C+ Spotlight

Saint Ren

So Iconic - User OT Month 4 April , May AND June
Jun 11, 2019
Reaction score
Musketeers Club
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By now you should know that we launched a Tik Tok

I barely know how to use the thing :youtried:

But we thought a cool feature would be the Spotlight.

Post your Number 1 Idol/Actor/Anime/TV/Topic down below

AND we will make a Tik Tok Spotlight to highlight that love.

PLEASE make sure you've actually posted about this person/topic on H+
or the video can't be made.

we will not be making spotlights for controversial topics/figures, so choose wisely.

We will go in order so the sooner you post the sooner you will get your video.

If you post twice, it is unlikely we'll make you a 2nd video if there's a lot of people to get through

I can't tell you how long it will take as it will really just depend on real life commitments

first up

@Trickster and IU

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