
  1. Stan BiSH

    PERF-J Babysitter - Tsubureta Mikan / Calendar [BomberE Live]


    PV 潰れたみかん / BabySitter

  3. Stan BiSH

    BabySitter / バンド - Senko Hanabi / 線香花火 [Official Video]

    previous mvs hallyu+ thread mini album 42℃ out in august
  4. Stan BiSH

    Babysitter / ベビシ [Official Thread] Babysitter announces disbanding :( (band posted a 2024 update)

    Babysitter / ベビシ - The band was formed on October of 2015. - They started as a cover band of SCANDAL - They are based on Nagoya. - They write both their music and lyrics. Among new girl bands people compare girlfriend to Scandal so i guess you could do the same with Babysitter and Silent...
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