LYRICS [Tanya Chua] 蔡健雅 - 舞步 | Dance steps


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Jun 18, 2019
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Tanya Chua (蔡健雅) - 舞步 | Dance steps

李若君 (Li Ruojun), 蔡健雅 (Tanya Chua)
Composition: 蔡健雅 (Tanya Chua)

Translated by @renn @

旅途之中有却步 言语背后有意图
我们乍看在共处 其实到处起冲突
争论对错的速度 大于心跳的起伏
最后只剩下皮肤 还保有感触

lǚ tú zhī zhōng yǒu què bù / yán yǔ bèi hòu yǒu yì tú
wǒ men zhà kàn zài gòng chǔ / qí shí dào chù qǐ chōng tú
zhēng lùn duì cuò de sù dù / dà yú xīn tiào de qǐ fú
zuì hòu zhǐ shèng xià pí fū / hái bǎo yǒu gǎn chù

There are backward steps in the journey. There are intentions behind the spoken words.
At first glance, we appear to be getting along, but actually conflicts arise everywhere.
The speed with which [we] argue over right and wrong is greater than the ups and downs in [the rate of our] heartbeats.
In the end, only [our] skin retains [any] sensation[1].

你若是向前 我退一步
一个眼神 就能解读
我怀念那时 和谐双人舞

nǐ ruò shì xiàng qián / wǒ tuì yī bù
yī gè yǎn shén / jiù néng jiě dú
wǒ huái niàn nà shí / hé xié shuāng rén wǔ

If you were to advance, I would back away a step.
[It took] just one meaningful glance for [the other person] to decipher [the intention].
I miss the harmonious two-person dance of back then.

现在你转身 我不投入
这一首歌 无法同步

xiàn zài nǐ zhuǎn shēn / wǒ bù tóu rù
zhè yī shǒu gē / wú fǎ tóng bù
shéi gāi zhǔ dòng rèn shū

Now you've turned around; I'm not invested in [the dance].
There is no way [for us] to keep step with [one another] for this song.
Who should take the initiative to admit defeat?

Know that my heart is beating
But I know that my heart is bleeding
Know that my heart is beating
Know that my heart heart heart is bleeding

视线错开的角度 缺乏灵魂的温度
一蹶不振的周五 还不算穷途末路
如果终究要落幕 何必随着爱起舞
当初就让它当初 不该再回顾

shì xiàn cuò kāi de jiǎo dù / quē fá líng hún de wēn dù
yījuébùzhèn de zhōu wǔ hái bù suàn qióngtúmò lù
rúguǒ zhōngjiù yào luòmù hébì suízhe ài qǐ wǔ
dāngchū jiù ràng tā dāngchū bù gāi zài huí gù

The angle by which [our] lines of sight misalign lacks the [warm] temperature of the soul.
The Friday on which [we] fell into shambles after one setback still doesn't quite count as a dead end.
If the curtains will eventually fall, why follow [the feeling of] love and start dancing?
Let [what had happened] "originally" just be [something that had happened] "originally"; [we] should not look back [at the past] anymore.

你若是向前 我退一步
一个眼神 就能解读
而默契再好 也是要结束

nǐ ruò shì xiàng qián / wǒ tuì yī bù
yī gè yǎn shén / jiù néng jiě dú
ér mò qì zài hǎo / yě shì yào jié shù

If you were to advance, I would back away a step.
[It took] just one meaningful glance for [the other person] to decipher [the intention].
But no matter how deeply [we] were connected without the need for words, [things] were bound to come to an end.

现在你转身 我不投入
这一首歌 无法同步

xiàn zài nǐ zhuǎn shēn / wǒ bù tóu rù
zhè yī shǒu gē / wú fǎ tóng bù
wǒ gāi zhǔ dòng rèn shū

Now you've turned around; I'm not invested in [the dance].
There is no way [for us] to keep step with [one another] for this song.
I should take the initiative to admit defeat.

Repeat #

Is beating
But I know that my heart is bleeding
Know that my heart is beating
Know that my heart heart heart is bleeding

试着好好走路 停止总想与人共舞
到最后一塌糊涂 又一塌糊涂
总是给人祝福 何时轮到我被祝福
快点结束这一出 在演哪一出

shì zhe hǎo hǎo zǒu lù / tíng zhǐ zǒng xiǎng yǔ rén gòng wǔ
dào zuì hòu yī tā hú tú / yòu yī tā hú tú
zǒng shì jǐ rén zhù fú / hé shí lún dào wǒ bèi zhù fú
kuài diǎn jiéshù zhè yī chū zài yǎn nǎ yī chū

[I'm] trying to walk properly and refrain from always trying to dance with others.
In the end, [that just creates] one total mess after another.
[I'm] always wishing others well; when will it be my turn to receive well wishes?
Let this dramatic piece end quickly. Which dramatic piece is being acted out?

Repeat #

Repeat ##


感触: Technically, this is not about tactile sensation but rather feelings that arise due to some external matter, i.e. emotional stirrings.
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