Is anyone on a natural hormone balancer or know of a natural way to balance hormones? (Tmi lady stuff inside)

Grape Soda

SKZ Simp 🍇🍇🍇 Early Supporters
Jun 26, 2019
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I have been on several type of birth control pill since i was 19 because im estrogen dominate and that causes me to have very heavy cycles to the point of blood transfusions and missing school or work. Doctors have given me no options besides birth control but i feel like its further putting my hormones out of wack and ive been severely depressed since starting this new one.
I dont have fibroids or cyst and blood work has ruled out tyroid issues. So its just the hormones being out of wack.


Cap'n Gemmi Early Supporters
Jun 19, 2019
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Psst me too...

I'm on pills since age 15, my periods are super irregular and so so painful, heavy bleeding as well... Pills helped with making it regular, but not with the pain. Over time, the pain got worse and so did the bleeding (not very long, just a whole bloodbath my pads couldn't handle). Doctors refuse to check me further.
My latest period I had bad migraines, even threw up. Then I was adviced to no longer do stop-weeks. It's not even necessary to get periods while on pills because those periods are fake (no ovulation happens) it's just to remind sexually active women they aren't pregnant.
I've gone nearly 5 months without getting my period now, I also feel a lot less moody which is great.
Still... There's always a chance your body no longer accepts your method and you get a surprise period, but other women are lucky and this never happens. And you're still stuffing yourself with hormones of course. I'm a lesbian (and only into cis women) and not sexually active, so don't need them as literal birth control.
I feel a lot of shame whenever I have to order pills or casually mention that I use them. People have questioned my sexuality over this and then I gotta explain it all, then convince them I really don't like penis (even to some doctors) it's degrading...

You could try my method, not sure if it will work for you, not even sure if it will work for me in the longterm.
The only other option would be removing your ovaries and/or womb but no way they'll allow that if you're young because "MaYbE YoU WaNt KiDs SoMeDaY" (never, but whatever let me suffer uglies)
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