SENSITIVE CONTENT HYBE vs Ador Drama Updates as of 8/13


Taemin’s Wife Blog
Dec 10, 2023
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Hello Everyone!

I am back with another update on all of the recent Hybe and Ador drama.

You can now read a roundup of July's Hybe vs Ador drama on the Hallyu+ Blog!

I have finally made my Hallyu+ blogger debut, please anticipate more blogs in the future

I would like to right away give a warning that this update touches upon a lot of sensitive topics such as adult content and sexual harassment. If these topics make you uncomfortable please take caution.

Let's get started

Bang PD seen with controversial Broadcast Junkies

Bang PD (aka Bang Si Hyuk) was recently seen in LA with two Korean AfreecaTV broadcast junkies.

While not all broadcast junkies do adult content, the majority of them seem to do so, which made this photo of him in LA very scandalous.

The photo was very quick to be taken down online on various sites by Hybe who claimed it was an invasion of Bang PD's privacy. This act caused a lot of negative uproar with Korean (and oversea) netizens.

One of the girls he was with was identified as Juice Seyeon, who got well known by appearing in a netflix show called "The Influencer".

Juice Seyeon makes a lot of adult videos online and the themes of her videos makes her pretty problematic. Under the paid videos on her youtube channel she makes a lot of sexy videos cosplaying as middle and high schoolers which has caused a major uproar.

There also seem to be rumors that in the past she may have gotten in trouble for school violence, though the source I will be linking does not elaborate on it at all.

Hybe released this statement about their meeting together:​
"While meeting with acquaintances, he ran into the older of the two and gave her advice on how to handle entertainment imposters.
Afterwards, they came to LA together and asked about tourist attractions and restaurants, so he guided them and made reservations."


Juice Seyeon later held her own livestream to explain their meeting:
- She first claimed her older sister (I am unsure if she was the second girl in the photo) has connections to Bang PD. In the past when someone tried messaging her (in an attempt to scam her) claiming to be from Hybe and her sister reached out to Bang PD for her to confirm if it was a scam or not. The scammer later went to prison.
- To go off of Hybe's statement, she claims that her and her sister wanted to eat at a restaurant in LA but they couldn't get reservations. Bang PD was able to get the reservations for them and in the end went ahead and dined with them as well.

Jucie Seyeon also said on her Afreeca TV channel that she will be taking legal action against malicious comments as well.

Korean Netizens don't seem to believe either party's story, and are also very disgusted with Band PD right now due to the fact that he's in his 50's and the girls are in their 20's, and due to the nature of the videos Juice Seyeon makes (assuming he is consuming her content).

source for juice seyeon's statements

Min Hee-Jin covers up Ador VP

I briefly talked about this in the comments of a previous Hybe vs Ador update but I was hesitant to make a post talking about it because at the time there was not a lot of media coverage talking about it and it's a sensitive topic.

Since then, a lot more media coverage talking about this has been brought up so I feel like it's safe to talk about now.

In the previous update, MHJ was seen going on a rant hating on "feminists" to another Ador employee.

It was later revealed that the context of these hateful messages was MHJ trash-talking an employee of hers who reported being sexually harassed by a male Ador executive back in March. The text message conversation that was released was between MHJ and the executive who was accused of sexual harassment. MHJ was calling the female employee a crazy mentally ill feminst B**** for reporting her harassment

I would like mention on a side note: in the original articles I read they claimed the employee was a victim of SA. Newer articles are now using the term "Sexual Harassment". Ador didn't exactly release a clear explanation of the situation, first they said the employee was lied about it to retaliate against MHJ giving them a bad employee report (this was the story MHJ was originally pitching to Hybe about the case), but when more text messages came out they later stated the male Ador executive was only bullying the employee.

According to articles it appears that in end MHJ forced the employee to quit (I am unsure if the employee quit themselves, or if they were fired/forced to), the male executive got off free, and MHJ threatened to sue the female employee if she tries taking the executive to court.

In recent news, the male Ador executive has recently been identified as the VP of Ador who was helping MHJ plan her coup of Hybe.

The source article also says when Hybe was made aware of the sexual harassment case and they instructed MHJ to give him a stern warning measure (??I wasn't exactly sure of the exact translation of this) and MHJ responded by insisting the VP was not guilty and went on to insult the victim even more.

The source article also included this quote which I believe was from the victim explaining how MHJ handled the situation:​
"When I protested to Hybe's HR team, CEO Min Hee-jin tried hard to gather all kinds of evidence to frame it as if I had filed a retaliatory report because I was not doing my job. CEO Min Hee-jin trampled on and insulted me with all kinds of curses and verbal abuse. She encouraged me to hire a lawyer to sue the perpetrator, Executive A, for false accusation, and used her position to do everything she could to have my report invalidated"​

It is speculated by netizens that MHJ was trying everything in her power not to get the VP fired because she needed him for the coup.

Source of the person being the VP
Original text message source which briefly talks about the original sexual harassment case.

I feel like today's update really pushes the reminder that there truly is no "right" side to this situation. Both sides are equally terrible.

The best we can do is hope the artists themselves are staying safe. :sweat:


chemical blue ocean Donor
Nov 19, 2023
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This is the scandal that keeps on giving. Everyone sucks and they're just hurling PR bombs at each other while we watch the carnage. I do feel very sorry for that employee if she was harassed though and I hope she seeks legal justice. A very powerful entertainment company might be willing to set her up with a good lawyer and pay the fees.


Taemin’s Wife Blog
Dec 10, 2023
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This is the scandal that keeps on giving. Everyone sucks and they're just hurling PR bombs at each other while we watch the carnage. I do feel very sorry for that employee if she was harassed though and I hope she seeks legal justice. A very powerful entertainment company might be willing to set her up with a good lawyer and pay the fees.
I know MHJ threatened to sue her if she tried to sue, but if whatever he did was so bad hybe wanted him fired/mhj thought he would be fired I’m sure there must be some standing for a legal case cause company VP’s don’t just get fired very easily.


chemical blue ocean Donor
Nov 19, 2023
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I know MHJ threatened to sue her if she tried to sue, but if whatever he did was so bad hybe wanted him fired/mhj thought he would be fired I’m sure there must be some standing for a legal case cause company VP’s don’t just get fired very easily.
Hybe should really encourage her to sue and offer her legal assistance. Especially if it's an employee of their own subsidiary. If it turns out true it'd be great pr for them anyway.
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