hunger games

  1. ARandomFan

    NCT Hunger Games (done lol)

    So. What's better than 23 guys? Making 23 guys fight to the death. Obviously. So I'm gonna do just that. Welcome to the NCT Hunger Games! This game will be hosted in the NCT gif spammers Thread. Start time is tomorrow at whatever time I awaken:squirtlechristmas: If you wanna "participate" you...
  2. ARandomFan

    Who wants to be in the 2020 Camplus Hunger Games!

    There are 4 spots left and we start in 30 minutes! Sign up HERE while you still can!!!
  3. ARandomFan

    {DONE}[CAMPLUS] Hunger Games - August 28th @ 12:00 pm CDT

    HOW TO PLAY Just sign up and give the name of your bias. Then when the times comes I'll put all the names into a Hunger Games simulator! (You don't HAVE to be here when the game starts, but It's definitely more fun to see everyone reactions to what has happened lol.) RULES Be nice and follow...
  4. MVSica


    Come to the STEM thread and play hunger games for our 100th page anniversary!!!!! :LovePar: :bakacat::CupPar: It'll be fun I swear!!:TipPar:
  5. BlessMeAchoo

    Hunger Games @ House Targaryen thread

    ALL SPACES ARE NOW TAKEN I'll be hosting a Hunger Games in the House Targaryen thread once I have enough people. Let me know if you want to join and give me 2 names to enter~
  6. BlessMeAchoo

    [Sign up CLOSED] NCT Hunger Games | 21st September 7:30pm BST

  7. BlessMeAchoo

    Coming very soon...

    I have now finished preparations for the NCT Hunger games! The game will be hosted on 21st September in the Frostbite Cult. I will release a thread with full details very soon. Who are the special guests you ask? Looks like they've just arrived! Let's take a look:
  8. BlessMeAchoo

    Coming soon...

    I know I made a typo I cba to fix it now lol Just to clarify, this isn't an official forum event, it's just a game that I'll be hosting. More details will come soon, so anticipate :fab:
  9. BlessMeAchoo

    Hunger games @ House Targaryen thread

    I'll be hosting a Hunger games in the house Targaryen thread at xx:30 - xx:45 if I get enough players, come join! :shablob: I know that Throne wars is over, but I'll still be hosting games over in...
  10. BlessMeAchoo

    Hunger games @ Frostbite Cult, come join!

    I'll be hosting a hunger games in the Frostbite Cult at around xx:30 - xx:45 (if I can get enough players), come join us! If you want to play just give me the name of an idol and I'll add you into the game
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