GAME+ [Game Finished] [May] Telepathic Artists


Jun 16, 2019
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Plus Coins
Telepathic Artists


Ever wonder what would happen when you mixed a game of Telephone and Pictionary together? Yep, a hot mess.


Players will be randomized into different teams. To maintain fairness, teams will be kept secret until the Final Results are out.

Within your team, you will be assigned as either the Painter or the Describer. You may state your preference when signing up, but please keep in mind you may be re-assigned for balance purposes so only sign up if you’re open to either role.

The goal of hosting this game is to overcome time zone issue and allow players from all time zones to participate; therefore, the game may last for several days, as players are allowed up to 12 hours to complete either their description or painting. (Obviously, the sooner, the better.)

Once all players have completed their part, the GM will determine a date to reveal the final products and results.

How to Play

The game will start with the GM picking out a picture and send it to the first Describers of both teams to describe. The Describer must describe using exactly 10 words - no more, no less.

The description will then be relayed by the GM via PM to the next Painter in line, who will then paint based on the description given.

This process continues until we reach the last Painters of both teams who will be responsible for the final piece.

(tl:dr – this is similar to @BlessMeAchoo's Whispers game (thanks <3) but in reversed order, i.e. starting with a picture and ending with a painting instead of words.)


Before the start of the game, the GM will privately determine 6 key details from the original picture that need to be captured in both the Paintings and the Descriptions.

The teams will earn 1 point for every key detail they are able to capture in their descriptions and paintings.

Any painting or description that manages to capture all 6 details will receive a 4 point bonus added to the respective team's score.

The GM will also pick a favorite description and favorite painting from all of those being submitted, which will receive 4 and 6 bonus points, respectively.

The fastest team to go through their entire line-up will also receive a 5 point bonus added to their total score.

Late submissions may result in a deduction of up to 10 points depending on the severity.

The winning team will be the one with the highest total score at the end.


Have good sportsmanship and do not collude with other players. This includes, but not limited to, revealing your painting or description to other players and non-players alike.

Painters may NOT include any words or numbers that are the same as, similar or related to, the previous description given in their painting.

You may be creative or go wild with the description, but keep it…PG-13.

Have fun and be cute.

All others H+ rules apply.


Prizes are subject to change.

Winning Team - 2 orbs, 20k coins, 30 elite points each member
“Non-winning” Team - 1 orbs, 10k coins, 10 elite points each member


1. @BlueNose (D)
2. @Kim Yohan (P)
3. @Chiharu (D)
4. @Nara (D)
5. @soozie (P)
6. @GoldenDivas (D)
7. @Skönt (D)
8. @ARandomFan (P)
9. @OutroTearTheFirst (D P)
10. @Bchip (P)
11. @Belrockangel (P)
12. @SuAranghaeBona (D)
13. @Mrs. Bobinho (P)
14. @Chomiczewska (P)

Please note, the game can start as soon as we have 12 players, though if we hit that quota early I might wait for a bit in case there are others who are interested. As far as the time, it's flexible since players will have up to 12 hours to complete their part.
Last edited:


Jun 16, 2019
Reaction score
Plus Coins
I saw you love reacting everyone except me



You did it first. Any last words?



I'm your worst nightmare〰 VIP+ Early Supporters Second Place HoE
Jun 16, 2019
Reaction score
Plus Coins
If no one appear smu as a painter....although i don't know how to draw:TzuyuKek:
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