
  1. Danee

    Would you guess this girl is kickboxer?

    She can lend 38 punches in 30 seconds. :doge: Dont mess with cute girls. :fab: Maybe she should go kick all those people who say queen Lina is fat. :sip: Because queen Lina is just too beautiful for those peasants. :tears:
  2. Danee

    APPRECIATION Dalyn of rookie gg ANS shared a bit of her dance cover of Nonstop (Oh My Girl)

    Slide to the next photo to see Please support ANS who showed great potential and versatility. Please support Oh My Girl who just got the deserved hit song and attention (people should have gave it to them since the debut tbh).
  3. Danee

    CONCEPT Lina and Dalyn of rookie gg ANS looking stunning in new photo teasers

    Prepare to say their name once they come back later this month.
  4. Danee

    Sixth member Raon completes ANS line up

    They look great together tbh. Stream Wonderland - their predebut single
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