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In July 2014, Eunice joined Jewelry under her real name Su Yeon and had her first performance with the group. Sometime later, she left the agency and signed with MBK Entertainment. On September 14, 2015, she made her debut as a member and main vocalist of DIA. Last year, she made her solo debut with the digital single "Blue Ros3 (Miracle)" on May 28. It's been one year since she made her solo debut, and in this interview, we take a trip down the memory lane and discuss the growth and favorite moments that she had endured since she began writing her own musical journey.
Q: Hello, Eunice! Your song, "Blue Ros3 (Miracle)", will be reaching its first year anniversary on May 28th, and you have grown quite a lot as an artist and songwriter since then. How does it feel?

Time flies so fast that it's already been a year since my first solo song came out. Thankfully, I was able to continue working on many songs since then. But I'm not good enough on my own. I still need a lot of improvement.

Q: You just unveiled an emotional MV for "A Song I Used to Sing Often". The song is very melancholic, it’s about a woman thinking back on the memories, and love that’s meant to come back that will come back. Does this song come from your own personal experience, or you were inspired by something else?

This is a song that I only participated in. I sang it imagining it was my experience.

Q: Can you tell us more about “Flowery Rain”? It’s such a perfect spring song, and that guitar riff is just hypnotizing.

"Flowery Rain" is a song that I worked with an artist that I really respect. It's also the second song I've worked with since "BLUE ROS3 (miracle)." The guitar he plays is really attractive. In particular, he worked hard to capture the emotions in the intro, and the intro that starts right after is lively and even overwhelming. I hope it's a song that fits all seasons.

Q: What is your favorite song from the ones that you have released so far? "Blue Ros3 (Miracle)", "Don’t Leave Me", "Black Hole", or "Flowery Rain"? And what makes it stand out among the others?

I like "BLUE ROS3 (miracle)" and "Flowery Rain" the most, because I think my feelings are expressed well. And I like "Say it‘s fine" and "A Song That I Used To Sing Often " because it's a song that expresses delicate emotional lines well with vocals.

Q: Is the process different in making solo songs versus in a group? (question asked by our member UMJIMOODS)

When I make a solo song, I tend to think a lot about myself, For the group song, one song is completed by combining the thoughts of each other in parts.

Q: There has been a lot of talk recently about the difficulties that occur appearing on the music shows. Did you find it a challenging experience? Would you do it again?

Now that I think about it, it was such a hard schedule that I wondered what I would have done. I was able to grow as much as it was hard and difficult, and it was a grateful experience. I think it would be so much fun to do it again.

Q: Do you prefer a big stage or an intimate venue? (question asked by our member UMJIMOODS)

They both have their pros and cons. Big stages really can't forget the energy that's poured into a big audience. And intimate venues are more up-close, where you can see the reaction and feel like, "We're all a team."Now that I think about it, it was such a hard schedule that I wondered what I would have done. I was able to grow as much as it was hard and difficult, and it was a grateful experience. I think it would be so much fun to do it again.

Q: When you have a setback how do you get yourself back on track and moving forward? (question asked by our member UMJIMOODS)

When I feel stuffy, I take a moment to soothe my mind. When I calm down, get a good night‘s sleep, find something delicious, and eat it, I feel a little better, and when I warm up, I see things I need to do again. I tend to take care of things little by little.

Q: What do happiness and success mean to you? (question asked by our member fromisDal)

"Happiness is nothing special." It's something I often say, which means happiness is always close by. For example, one day I'm suddenly in bed and I'm so grateful for this cozy blanket. I'm so thankful and happy to be able to lie down and be this comfortable…One day, if my hay fever is over and I realize that breathing comfortably is really great! Happiness is always with us. Isn't success referring to reaching a goal you set yourself?...

Q: To reach the top, do you think that one needs to have high ego? (question asked by our member fromisDal)

I think a high ego will help.

Q: Over the last year, you were very busy and released two collaborations “Say It’s Fine” (with Jeong Jaeha) and “Dancing in the Rain” (with cassabasso). You have worked closely on both songs and written them both. What was the inspiration behind these songs?

‘Say It’s Fine’ was inspired by the piano melody and decided on a theme with parting. The melody and lyrics were completed in almost a day. Of course, there was a lot of editing after that, but I like it because it seems to have been completed in a really cool way.

I was offered 'Dancing in the Rain‘ as a collaboration and got involved in writing the lyrics. I imagined I was having a party in Rome and I tried to create that kind of vibe.

Q: Who was your inspiration when you wanted to start singing? (question asked by our member UMJIMOODS)

When I was young, I was really shocked when I watched a "Beyonce" concert video. It was so cool! After that, I made up my mind and wanted to become a good singer.

Q: Idols always talk about Chilli crab as a must-try dish in Singapore. What food for you personally want to try if you visit Singapore? (question asked by our member fromisDal)

Chili crab! I must try it. I've never been to Singapore. I really want to travel these days.

Q: What is your favourite way to interact with fans? (question asked by our member UMJIMOODS)

That’s my concern. I‘m also curious about how the fans would like us to communicate. I usually use social media.

Q: What future goals have you set for yourself? (question asked by our member UMJIMOODS)

My goal is to participate in OST, perform, and continue my music activities, as well as to make a place where I can meet my fans.

Q: Any words for our Hallyu+ readers?

Thank you for paying attention to my long story. Please keep an eye out for my music activities and growth. I love you!

You can find out more on Eunice via her SNS links below:


GFX BY @yerm
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🚀🚩 Blog Lead Social Media Lead Donor+
Jun 17, 2019
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In jail bc of chomi 😈
Plus Coins
Happy anniversary! Now I want to try Chilli Crab too! :poggers:
"Happiness is nothing special." It's something I often say, which means happiness is always close by.
I really liked this interpretation of the question :christmasblob:
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