[Signed with Love - Writing] Thanks for everything - Sori


Pretty 💜 Psycho Early Supporters Donor
Jun 15, 2019
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Dear Sori
When trying to decide who deserved my appreciation, nobody else came close to my nugu noona. I'm not very good at this writing stuff, but i'll try my best to put you a short letter together.
Many of the people reading this may not even know who you are, and sadly, with good reason. You never had that big hit, that viral video never really happened. But, through everything, you remained positive, constantly striving to not only succeed, but better yourself. Throughout countless set backs you've kept a grin on your face and a cheerful outlook. You are truly an inspiration, and have altered the way i reflect on my own life. We should look at what we have accomplished, not what we haven't. Focus on the victories, not the defeats.
Something i have always respected about you, is how realistic you are. You're a tiny idol, from a tiny company, but you embrace it. You celebrate every view your videos get, cherish every fan, and give 110% to every opportunity that comes your way. Your passion and work ethic has always been admirable.
However, just recently your attitude has changed, and you've begun to question the direction your life is heading. Talk of your next comeback potentially being your last, is heartbreaking. But, sad as it is, it's hard to disagree with your feelings, because you're right, your music career isn't really progressing. Perhaps this is just a temporary break in your typically rock solid determination, or perhaps stepping away from music is a decision you've already made. Either way, you've had a wild ride, and always did the best you possibly could, so you're a success in my eyes.
To stop me rambling on any longer, in conclusion, thank you for everything, and i hope you will always continue to chase your dreams. You'll always have mine and other fans support, Sori fighting!
Lots of love, your forever devoted Sweetnote, Seri



ayK Early Supporters
Jun 15, 2019
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Musketeers Club
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wow I just saw that seri!!
it is so beautiful
i'm sure sori would love it as well~
fighting to her and good luck to you <3
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