2019 debuted Girl Groups: are they still in the game?


May 31, 2020
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Plus Coins
I enjoyed researching for Girl Groups of 2020 in a thread and discuss with you all about how much chance they have at succes. So I make this one as well.

Also partly because I'm interested to see how successful they are and if they are still active. By no means am I a Kpop expert who knows everything. I spent some time looking for things, but not hours for each group, so feel free to add anything I missed or if you have info on groups that seem to be doing nothing.

I will put a maximum of one MV if they had come back(s). If they didn't have one this year, I didn't put one here.

Cherry Bullet

I remember liking them immediately and being interested in their electronics/computer concept.

They came back twice in 2020, but the last come back seems to have been somewhat of a CA scandal.

This is the first cb of 2020. Good song that I listen to regularly.


A huge hit in 2019. They haven't had quite the same success yet, but are still doing very well. Can seem them keep gaining fans and perhaps another super hit.

Pink Lady

I don't think much has happened in 2020, unfortunately.


Couldn't find anything recent of them either.


They're probably the most famous after Itzy out of this bunch. They're doing very well on Youtube and I get the sense that many Kpop fans like their music. Don't think they have a big loyal fandom, though it's growing.

Hot Place

Never heard of them before. They were redebuting in 2019, but two more members left and they got a new name (BADKIZ). Just read that they disbanded too.
Seems like they really did try, but there was just not enough interest.

Girl Crush

They're a bit hard to search for because of the name, but I don't think they had a come back. Unlike some of them, they did have some social media activity though. Maybe they are just waiting for the end of Covid.


At least they had a come back! Nice song. I hadn't heard it before


Even harder to search for than Girl Crush as it's such a generic name, but I found the necessary info. They disbanded in 2019 already. They never even seemed to have had an MV, just a digital single.
Their company is gone too.

Pink Fantasy

Happy they got at least a come back this year.

Views are low, so I'm hoping they get another chance


Don't see a come back,
They changed their name to API, but it doesn't seem like much happened this year.


I remember their debut because it was a bit different. And yes, they had a come back this year. Checked and still saw very recent variety stuff, so they are still going for it.

High School

Another one with a come back. It is from February, so hope they are still continuing. Views are low though.

Purple Beck

Same as the one above, though with slightly higher views. See a lot of Turkish comments on their vid. Perhaps they are popular there?


Don’t see a come back, but they went back to posting things. Maybe they plan a come back?


Another group with a low-views come back. Seem to have a rock-cute concept. It's different, so maybe worth checking out?


Disbandment has been announced due to health reasons of two of the three members.


They came back. Still nugu, but views are at least over 500k. Maybe they can still grow.


Never heard of them, but at least they are still trying. Rather like the song.

Rocket Punch

One of my favorites from last year :). They are doing quite well, especially compared to most others on this list. Two come backs with good views. I think they might be around for a while.


A well-viewed come back at the beginning of January. However, they disbanded because of a bullying controversy. It seems the company was the issue. Feel sorry for them and hope those that want it can redebut in another company.
EDIT: just read that they're going to debut new trainees under the same name. what.



Can’t see anything happening with them after 2019.

Melody Pink

They already disbanded. Their company got into financial problems due to Covid.


They did some cover dances earlier in the year, but nothing much seems to have happened afterwards. Don’t see come backs either.


They had a digital single in 2019 that didn’t do much. Don’t see much other activity.


Another one with just a 2019 digital single.


At least they had an MV in 2019...


They also disbanded because of Covid related difficulties for the company.


Don’t think they did much either after their debut.


Read that they are no longer on their company’s website and they plan to debut another GG. Probably disbanded.


They got a new member this year. They also had a digital single and a Japanese version of their debut single. Doesn’t seem like they are all that successful, but they’re still trying


Thanks for noting their absecnce in this list. There was some content earlier in the year, but no come back.

So, I found 31 girl groups that debuted in 2019. 1 of them had a great hit then and is still doing well (Itzy). 1 is quite famous, and doing well abroad, though not being a big seller (Everglow). Two seem to be somewhere between nugudom and midtier. A few are nugus that are clearly still trying at building a fandom.

The majority, however, seems to have either already disbanded, simply haven’t done much since their debut or in the best case had an MV that didn't do much. Views are so low that I suspect that most of them are from the Kpop fans who try out at least every song that is released.

In all, if you’re not from a big or midtier company, the chance of success seems very low indeed. I feel sorry for those who trained so hard and still got nowhere. Or worse, who barely got a chance to try.

On the other hand, and this is directed at companies, what point is there in starting a group if you don’t even have the money to pay for an MV? And then never do anything but release that one debut digital single? I just don’t get the point of even starting then.
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I can make the beat go! Graphics Lead Donor
Jun 16, 2019
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Plus Coins
Nice summary! I hope once COVID ends a few of these groups will have a chance to release a hit

Dragon of the West

Iroh VIP+ Early Supporters
Jun 16, 2019
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ITZY easily have the highest ceiling out of all the groups mentioned here. They had their mega-hit with their debut which brought them loads of attention and now they're already capable of selling 200k+ with their albums and that number will only get higher the more they put out (looking forward to a potential comeback in Q1 2021)

Everglow are interesting since they don't really have a huge fandom yet but do have lots of casual listeners. They released one of my favorite K-pop tracks of 2020 in form of LA DI DA and my ult bias (Yena) is probably gonna be joining the group next year which makes me quite interested in them overall.

I've enjoyed every Rocket Punch song so far but I wish Woolim did more to actually promote the group and give them more releases. It'll be interesting seeing what they have in store for 2021.

Can't really say I'm interested in any of the other groups so yeah...

Grape Soda

SKZ Simp 🍇🍇🍇 Early Supporters
Jun 26, 2019
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Plus Coins
Everglow is currently my favorite girlgroup so thy are my favorite of the bunch
Pink fantasys main vocal/rapper is seriously talented tho, she should have been solo


May 31, 2020
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Plus Coins
Nice summary! I hope once COVID ends a few of these groups will have a chance to release a hit
Thank you :D
Yes, me too.

Hope more can hang on. Disbandment rate is very high for second year groups. Just looked a bit at 2018 groups and loads have disbanded already :(


May 31, 2020
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Plus Coins
ITZY easily have the highest ceiling out of all the groups mentioned here. They had their mega-hit with their debut which brought them loads of attention and now they're already capable of selling 200k+ with their albums and that number will only get higher the more they put out (looking forward to a potential comeback in Q1 2021)

Everglow are interesting since they don't really have a huge fandom yet but do have lots of casual listeners. They released one of my favorite K-pop tracks of 2020 in form of LA DI DA and my ult bias (Yena) is probably gonna be joining the group next year which makes me quite interested in them overall.

I've enjoyed every Rocket Punch song so far but I wish Woolim did more to actually promote the group and give them more releases. It'll be interesting seeing what they have in store for 2021.

Can't really say I'm interested in any of the other groups so yeah...

Yeah, I think it's only a matter of time before ITZY has another mega-hit.

Agree about Everglow. They got lots of casual fans, but I seldom see stans who put them before all other groups.

Rocket Punch is one I'm keeping my eye on, but I got a few more that I like and two I got interested in because of making this thread, hahah
Everglow is currently my favorite girlgroup so thy are my favorite of the bunch
Pink fantasys main vocal/rapper is seriously talented tho, she should have been solo
Will check out the rapper again :)


Pretty 💜 Psycho Early Supporters Donor
Jun 15, 2019
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Under Handong's hat
Plus Coins
So many I've never heard of :youdontsay:

Hot Place came with a cool track and a super fun MV, they deserved so much more!

Pink Fantasy have a comeback announced for early next year! (but which members will actually be taking part is anybodies guess lol)


are you falling in love? i've a feeling you are VIP+
Jun 15, 2019
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Yurina’s protection squad
Plus Coins
i- hinapia feels so old now, i guess everything from 2019 just feels too distant ;;;;
legit only listened to like 3 out of the girl groups on the list and they're all fairly known


Jun 30, 2019
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United States
Plus Coins
Cherry Bullet: They're kinda in a rough place rn. Losing 3 members after a promising debut and comeback is difficult to bounce back from, not only because the gap the members left behind - with Mirae as the leader, Linlin as the madarin speaker, and Kokoro as the main stan attracter - but also because such a event creates distrust in the company and the group dynamic and makes ppl more wary to stan the group. This distrust is only amplified by the fact that Mirae is still pursuing a idol career + the aoa and p1harmony scandals. They came back with a changed image which is a understandable since the group would feel different regardless however, the general styling and vibe of the era blended in too much with the other mid-sized girl crush groups at the time. Then they went back to a cuter concept but the song wasn't very good so it didn't catch attention. My main advice would be for them to find a concept and stick to it whether it's the video game thing concept they debut with or something else, preferably something that shows off Bora and Hayoon's vocals and that's one of their strongest assets rn.

Itzy: They'll be fine, as mentioned they're one of the highest selling of their 4th gen peers, and while they haven't had another hit on the same level as dalla dalla their comebacks this year have been very well received critically. They're the only kpop group that's ever made Anthony Fantano's weekly great tracks (and they got on with both wannabe and not shy), which is definitely notable considering he's arguably one of the most influential music critics in the english speaking world atm. While this doesn't mean anything in terms of making hits, I think it does speak to their musical longevity which is more important to me personally since they already have a strong enough fandom that they'll make decent money regardless. Honestly, I think any other year one of them would have been a hit but covid changed ppl's listening habits so much that it's been pretty hard for anyone outside of the guaranteed hitmakers to break through.

Everglow: I'm happy with the direction they've taken with la di da and I hope they stick with something similar instead of going back to their bp-knockoff sound/vibe of adios and dun dun. Yena will almost certainly be joining next year which will cause some drama among the weird anti ot7 ppl in the fanbase (which I don't understand bc it was obvious from the beginning that her joining was the plan) but ultimately it'll only help them grow their fandom especially domestically. Apparently they're somewhat popular in the SK military already and Yena will likely bring more male fans as well so that + international fans = success. I just hope they have a good concept as well.

3YE: I hope they find success since it's already all the girls second debut and trios are refreshing to see but I don't see it happening.

Fanantics: The incident with the ceo/cameraman probably put off a lot of ppl from ever supporting them even if they're supposedly under new management. Momoland-like breakthrough still possible but very unlikely.

Rocket Punch: I think these girls have great potential they just need the right track/concept going forward, something I discuss a bit here. They've got a sizable amount of korean and japanese interest judging by the comments under their yt vids and Yeonhee's visuals are often brought up on forums and such. Chaewon will almost certainly be joining which will give them a greater boost and if this boost is followed by good music they'll stick around, Eunbi might as well but I think that addition is more dicey.
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Sep 4, 2020
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Plus Coins
Everglow is currently my favorite girlgroup so thy are my favorite of the bunch
Pink fantasys main vocal/rapper is seriously talented tho, she should have been solo
Their main vocal and rapper are different people lol, the main vocal wasn't in Shadow Play


Global Star Donor+
Jun 16, 2019
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Plus Coins
Hot Place
Not surprised that they're disbanded. Their makestar projects failed twice in a row :(

Under appreciated vocal queens. Excellent group dynamics, and as chaotic as CLC and DC behind the scenes.

Pink Fantasy
TIL that Seea is PF's main rapper, mindblown. She's an amazing vocalist. I'll need to check official profile to see whether this is true

Please check out Yechan and SeeA's ballad version of Fantasy (one of the best songs in 2019)

High School
Most likely disbanded. They posted on their instagram: The hour of departure has arrived, and we go our ways - I to die, and you to live. Which is better God only knows.

Eh, this song is actually not bad. Good find

Melody Pink
I like their predebut song which they used to promote their debut makestar project

Their debut song Hey U wasn't that great unfortunately

is this real?? lmao
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Global Star Donor+
Jun 16, 2019
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Plus Coins
Forgot to mention Ariaz. They debuted in October 2019 under Star Empire, but had no comeback since. Dumb agency, they don’t even try... :(


May 31, 2020
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Plus Coins
So many I've never heard of :youdontsay:

Hot Place came with a cool track and a super fun MV, they deserved so much more!

Pink Fantasy have a comeback announced for early next year! (but which members will actually be taking part is anybodies guess lol)
Oh good, Will look for their come back.
Yes, it's sad to see the effort put into some groups, only for it not to pay off.
I see a lot of Everglow on my TL
Seems like you got a good TL :)


May 31, 2020
Reaction score
Plus Coins
i- hinapia feels so old now, i guess everything from 2019 just feels too distant ;;;;
legit only listened to like 3 out of the girl groups on the list and they're all fairly known
It does, doesn't it?
It's sad to see how some specifically mentioned they didn't continue because the Covid situation caused financial problems.
Hope you'll try out some of the others some time :)

Cherry Bullet: They're kinda in a rough place rn. Losing 3 members after a promising debut and comeback is difficult to bounce back from, not only because the gap the members left behind - with Mirae as the leader, Linlin as the madarin speaker, and Kokoro as the main stan attracter - but also because such a event creates distrust in the company and the group dynamic and makes ppl more wary to stan the group. This distrust is only amplified by the fact that Mirae is still pursuing a idol career + the aoa and p1harmony scandals. They came back with a changed image which is a understandable since the group would feel different regardless however, the general styling and vibe of the era blended in too much with the other mid-sized girl crush groups at the time. Then they went back to a cuter concept but the song wasn't very good so it didn't catch attention. My main advice would be for them to find a concept and stick to it whether it's the video game thing concept they debut with or something else, preferably something that shows off Bora and Hayoon's vocals and that's one of their strongest assets rn.

Itzy: They'll be fine, as mentioned they're one of the highest selling of their 4th gen peers, and while they haven't had another hit on the same level as dalla dalla their comebacks this year have been very well received critically. They're the only kpop group that's ever made Anthony Fantano's weekly great tracks (and they got on with both wannabe and not shy), which is definitely notable considering he's arguably one of the most influential music critics in the english speaking world atm. While this doesn't mean anything in terms of making hits, I think it does speak to their musical longevity which is more important to me personally since they already have a strong enough fandom that they'll make decent money regardless. Honestly, I think any other year one of them would have been a hit but covid changed ppl's listening habits so much that it's been pretty hard for anyone outside of the guaranteed hitmakers to break through.

Everglow: I'm happy with the direction they've taken with la di da and I hope they stick with something similar instead of going back to their bp-knockoff sound/vibe of adios and dun dun. Yena will almost certainly be joining next year with will cause some drama among the weird anti ot7 ppl in the fanbase (which I don't understand bc it was obvious from the beginning that her joining was the plan) but ultimately it'll only help them grow their fandom especially domestically. Apparently they're somewhat popular in the SK military already and Yena will likely bring more male fans as well so that + international fans = success. I just hope they have a good concept as well.

3YE: I hope they find success since it's already all the girls second debut and trios are refreshing to see but I don't see it happening.

Fanantics: The incident with the ceo/cameraman probably put off a lot of ppl from ever supporting them even if their supposedly under new management. Momoland-like breakthrough still possible but very unlikely.

Rocket Punch: I think these girls have great potential they just need the right track/concept going forward, something I discuss a bit here. They've got a sizable amount of korean and japanese interest judging by the comments under their yt vids and Yeonhee's visuals are often brought up on forums and such. Chaewon will almost certainly be joining which will give them a greater boost and if this boost is followed by good music they'll stick around, Eunbi might as well but I think that addition is more dicey.
I enjoyed reading your comment a lot.
Cherry Bullet's case must be quite disheartening to the girls. Apart from the members loss, them being AoA little sisters would normally give them some extra interest. Instead, it became a burden.

I just gave 3YE another stream. Every bit helps :)

The Fanatics incident just makes me:mad:
Sick of the sexism. Just read there might be legal procedures against that guy.

I'll check out the thread you linked.
Hot Place
Not surprised that they're disbanded. Their makestar projects failed twice in a row :(

Under appreciated vocal queens. Excellent group dynamics, and as chaotic as CLC and DC behind the scenes.

Pink Fantasy
TIL that Seea is PF's main rapper, mindblown. She's an amazing vocalist. I'll need to check official profile to see whether this is true

Please check out Yechan and SeeA's ballad version of Fantasy (one of the best songs in 2019)

High School
Most likely disbanded. They posted on their instagram: The hour of departure has arrived, and we go our ways - I to die, and you to live. Which is better God only knows.

Eh, this song is actually not bad. Good find

Melody Pink
I like their predebut song which they used to promote their debut makestar project

Their debut song Hey U wasn't that great unfortunately

is this real?? lmao

Another vote for Pink Fantasy rapper :D
Thanks for the youtube links. I enjoyed the Pink Fantasy one the most.
Why does it have so few views? 😭

G-(i)Kon: eh, yes 😅
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