Blog+ Suggestion Box


your heart's not broken, it's only growing Blog
Jul 16, 2020
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Blog+ Suggestion Box

Hi, y'all! So, as many have noticed we have relaunched the blog and we are planning on going in many directions. Anticipate some exciting articles!

However, our primary reader will always be the H+ user! We want to know your amazing ideas for the blog!

Follow this link to submit a suggestion or topic!

Below are our guidelines:
Topics cannot be repeatedly submitted.​
The first person to select any given topic will be accounted for.​
If you submit your suggestion as anonymous, you will NOT be allowed to claim your prize if your topic is selected.​
Users are only allowed to submit 3 suggestions per month.​
Avoid verifiably false topics, as well as articles that relate to sensitive messages or imagery that was not shared with the topic's consent.​
You CANNOT rescind a topic once it has been submitted and you CANNOT request anonymity once the submission is in.​
If a topic is chosen, the user will be tagged on the post of the article. Be prepared for this.​

All guidelines are subject to change, though they will not be retroactively applied.

Just a moment!
There is a prize for a chosen topic! If your article topic is chosen, you will get 2 orbs!

If you have any questions, just let me know!​
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