
  1. D

    H+ Popularity Contest #1 Results

    Check out the voting thread here Hello, hello! After 3 days of rigorous voting , and 4 days of me doing my assignments, we finally have the results to our first ever Popularity Contest! We started off with 2 of the most popular members around the forum: Ren and Bobo Wheew indeed, with a total...
  2. D

    [Official] H+ Popularity Contest #1

    Welcome to the first edition of the Official H+ Popularity contest! Here two famous/infamous users battle is out to reflect on their impact on the community. Don't hesitate to vote because its the users who put themselves up for it! And the poll will remain un-public. Now without further...
  3. anh

    Official JO1 Thread #TheSTAR #ShineALight [2020.11.25]

    Twitter | Instagram | Youtube | Official Site | Fanclub Y!Mobile: Short Ver. | Long Ver. NIKE ONE: Short Ver. | Long Ver. Softbank Kit Kat Japan Graduation Campaign Family Mart: LOVE Frappe Francfranc: Fun! Fun! Handy Fan!
  4. Mimi

    5 hours till...

    Hello hello I'm guessing you already know the drill XD *hint hint* read part 1, part 2 and part 3 It iS mE aGaiN YoUr FavOriTe BiRtHdAy MaScOt :peepopbirthday: I -very sadly- have to inform you that my work is coming to an end I think you will meet me again in October when it will be time for...
  5. Mimi

    52 hours till...

    Yes yes it is me yet again :peepopbirthday: Your fave birthday mascot catch part 1 and part 2 of the birthday series 3. Update on the birthday cake: I can't tell you....just know that you will scream when you look at the results I know I did :rightt: So... Ren's good traits..yet again...
  6. Mimi

    71 hours till...

    It is me again :peepopbirthday: This is part 2 of the celebration threads 2. We are so close phewww Update on the billboard: (there is a list of things we are preparing for her birthday and this is one of them) We already collected the money..all that's left is to find the perfect spot in...
  7. Mimi

    96 hours till...

    ....A special someone's birthday hint hint her name is a very creative one it includes her bias and the things he does... ----->he slays :peepopbirthday: Mark your calendars please and wish her lots of love Stay tuned for the continuation! 1. the pics will form a message Ren's good traits...
  8. kyom ✦ kyom ✦ pom

    「 Official NU'EST Ren ✩ Choi Minki Thread 」

    OP coming soon~
  9. M


    RULES ▣ Please DON'T PARTICIPATE if you have absolutely no interest in the group/member(s). Badges should be made by the fans, for the fans. ▣ Keepers will have double votes in BOTH preliminary voting and final voting. ▣ All badges will be checked before being added to the list of suggestions...
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