
  1. Mimi

    Glider Emojis

    Hello everyone It is I :peepopbirthday: Your fave mascot Long time no see I hope you are all doing well Well...let me get quickly to the main dish :peepopbirthday: The rat camp has made some glider emojis I dont know why they didn't make rat ones so don't ask me :peepopbirthday: So I heard that...
  2. MVSica

    I know right? Who wants to rate all their friends? @muskytears

    At STEM, we would never pit you against your best friends! (You could live in the future too! Join STEM today!) Instead we talk about big brain things! Like Why WJSN are the best gg in the Cosmos, and stuff... anyways bye! :love: :poggers: :poggers::love::TzuyuKek...
  3. Saint Ren

    Musketeers Club - 2025

    Welcome To The Musketeers Club 2020 2018-2020 Who are the Musketeers: We're a group of friends who just talk about everything and play random games. Can you join: Yes, we love new people How do you join: You need to be active on this thread for a minimum of 3 months and then the...
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