
  1. f(x)

    Girl group Instagram got hacked and they forced to take a break on the entertainment industry

    here the group: notice: the hacked profile:
  2. camille

    C9 opened SNS for potential new girlgroup

    C9 is apparently looking to debut a new girlgroup C9 is the agency of CIX (with Wanna One's Bae Jinyoung) and Good Day. As a reminder, Good Day debuted 2 years ago and still didn't have a comeback even though 6 of them went to The Unit.
  3. -purelovefx-

    Kpop Girlgroup

    from minute 1:43 comeback spoiler talking about the kissing scene I'm very excited What do you think?
  4. Taesthetic

    Why is this girlgroup not raising in popularity despite releasing top-tier songs?

    I'm talking about April, they have very good title tracks and they're very talented and pretty. It doesn't make sense... Their songs are so unique and catchy :sejeongcry: STAN APRIL
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