MINI+ [GAME FINISHED]Tag - 28th OCT @ 1pm EDT(5pm UTC)


Death's Mistress
Jun 10, 2019
Reaction score
Cracked & Devoured
Plus Coins

For someone to win, another needs to die...

Will you win or will you die?
Let's find out.


Players after signing up have to send in 2 tasks of their choice via pm to me before 28th Oct, 12pm EDT.
Each round will be a task given by one of the players.

The task needs to be completable within 5 minutes.
The task can be anything from a trivia question, to reaching a specific score on a game, guess from emojis, puzzles or even posting threads, etc. When submitting a task remember to also submit the solutions in case there are any.
The tasks should also be in the order of which one you would like to see being played. I will approve one of the tasks you submit and choose it to be played in the game.

At the start of the game, players will have 2 lives each.
When a round begins, players will have 5 minutes to complete the task for the round.
The player whose task is being played is not allowed to play that round.

The first to complete the task receives Attack immunity and can pick one of the members from the Kill list to Attack.

The player whose task is being played also receives Attack immunity and can pick one of the members from the Kill list to Attack.
They cannot attack the same player.

Attacks need to be submitted within 1 minute. If a player fails to attack on time, their victim will be decided via randomizer.

The last 5 to complete the task will be in the Kill List for that round. If anyone fails to complete the task within the time given, they will automatically take a spot in the list. For more info check rules.

When a player is attacked they lose one life. Once they lose two lives, they die and will be unable to play future rounds.
But the round their task is being played in, if it still hasn't been held, will still be held and they can still choose a player to kill.

The order of winners will be decided by who survives the longest.
In case there is a tie, the winner will be decided based on who completed the task earlier. In case neither completed, a tie breaker will be played.


The tasks submitted via pm, will be checked by me and only one will be picked. Priority will be given to the order of tasks. So if the first task submitted is suitable I will pick that.

You cannot discuss the tasks you submitted with other users or players prior to the game or during the game, on hallyuplus or elsewhere.

Remember to send your tasks on time. The earlier you submit the better. If you do not submit on time, you will receive a task set by me.

All answers are to be submitted on the gameplay thread unless specified otherwise.

If more than 5 players fail to complete the task on time, they will all be added to the kill list. If say 2 fail to complete on time but the rest complete it. Then those two players and the last three to complete the task will be in the kill list for that round.

All attacks will also need to be submitted on the gameplay thread.

Do not be rude or harass other players.

Do not cheat or help other players with answers.

General behaviour rules apply.

If you need any clarifications @ me and I will respond. If you are unsatisfied with my answer, we can discuss via pm, once all the rounds are over.


The game could last more than 2 and a half hours. If it does, players will have the choice to either continue playing or play the balance rounds on the 29th at the same time.

Game Difficulty: Medium
1st place - 4 orbs, 40k coins, 40 Elite Gamer Points & 1000 Bloodpoints
2nd place - 3 orbs, 30k coins, 30 Elite Gamer Points & 900 Bloodpoints
3rd place - 2 orbs. 20k coins, 20 Elite Gamer Points & 800 Bloodpoints
Participation - 40k, 7 Elite Gamer Points & 500 Bloodpoints


Maximum 15 players

1. @Chomiczewska - Generator 3
2. @OutroTearTheFirst - Generator 1
3. @Belrockangel - Generator 2
4. @Bchip - Generator 1
5. @yongfilms - Underground floor
6. @Stannie - Generator 1
7. @anh - Locker
8. @Baymax - Generator 1
9. @Nara - Locker
10. @Chiharu - Generator 3
11. @Polaris_Tae - Locker

Best of Luck!

@Gamer Squad
Last edited:


Jun 16, 2019
Reaction score
Plus Coins
Not entirely sure if I can make it, but I'll let you know :sejeongcry:

Smu for now, please and thanks. Generator 1 'cause we love herd mentality


Jun 16, 2019
Reaction score
Plus Coins
Not @Chiharu free-diving into all these generators with twice the chance of getting attacked, and then yelling RIGGeD at me :viva: Truly oppressive behavior :ughh::sadpuppy:
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