
  1. Vampire

    last day of pre. voting for some of the exo members!

    it's the last day of preliminary voting for xiumin, suho, lay, baekhyun, and chen everyone is welcome to vote if they haven't done so already! <3 https://hallyuplus.net/threads/the-official-exo-awards-voting-thread-status-preliminary-voting-for-xiumin-suho-lay-baekhyun-and-chen.847/post-269327
  2. Vampire

    vote for exo's group badge!

    exo's group badge is in its final round of voting and there's roughly 30 minutes left to vote if you haven't already! <3 https://hallyuplus.net/threads/the-official-exo-awards-voting-thread-group-badge-final-open-for-submissions-for-12-badges.847/
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