INB100 Responds To SM's Legal Action


Taemin’s Wife Blog
Dec 10, 2023
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This is INB100's response to SM's announcement in this previous post.

INB100 held an emergency press conference this morning as a response to SM's statement that they will seek legal action against CBX.

"As a large entertainment agency, please stop making petty excuses to sway public opinion and reveal the basis for the dispute fairly and clearly."

CBX is accusing SM of tampering and plans to hold them legally responsible for a various number of things including civil and criminal charges for defamation and spreading false information.

An important note I would like to mention is that is that based on the previous articles the 5.5% number was created via a verbal agreement with both parties. CBX is claiming that verbal agreement is legally binding. The actual contract that was signed between the two parties though seemed to have the 10% fee number (or no number agreement at all, since as previously stated by SM distribution fees vary by distributor and it's hard to set a definite number in writing since the prices vary.)

To summarize:

  • They are accusing SM of being nit-picky and petty to sway public opinion.
  • They are still accusing SM of defaulting on their promise of the distribution fee being 5.5% and raising it to 10% unfairly.
    • The story seems to be, SM was asking for 10% for distribution fees but recommended a Kakao company for distribution that would have costed 5.5%. The members wanted to go with that 5.5% deal, but apparently after that 5.5% was raised to 10%. They are blaming SM for it, but SM is claiming they have no say in how much other people charge.
  • Although SM previously stated that they cannot determine distribution fee's because it varies, it seems INB100 is claiming they overheard in a phone call that they do and are accusing them of lying (?)
  • They are claiming SM is still not providing them with settlement paperwork and will take them to court for an injunction to make them hand them over if necessary.
    • (I'm not sure how powerful this injunction could be though because with the HYBE and MHJ trial, i'm pretty sure MHJ STILL has yet to hand over her laptop despite being court ordered to 🤷‍♀️)
It also appears there is a separate battle going on of SM still accusing ONE HUNDRED, which INB100 is under along with BPM which hosts Shinee's Taemin and some other former SM staff and employees, of poaching and tampering.
  • SM is accusing CBX of being poached/tampered by ONE HUNDRED.
  • CBX is claiming they were not being tampered with. CBX was just asking fellow industry people for advice and later Baekhyun (?) decided to merge the company under ONE HUNDRED because he decided doing the paperwork and managing stuff was not for him and he would rather focus on being a musical artist and leave the management side of the company to someone else.
  • CBX is asking SM to stop throwing around this accusation of tampering to distract people from the rest of the legal battle and sway public opinion.=
Here is the source article link.

That was the latest update of this trial for now.

This has been Russian Roulette with your 11 o'clock news
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