BREAKING: H+'s Newest Dating Scandal?? DEBUNKED!!


Taeyong wanna talk to some BOYS VIP+
Apr 15, 2020
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Mad City
Plus Coins
he but not him cuz i'll never be lee taeyong </3

this is taebreeze from hallyunews speaking and it has been brought to my attention that several H+ members have reportedly been involved in this dating scandal that has been circulating this forum today, but me being your trusty news anchor I have caught everything on camera and I will be spilling all the tea for you guys today as to what's REALLY been happening

it all started with a conversation on twitter between users ombre and power renger. ombre was heartbroken once again about a relationship she had just ended with a previous H+ member and wanted to rant about it


after she was let down once again by her friend, she came on H+ and realized a new member had joined. his name was yong and she instantly developed a crush on him


user moonchild voiced their concerns to ombre but not even that convo could stop ombre from shooting her shot at yong


and as you can see... they had gone through with the marriage :TeaPar:


NOW! this is where things get interesting

remember how user roseychu claimed that she saw ombre and yong getting back together and living a happy life after ombre had defeated the evil power renger? well take a look at this!


it seems like these two users, jelly and moonchild, had came up with a mischievous plan to finally try and end goldyong's relationship for good. this rumor of course, circulated quickly around H+ and caused a heated discourse between the married couple :somicry:

however, silly them didn't think about how someone (me) could potentially catch them starting drama and then record everything for the world to know, now here I am leaking everything to H+ to give you guys the TRUTH as to what's been happening

it is unknown whether or not the members in question who created the rumor will face legal charges, but yong's legal team is expected to make a decision by tomorrow night :tea1: but in the end, yong and ombre are back together once again and are living a happy life and won't let any negativity get in their way :hehe:

that's all I have for tonight, thank you all for tuning to tonight's installment of hallyunews, I'm taebreeze and I will see you guys in the future
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