
  1. Aquamaraqua

    A Royal Wedding: Lannister's Riri and Targaryen's Aquamaraqua

    The tale of Riri and Aqua's love story dates back to three years, where they met on a forum, and fell in love with each other's auras. Loving the queens After School, and kings Cross Gene, both of them knew they found their soulmates in each other. ~playlist while you read~ Witty Riri...
  2. MVSica

    A Happy BLUWUKI Wedding

    A Happy BLUWUKI Wedding Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Everyone! JJpad here! I know you've been seeing me allllllll the time this TW! It's exciting right!??? Anyyyways... today it's my pleasure to bring you two of my favvvvvvorite animal peoples blossoming romance! @GreenLeaf :hehe: and...
  3. MVSica

    A Full Mimi Wedding - brought to you by JJPad!

    A Full Mimi Wedding - brought to you by JJPad Hello Everyone! and Welcome to the official FULL MIMI Wedding! As mentioned in the last Secrets, Juseyo! , @Mimi and @Full Sun have a wonderful romance and now have finally decided to make it legal!!! The Ceremony FULL SUN, do you take MIMI to...
  4. Aquamaraqua

    So I'm Getting Married

    To the love of my life, Park Jinyoung You're all cordially invited to our wedding, on December 8th, 2019, in New York City Of my 22 years living on this earth, I've been through many ups and downs in my love life. :jinjudge: Even though many people didn't approve of Jinyoung and I's...
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