sweet of sweet

  1. Lurkette

    LYRICS [Shiritsu Ebisu Chuugaku] Sweets of Sweet ~君に届くまで~ (Kimi ni todoku made)

    私立恵比寿中学 - Sweets of Sweet ~君に届くまで~ / Shiritsu Ebisu Chuugaku - Sweets of Sweet ~Kimi no todoku made~ (Until it reaches you) Lyrics: ヒャダイン (Hyadain) Composition: ラブ・ウォ太郎 (Love Watarou) Requested by @abra Translated by Lurkette @ hallyuplus.net Original Lyrics/Romanization Sweet of Sweet...
  2. abra

    TEASER-J Shiritsu Ebisu Chuugaku - Sweet of sweet ~kimi ni todoku made~

    The MV will be released on the 22nd!
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