ARTICLES Interview: One year after the start of the new lineup, resuming the attack on a new tour after overcoming adversity


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Aug 6, 2019
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でんぱ組.incインタビュー|新体制スタートから1年、逆境乗り越え全国ツアーで攻撃再開 Interview: One year after the start of the new lineup, resuming the attack on a new tour after overcoming adversity​

2022.03.17's new single, "Doki+Waku=Parade!" has just been released. The title song was composed and arranged by Asakura Daisuke, with Maeyamada Ken'ichi providing the lyrics. The sound is fantastical, just like something out of a theme park parade, with a straightforward message of, "The great dream you want to come true."

One year ago, 5 new members joined all at once, which marked a significant turning point for the group. In that time, the members have been forced to confront themselves to keep growing and establish the new Ongaku Natalie interviewed these 8 members, not including Furukawa Mirin or Nemoto Nagi, about the changes the group has undergone, what it's like performing with the current 8, and other such topics.

Interview, text: Oyama Takuya
Translation: Lurkette

Do idols have to have dreams?​

──"Doki+Waku=Parade!" is an upbeat song with the theme of dreams. It's rare for to have a song this straightforward.

Fujisaki Ayane: I also thought that when I first head it. I was surprised by how upfront such a strong word like "dream" is used in it.

Aikawa Kozue: In the opening dialogue, it calls out to people, "We've forgotten to ask, as much as we can/But we want you to tell us your dreams," which is new. The melody is also pretty relaxed, and to me it feels like a culmination of what we did in "Koukan Daybook♡" and "Hatsutaiken" (both digital exclusives).

Amasawa Rito: I wondered if it was really okay for me to sing it when I first heard it... I don't really have any dreams of my own, and I thought that dreams were a big, majestic sort of thing. But when I was talking to Yumiko (director of choreography) about it, I started to think that maybe the expression "dream" just means the next step you want to take while you're standing still. It can be something as simple as leaving the house to buy juice, what matters is that you change through action. I understand now that having a dream is moving, which saves you.

Kobato Ria: I didn't have a very positive impression of the word, either. I think it's wonderful to have big dreams, but by the same token, that means you have a long, difficult road ahead to get to them. But I guess having dreams is also what has kept us going.

──Your dreams kept you afloat, you mean?

Kobato: It's been 6 years since I moved to Tokyo, but it's always been my dream to have a big triumphant homecoming concert in Fukuoka. My dream will be coming true since the upcoming tour will have a Fukuoka stop, but that also makes me worried that I won't have anything to guide me going forward. When I heard this song, though, I started to realize that big dreams are wonderful, but it's also good to have little dreams every day that help you get through to the next day.

Fujisaki: Right, it's not something you need to work yourself up over. These days things are particularly nerve-wracking with the pandemic, they definitely are for me so I get it, but I feel like there are a lot of people who are afraid of having dreams because they don't want to fail. That's why I think it's okay to lower the bar more.

──Some people might say that idols make a profession out of sharing their dreams. What do you think of that perspective?

Aizawa Risa: I think the word dream has naturally been something we use a lot, and the fans come along with us because we hang up that banner of what our dreams are. But because the fans are wrapped up in our dreams, we feel like we have to make them come true, that we have to have a dream that benefits everyone. That's something I suddenly realized while listening to this cheerful, sunny song. That we might be tied up this word personally because idols have to have dreams. Hyadain always writes just the right lyrics at just the right time for us.


Aizawa Risa

Rousing Akihabara through dempa songs​

──The two coupling songs are in contrast to the title. Both are good old-fashioned dempa songs.

Takasaki Hina: I like them a lot (laughs).

Sorano Aozora: They carry a lot of meaning for us right now.

Fujisaki: I've been going to cosplay conventions since I was a year old, and hearing this kind of song riles up the Akihabara in me. It's amazing, it's like seeing my life flash before my eyes, all the embarrassment and happiness and angst from those days.


Fujisaki Ayane

──The lyrics for "Dempa Savior☆" even incorporate dempa words like "yunyun" [the sound of one receiving dempa (radio waves)].

Sorano: I didn't know that one, so I looked it up and learned more about the rich history of Akihabara. The other song, "MIKATA sezu ni wa irarenai!" is super fast so I'm really worried about singing it live.

Aikawa: I got a lot of really fast parts in that song, so I'll give it my best to do them at shows. I'm glad that the current gets to sing such classic-sounding dempa songs, though.

Is "Hakoniwa no okite" a more upbeat "W.W.D"?​

──On the same day the new single was released, the footage of your concert in November of last year, "Hakoniwa no okite," also came out.

Aikawa: I'm so happy that the fans created such a wonderful sight for us. I always wanted to be in Hello!Project, so to stand at Nakano Sun Plaza with so many fans stretching all the way to the back, I'm going to treasure that memory.


Aikawa Kozue

──That was a challenging day, as it was the first time you showed us the new lineup.

Kaname Rin: There were a lot of highlights for me, personally. I got to do the Perorin version of "Kirakira Tune," and the dance was tailored to that story, which I feel showed people my character and position in the group. Up until now, I've felt like there was something weird about me and I couldn't make it seem normal, but I felt understood with this performance because all the members supported me, saying they'd follow wherever I went with it.

──There were lots of noteworthy moments where we got performances that were different from usual, like the 6-member "NEO JAPONISM" and the duet of "Machibouke Ginga Station" between Rito and Riapi.

Amasawa: I think what we do is closer to theater than a regular idol show. We have consistent direction, and in that is I guess casting? We decided what songs would sound best with which people, which I feel makes the songs even better. Like, I found new life in Aonyan's solo version of "Ensemble wa te no hira ni."

Kaname: We were each the heroines of different worlds. I think we really pushed that to the limit with this concert.

Sorano: I personally had a really hard time singing "Ensemble wa te no hira ni." I've been an idol for a long time, but I'm actually really bad at letting my own emotions into my performances, so everyone was watching over me in rehearsals while I cried my eyes out (laughs). So that's the song that I accomplished after a lot of internal struggle.


Sorano Aozora

Aizawa: I myself think that the reason there were so many solos and pairings was so that every member of the group could feel like they had some personal responsibility for I wonder if that was what Yumiko had in mind all along, so my personal interpretation is that "Hakoniwa no okite" is actually a more cheerful version of "W.W.D" (laughs). I sang a solo of "Aki no ha no harappa de," but that was a song that I had said before was one I would want to sing at my graduation. So to sing that song there, it was like a chill went through the audience, it was like Yumiko was trying to tell me I couldn't just graduate that easily. That's what I was thinking during the concert.

The point of development for the 5 new members​

──It's already been a year since the 5 new members joined the group last February. How do you all feel, looking back?

Takasaki: I feel like it hasn't been any time at all, but when I look back at the last year like it were a slideshow, I realize just how long and intense it's been.

Aizawa: It seemed like more happened than you could fit in a year (laughs).

──What do you all feel marked the most growth for you as individuals?

Sorano: This year, I felt like I had to be more open about my feelings. I thought that idols never showed when they were tired or having a hard time, and in a way that's still true, but I realized that if I want people to love me as a person, I have to show more of myself. If I have a lot of trauma, I need to let people know. If I don't, the feelings won't change. The last year helped me realize that I don't want to just be a product of the times, I have to think about what kind of idol I want to be in the future.

──Meaning, you've gotten more okay with showing people your weaknesses?

Sorano: Right. Everyone supports me now, so I guess I've realized that I'm in an environment where I'm able to do that. People encourage me, so I feel like my way of thinking about myself has changed a little.

Amasawa: My way of thinking has changed, too. When I first joined, I felt really strongly that I had to be a certain way, like I didn't want to wear skirts or do cute choreography, lots of things like that. At first I felt like the people around me were fine to let me do what I wanted, but the more time we spent together, the more they would offer me advice on trying new things, and the more I would accept trying those things. For example, I was really afraid of speaking on stage at first so I'd always keep things short, but when I decided to really try speaking in my own words, I felt surprisingly okay about it. I feel like I've gotten a bit more flexible.


Amasawa Rito

Takasaki: What I felt when I first joined was that things were completely different from the I watched before, in a good way. It wasn't just about singing and dancing; it's something made by talking to each other a lot about a show and getting advice from everyone. I didn't know that every piece of choreography had a meaning behind it, so I spent a lot of times thinking about how I could best show myself to people. I was most surprised at how often I had to confront myself

Kobato: I've always been bad with getting in too deep with people, and my personality tends to shut out the things I'm bad about, and that is fatal when it comes to doing this job (laughs). But lately I've finally gotten better at trying the things I'm not good at, thanks to everyone around me.

Aikawa: If I say so myself, I worked really hard this year, but you know, I really did (laughs). For most of my idol career, I've taken the position of the oldest member, the older sister, but I've had to give it my all to keep up with everyone since joining I faced some of my own weaknesses for the first time this year, because I would compare myself to my incredible seniors and get down on myself or feel like I was inferior to everyone else. To be honest, I could still be a little stronger in overcoming those obstacles, but I really am grateful to be able to work together with this group of people.

Thoughts on Nemo's graduation​

──It's been a very full year, from what you all have said, but it hasn't always been smooth sailing. Your tour was interrupted, and Nemoto Nagi, who took a leave of absence for her health, announced that she was graduating at the end of April. I imagine you all have a lot of thoughts about her graduation, so I'd like to hear some of them.

Aizawa: Since Nemo's absence, we've avoided addressing it or talking about it publicly so that we don't burden her with any more, so I had been worried about the announcement of the tour starting in March, like, is this right? We had a fan club-only show on February 11 and we each talked at length about our feelings for Nemo. She tweeted, "Thank you," the next day.

──That concert wasn't streamed, but she still got the message.

Aizawa: That was when I realized that we had finally come together, or rather that Nemo and had never really parted, so then I could think ahead about tours and release events.

Fujisaki: I had some feelings I wanted to express to Nemo and the fans, but I feel like it would come across differently putting it on social media. At that fan club show, I was able to say what I've been struggling to put into words. We're going to look ahead to the future, and Nemo is taking a step in a new direction, so it's all okay. That's what I want to say now, coming from the bottom of my heart.

──Perorin was the closest to Nemo, spending much of your time together, so how do you feel now?

Kaname: To be honest, when her graduation was announced, I couldn't feel happy about it, like, "Oh, you have a new dream, congrats." Even now, I've had some gloomy feelings; we had always supported each other up until now so I feel kind of discouraged.


Kaname Rin

──It's hard to accept the changes when you had such a deep bond.

Kaname: Our relationship isn't one you can just break up like that. My true feelings haven't always so pretty, not always, "I love Nemo! Good luck!" Lately, though, my heart has started to settle, and it still might take some time, but now I want to do my best for both me and Nemo.

──There's also the practical issue of dividing up Nemo's singing parts among everyone, which is a big task.

Aizawa: That's true. Nemo packed a punch with every line she got.

Kobato: At first, I tried hard to sing the parts I had inherited like Nemo did, with lots of power and sensitivity, but lately I've realized that it's better to sing in my own way, interpreting the lines for myself while holding dear what Nemo left us with, rather than chasing after her shadow.


Kobato Ria

We will protect ourselves​

──With Nemoto Nagi still on sick leave and Furukawa Mirin on maternity leave, you're going to keep operating as 8 for the time being. It's not the complete lineup, but how do you all feel standing on stage now?

Sorano: Maybe kind of desperate? We feel like we have to protect with the members we have now. I feel like we have solidarity in that as 8.

Aikawa: This last year hasn't gone perfectly, but I feel like we should be able to perform this way because we are the of the present day that has gone through all of that. I want to work hard moving in that direction.

Takasaki: has 10 members, but there are lots of other people involved. I think the 8 of us here are the ones in charge of communicating on stage the support and expectations of those people. I don't think that feeling will change whether it's 8 of us or 10 of us.


Takasaki Hina

──You don't carry just the spirits of Nemo and Mirin.

Fujisaki: Ugh, I'm getting so emotional over this subject (laughs). I'm happy that they said that they will protect themselves and will express that to people, rather than holding back and waiting for the seniors to take over. My eyes are actually watering now.

Aizawa: They're all such good kids. Yumiko said this before, but the newer members have become more proactive in saying that also belongs to them, and that's why it doesn't feel out of place for the current members to sing old songs.

──This year has been one of a lot of change and growth.

Aizawa: It has changed more than you'd think a group that's been going for a decade could change. Before these 5 joined, we actually didn't have any real meetings, we didn't take the time to talk about our feelings to each other, nothing like that. Back then, we did so many shows that we were always together so I guess we naturally came to understand one another. Now, even when we don't have much time, we still try to talk a lot.

Fujisaki: Yeah, it's because we can't do very many shows now that we focus on having discussions about each performance and try to squeeze as much emotion into the concerts that we can.

──I think before, was a group whose driving force was a desire for improvement, that hungry "don't make fun of us" spirit, but do you think that has gone the way of the past?

Fujisaki: Oh no, we absolutely still have that (laughs). It's just our direction that might have changed. When I joined in the 6 member era, everyone kind of felt like rivals. Now, the ones we compete with aren't just the other members, but something else, too, like the fear of change, maybe. I think what we've built together now is the best it's ever been, but there will still be people who say things like, "This isn't like," or, "They've changed," and that's become my driving force now.

"DEMPARK" is the end of the line where we've broken down and grown tired of walking​

──So then, your first national tour in almost 3 years is about to start.

Aizawa: It's really our 3rd straightforward tour. Our second was interrupted so I'm really happy about this.

Takasaki: This is the first time that Aonyan and Rito and I have ever gone on tour. Leaving Tokyo is like, "Huh? Do we all sleep over together?" (laughs) I'm looking forward to eating delicious regional food and seeing beautiful sights, it feels like a field trip, I'm starting to get excited.

──What will the concerts be like?

Takasaki: I think it'll be amazing. Seeing it as a fan, myself, I went, "Woah! Wow!" (laughs) I can't put into words how surprising and joyful it will be.

Kaname: We have a lot of cheerful songs now with the new lineup that have a strong sense of self-esteem in them, not just "Doki+Waku=Parade!" but also "Koukan Daybook♡" and "Hatsutaiken." There might be people who don't think that that's what does, but then why are we singing them? You might be able to find out on the tour.

──The solo and unit sections of your recent concerts have stood out, but are you going in a different direction for the tour?

Amasawa: I think your expectations will be surprisingly betrayed.

Fujisaki: That's a good comment (laughs). The setlist is incredible, though.

Sorano: It's incredible but it also takes a lot out of me. But there are 5 dates so now I'm starting to get the shivers. Oh, is this what they mean by trembling with excitement?! (laughs)

Aikawa: It's a hard-hitting setlist so I need to get in better shape before we set out. I think the fans have high expectations so I want to exceed them!

──Speaking of the setlist, there are tons of songs that you haven't performed in the last year that many would say are exemplar songs for the group and live staples. Will we get to hear those songs from you soon?

Fujisaki: Hehehe (laughs).

Aizawa: Well, I'll guess you'll have to be surprised (laughs).

──You all got very bold smiles just now.

Aizawa: We're confident. I'm not trembling with excitement like Aonyan, but there is a certain power that emerges with this lineup.

Sorano: It's like a kind of time travel, where both the new people and the senior members can enjoy themselves

──It seems like you might be performing some unexpectedly old songs?

Fujisaki: It's definitely very something (laughs). It's a setlist of 200% attack. I mean, the tour title is, "You guys are goin' to DEMPARK, right? Hop in!" Meaning we'll take you for a ride that you can't get off of (laughs).

Aizawa: I feel like, the new has had a lot of troubles and worries over the last year, and while people started splintering off we thought a lot about things, and when we got tired of walking, the end result was "DEMPARK." The visual on the tour poster is the group walking in the desert, and that is absolutely how this last year has felt, at times. I think this tour will show people the direction we as a group want to go in, so I really, really hope people come see it.
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