9/26 Hybe vs Ador drama updates


Taemin’s Wife Blog
Dec 10, 2023
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After yesterday I thought we were finally hitting a point where things would calm down since Hybe said they would talk behind closed doors and MHJ was talking through legal representatives but boy was I naive :sweat:

Anyway, here is your recap of everything that has happened since yesterday's news that Hybe/Ador will not reinstate MHJ as CEO

Fans disappointed in MHJ

Many Tokki's have been expressing anger/disappointment in MHJ's response to yesterday's news.
Hybe/Ador said they will not make MHJ CEO again, but did say they would allow her to continue being NJ's Producer/Creative Director for the next 5 years (aka for the remainder of NJ's contract). MHJ said through her legal representative that she is rejecting this offer stating it does not benefit her and she still wishes to be CEO.

Here is a blurb from her legal representative reguarding Hybe's "compromise"​
There was only talk of extending the contract period, and there was absolutely no sincere proposal, such as deleting the numerous toxic clauses in the draft, such as the unilateral termination right. The expression 'presenting a compromise' is nothing more than wordplay.​
Source article with MHJ's response

This response rubbed a lot of Tokki's the wrong way because they felt that if MHJ really cared about the girls and their creative vision like she has been saying then this compromise should have been fine. Tokki's don't like Hybe, but they felt like MHJ's rejection of this compromise showed she only cares about the money and not the girls.

Hybe blames MHJ for New Jean's fanmeeting being canceled.

Long story short, Hybe is blaming MHJ for New Jean's inactivity due to the fact that she has been rejecting all forms of communication with her.

Here is a tweet with the full story:

MHJ starts beef with American journalist

I think this has probably been one of the weirdest progressions in this drama so far 🤡

I thought MHJ was only going to be talking through her legal representatives from now on since that's what she's been doing but boy was I wrong.

MHJ was recently interviewed about the latest drama and for some reason decided to name drop American Journalist Jeff Benjamin? She claimed Hybe went to him with slander about her. Here is a screenshot of the full statement on this:


Here is a link to the full interview.

Following this, Hybe released a statement saying they have never released slanderous material about MHJ to Jeff Benjamin.

Following all of this drama, a bunch of Tokki's started to attack Jeff Benjamin resulting in him having to release screenshots of his conversations with both MHJ and Hybe:

I'm personally not too familiar with Jeff Benjamin, though a lot of people in the kpop community seem a bit wary on trusting him/claiming he is always a reliable source.

My two cents:

- Unless Hybe/Ador legally can't schedule activities for New Jean's without MHJ's consent, I feel like MHJ being uncooperative is not an excuse to stop NJ's activities and cancel their fanmeeting. They could have used this as an opportunity to show NJ can still have promotions and survive without MHJ, especially since this is something most fans really want, but they really dropped the ball.

- I feel kind of bad for this journalist guy. Dude was just trying to do his job and both sides dragged him into their drama. A lot of people feel like his screenshots prove MHJ was lying about Hybe sending out slanderous materials, but I disagree. I feel like all it proves is that Hybe sent something to him and he tried to follow up with her for her side of the story.

What are your thoughts on all of this?

I think everyone is getting tired of this drama at this point. I wish both sides would backtrack and go back to what they said yesterday about wanting to do this behind closed doors with legal representatives from now on :yooheadache:


*¨*•.¸¸ପଓ VIP+ Donor
Jun 15, 2019
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thanks for summarizing! this fight btw Hybe and MHJ has gone on too long, I don’t care what happened to either to them. i just want it to end already.
poor NJs are suffering :peepoblanket:
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