part of the Avex

Stan BiSH

Global Star Early Supporters
Jun 20, 2019
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from the 27 to 29 Summer Sonic is going to do a live stream featuring some of the highlights of the festival past years, BiSH previous performance is going to be featured in it


Stan BiSH

Global Star Early Supporters
Jun 20, 2019
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Aika and Miyuki are going to guests on a 2 hour special of the tv show "Guru Nai"

Mameshiba No Taigun and BiSH are going to perform in the "Mita Sai eve festival"



Trainee Early Supporters
Jun 17, 2019
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Mameshiba are up for Best New Artist at the Japan Record Awards!

btw is nice that WAgg are finally getting the spotlight for once, it never make any sense to me why they were neglected this long

and WAgg getting more attention is really great after so long

I'm a bit confused. Did 4 WAgg members graduate and join PARADISES? I saw a video from some kind of ceremony and I think they released an MV for each individual member.

i recall that right before their debut Watanabe did the same thing with EMPiRE, people wanted to know how they sounded so he released 2 of their songs for free... except that he was the one singing :eek:hnah:

i think he does live there, every now and then i check his twitter and he has lots of pictures of him in the same house/apartment

to me the only dissapointing part of the video was that i wanted more shoots of Hanae and Kaede in the same frame, i think Hanae's short blue hair contrast well with Kaede's long red hair, i also want to see the other members with new hairstyles too

btw is barely November yet they already started activities for the album (which isn't going be released until January) knowing this i do feel that Avex are going to put a lot of effort in the promotions, i just wish they also uploaded the MV without the stream, otherwise is kind of a bother to make a playlist of their MVs

when they debuted people thought that they were the next big thing so they jumped in the bandwagon without really being interested in them,
i do have to say that is weird how some of those people are still around because while Mameshiba has a lot of potential at this point is clear that their next "steps" are going to be one at the time

in this interview with the members talked about the initial success of Restart and how they were scared of becoming just a "one hit wonder"

but they have the right mindset, the circumstances of their debut were special and there was never an easy path to success, the only way is to work hard

on topic, i haven't been tracking their sales/charts lately but AAA sold better than Rocketstart or Daijoubu sunrise, what is hurting Mameshiba's sales is the lack of "On person" activities, but they are still improving anyways

And Watanabe and Kenta released the entire Carrots and Sticks album for free digitally, but with their vocals.

Same about not getting more shots of Hanae and Kaede together. I'd love to see Miyuki dye her hair pink to match her member color. The one thing I don't like about their new costumes is Miyuki wearing pants. I don't think it suits her.

I hope that Avex will eventually upload the live MV for "Please Kiss Me" as a separate video when the album is released. Right now, they seem to be relying on clips on twitter to promote it.

I remember you saying that the pandemic hurt Mameshiba allot because they had just debuted and couldn't hold fan meetings. I kind of forgot that was still a problem, lol. Connecting directly with fans is such an important part of being an Idol. I can image that some fans lost interest by not having those interactions. I'm curious what kind of creative ways they'll use to get around this. The Tokyo Dome Sports Festival was pretty clever. Has there been positive feedback about the event?

unfortunately this isn't exclusive to just one country or just one genre, it is a pretty common thing to see not only in Korea but also Japan and even in the west, it can't be helped, some people are just like that

to be honest i don't mind this much because i knew that a lot of people were initially only interested thanks to MONSTER IDOL being broadcasted on a popular channel, i find it more concerning the people that are still expecting them to sell like AKB or other top tier groups, Mameshiba are doing pretty well for a rookie group but some people are still setting the bar too high for them...

Yeah, coming from a popular show like Downtown, Mameshiba probably attracted fans they normally wouldn't have. Once the initial interest died down, only the most loyal fans stayed around. That kind of overnight success is hard to maintain. I remember when fans thought they'd get invited to Kohaku in their rookie year. That's really setting yourself up for disappointment. I don't ask for too much. As long as they're releasing good music, putting out fun content, and finding new ways to torment Kuro-chan, I'll continue to be a fan :LovePar:


Oct 2, 2019
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Mameshiba are up for Best New Artist at the Japan Record Awards!

I'm a bit confused. Did 4 WAgg members graduate and join PARADISES? I saw a video from some kind of ceremony and I think they released an MV for each individual member.

And Watanabe and Kenta released the entire Carrots and Sticks album for free digitally, but with their vocals.

Same about not getting more shots of Hanae and Kaede together. I'd love to see Miyuki dye her hair pink to match her member color. The one thing I don't like about their new costumes is Miyuki wearing pants. I don't think it suits her.

I hope that Avex will eventually upload the live MV for "Please Kiss Me" as a separate video when the album is released. Right now, they seem to be relying on clips on twitter to promote it.

I remember you saying that the pandemic hurt Mameshiba allot because they had just debuted and couldn't hold fan meetings. I kind of forgot that was still a problem, lol. Connecting directly with fans is such an important part of being an Idol. I can image that some fans lost interest by not having those interactions. I'm curious what kind of creative ways they'll use to get around this. The Tokyo Dome Sports Festival was pretty clever. Has there been positive feedback about the event?

Yeah, coming from a popular show like Downtown, Mameshiba probably attracted fans they normally wouldn't have. Once the initial interest died down, only the most loyal fans stayed around. That kind of overnight success is hard to maintain. I remember when fans thought they'd get invited to Kohaku in their rookie year. That's really setting yourself up for disappointment. I don't ask for too much. As long as they're releasing good music, putting out fun content, and finding new ways to torment Kuro-chan, I'll continue to be a fan :LovePar:

The WAgg thing is part of an audition to join PARADISES, and they all had an MV with one of them in it, and they've been holding training lives in nicnico and had a live show with all of them together
Nayu unfortunately couldn't continue to participate due her having an injury she had since last year

Stan BiSH

Global Star Early Supporters
Jun 20, 2019
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Mameshiba are up for Best New Artist at the Japan Record Awards!

that was fast! BiSH didn't got a nomination until 2018

what i like about this award is that they actually allow multiple winners per category, there are just too many good rookie groups as to pick a single one
Same about not getting more shots of Hanae and Kaede together. I'd love to see Miyuki dye her hair pink to match her member color. The one thing I don't like about their new costumes is Miyuki wearing pants. I don't think it suits her.

I hope that Avex will eventually upload the live MV for "Please Kiss Me" as a separate video when the album is released. Right now, they seem to be relying on clips on twitter to promote it.
i was also thinking about each member dying their hair of their member color, the other Wack groups also have their own colors but Mameshiba are they only ones actually making use of them

i don't understand why they aren't releasing a stand alone version, specially since the digital single is out already
I remember you saying that the pandemic hurt Mameshiba allot because they had just debuted and couldn't hold fan meetings. I kind of forgot that was still a problem, lol. Connecting directly with fans is such an important part of being an Idol. I can image that some fans lost interest by not having those interactions. I'm curious what kind of creative ways they'll use to get around this. The Tokyo Dome Sports Festival was pretty clever. Has there been positive feedback about the event?

Yeah, coming from a popular show like Downtown, Mameshiba probably attracted fans they normally wouldn't have. Once the initial interest died down, only the most loyal fans stayed around. That kind of overnight success is hard to maintain. I remember when fans thought they'd get invited to Kohaku in their rookie year. That's really setting yourself up for disappointment. I don't ask for too much. As long as they're releasing good music, putting out fun content, and finding new ways to torment Kuro-chan, I'll continue to be a fan :LovePar:
about the Tokyo Dome, they got a lot of good PR from the news of it but the event itself didn't got much attention

i recall from the stream that there were fans in the stadium, a few hundreds maybe? but they didn't got to interact with the group

the biggest news of the event was:
Aika winning and getting the 1 Million yen prize! (apparently sponsored by Marlboro :doge:)

and Kaede being last so she had to jump from a bungee site as punishment (also almost dying trying)


no one was expecting Restart to be such a massive success so it clouded people's expectations, for my part i wasn't too excited at the time since i was still on the fence about them, ironically i started to really like them because of Rocketstart/Daijoubu Sunrise which was around the time people started to bail out

in my opinion, at the end of the day they are alt idols and they should be viewed as such, the fact is that Mameshiba first year has been by far the best from any of the Wack groups (and maybe even of any Alt idol group in general)

I'm a bit confused. Did 4 WAgg members graduate and join PARADISES? I saw a video from some kind of ceremony and I think they released an MV for each individual member.
is a little confusing since initially appeared that it was going to be just a simple audition but is shaping to be something much bigger, i have seen some people comparing this to the BiS league (maybe this was what Watanabe originally have in mind?)

so in October it was announced that PARADISES was accepting new members and that all of Wagg could apply (except Nayu who is on Hiatus for health reasons)

in October 31 Paradises and Wagg did a live stream together

then they unveiled the new look of the group along information of the audition


a few days later they released 5 different versions of the MV of "PLEASE LISTEN TO MY", each featuring a different Wagg member

The 14 they held the first part of the audition, and Storywriter did a lengthy review of the event

now the Wagg members along the PARADISES members formed 4 teams and are going to attend a training camp together

on December they are going to hold a showcase


is not clear how many members are going to join PARADISES but regardless of the results i think that after this WAgg is probably going to become a proper group instead of just a place to hold on trainees, i'm also curious of how this is going to be affect the future of the ex CARRY LOOSE members, maybe a new group could be even born

Stan BiSH

Global Star Early Supporters
Jun 20, 2019
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Me: Mom can we have Kimetsu No Yaiba?

Mom: no we already have Kimetsu No Yaiba at home

Kimetsu No Yaiba at home:

i recommend jumping to min 10:25, why? because Hanae almost accidentally murders a cameraman with a sword :sweat:
can you imaging your cause of death being that an Idol in cosplay accidentally slashed you with a magical flaming sword? :doge:

anyways, the challenge was that the Mameshiba members wanted to recreate a scene from the new Kimetsu No Yaiba movie, so they experimented with different chemicals and then when to test them (also lab coats)


more information about MAMEJOR!

interesting that they are going to release a kids version of the album too (they already did it with AAA)
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