
  1. GuardianofTheCosmicRealm

    Do you think she looks like Eunseo a bit?

    Annie from vietnamese group LipB
  2. Taesthetic

    Netizens take a look at ex-SMROOKIES trainee Seo Herin's recent whereabouts.

    1.Me in high school vs me in university ⁣ ⁣ 2.Isn’t she from England ? Girls from there look like this so it’s not really shocking. ⁣ ⁣ 3.This just shows how good idols are at being fake 😂😂⁣ ⁣ 4.The change is too drastic honestly ⁣ ⁣ 5.The dress is so short ,try wearing something less revealing...
  3. Taesthetic

    How do you look like? Create your avatar now!

    I kind of look like that! (80% ) I know I look fugly smh Try making your avatar here!
  4. Taesthetic

    >.< The Post Yourself Thread #VisualsOfH+

    hello! here is a thread for people who want to flex their visuals! or just get closer to the community like me!
  5. Taesthetic

    Why is this girlgroup not raising in popularity despite releasing top-tier songs?

    I'm talking about April, they have very good title tracks and they're very talented and pretty. It doesn't make sense... Their songs are so unique and catchy :sejeongcry: STAN APRIL
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