Happy Birthday TURTLE

Saint Ren

So Iconic - User OT Month 4 April , May AND June
Jun 11, 2019
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Musketeers Club
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✨🐻Ujung🛰️✨ Donor VIP+
Jun 15, 2019
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Ujung Palace
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Maginashi's the name, orb collector's the game Wandering Merchant
Oct 13, 2019
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The Bank
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Just for you :heartublob:

I am ancient and all knowing. I did not need a thread explaining your set, for I already know about your set.

Such fanciful little children.......I am displeased



Google me Early Supporters
Jun 16, 2019
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Plus Coins
My bestest friend zackie I love you alot
yoo I don't deserve you
thanks so much for all this

I will copy my OH post since idk if you'll go there again

first of all thank you all for those birthday wishes and letter I know how much effort and time it must took from you and I really appreciate it

it's been a while since I've been active and talked to all of you like I usually do... sometimes there's things that can't be explained but I appreciate and touched that no one of you forget about me and my birthday... and you know I like each one of you like I ever did... I missed you all and hope I can come and talk to you all like I always did before

meeting you in this site and becoming friend with you all is a blessing I had a different kind of friendship with eachone of you... each one is special and different which made my online friend experience so unique and lit...and you were that one who stood out always. makes me feel happy and warm to be with you. I always feel loved and that means alot to me.. I really love you all

@ mimi

how can I forget that first time you came and talked to me on MC thread when playing that game,,, you sounded super friendly and I wanted to be your friend from the start

you always take care of everyone and so understanding, you're so confident that I think you're funny tho... I still didn't admit that... jk you know I just love to tease you. it's fun playing around you... anyway I really love you and appreciate you always reaching out for me.. you have no idea how much that means to me, you'll always be my fav mom love you

@ outro

inb4 it's not the right one... jk.. you're really funny that's why I always play around with you... I never actually blocked you hehehe but still that dp dimensions is triggering, anyway I really appreciate and love your letter thank you so much I hope we can talk more in the future when I be active

@ renren

you hag lady still remember me, can't believe that... wahh I have so much to tell you... don't be too excited.. no teas but I'll go on with my duties and provide you all you need. maybe soon... maybe never who knows when you only active on that place not here, you know reading your letter made many thing come thro my mind, the amount of things and effort we put together in so many stuff starting from braggindors.. to that other tragic game..our threads and games we played... spamming people and they complain about it.. arguing in so many things. you know you stood for me so many times and I never forget any of them, you became that friend that I don't need to think too much when it comes to you.. we just do you know...anw I ditched my friends for braggs but maybe I'll ditch you for others next time jk.. foreva loyal bragg. I know I owe you alot for disappearing those 3 months but let's not rant about stuff and give you headache but you know I never changed how I feel about our friendship.. even if I don't talk always you still the friend I hate the most in life and that's why our friendship is different.. you're really that annoying friend that I love to talk to and brag about... you're so special to me too you know that... I had many things to say but seems lost now. we'll talk more for sure

@ sandyy

sandyyy my fav daughter.. you always seem like the younger sister I never had I always want to take care of you but never had the chance

you're full of love and pureness... I am really lucky to have you as friend I really mean it<3 I love you

@ beefy

zackieeeee first of all thank you for the beautiful gfx... truely a gfx kween we stan

you already know how I feel about you and how special you're to me.. idk if I told you but I wanted to get close to you even before we became soulmates and god just helped me in his ways.. TBZ is really that iconic group that put us together... and it's more iconic how we became friends on H+ even before we know we were,,, it's fate ig.. and I love it

talking to you always feels comforting I never lied when I told you that... and never think you're boring you're that cute and open, you're someone I trust so so much and is too reliable.. our friendship doesn't stop here it'll only get stronger. I mean seriously no matter how I try to say it you can't imagine how you mean to me, and you'll always be

I love you and always happy that life get me cross paths with you even if it's online. feels like my life is blessed<3 thank you so much

@ mia

Mia sweetie.. I hope you got well by now? it's ok I already know you heart without saying. you're so precious and I love you so much

those words means alot to me. to know that I'm important to someone makes me feel loved. you also know I'll always keep my doors open for you whenever you need me, you're a friend of mine and that will never change... I always remember all those times it was so fun, the list got taller too we need to update it...

Mia I love you<3 take care of yourself and health baby don't get sick

@ shinki

you hag you know you're not a robot and I already know you're soft. game over

talking seriously thank you for making this thread for me, it feels so good to have my bestie. HAHA I didn't know at first that my jokes were too serious nor that anyone would actually take me seriously in any way. it's fine if you feel offended just offend me back and we even but I still loved you from start. joining braggs was the best thing I did backthen, it add so much to me and my OH journey.. basically opened a new door for me meeting all of you, we felt loved appreciated and had fun. even when we were few but I will say it forever we had the most fun there... I'll never forget it... you're a person that hates to show your thoughts I know but you also know I already know it all<3 I also learnt alot from you... specially keeping secrets and teas. it was a new experience for me , lol but really eventho you seem tough and shady.. I mean you shady but you have a nice heart and care alot about your friends which is a thing I really appreciate and a reason why I love you so sooo much. you sure have a special place and a person I'd always remember when I recall my OH journey... you're always funny and bickering with you became one of my habits because I laugh alot..... I didn't say you have taste.. my acc was hacked ok... wait you stan wooseok so you half have taste you know.. anw I love you hag I'll always keep annoying you wait for me

@ aki

our dedicated and intellectual kween, thank you so much that means alot to me... your dedication and loyality is what inspired me hehehe

you're amazing seriously I love you... I've always wanted to get even closer to you but my timings are always bad, let's talk more later<33 I love you alot
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