Minhwan talks to dispatch about Yulhee


Taemin’s Wife Blog Lead
Dec 10, 2023
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Minhwan has gone to dispatch to try to "expose" Yulhee as a terrible mother.
The original article is really really long and i'm honestly not going to summarize and translate it all. It would take me hours and I am kind of burnt out right now :okbye:

Here is the original article link

Pannchoa has a full translation for anyone who wishes to read it in english.

Here is an additional Pannchoa article translating text messages between Minhwan and his manager (who seems really concerned for Yulhee)https://www.pannchoa.com/2025/01/instiz-choi-minhwans-manager-who-wanted.html

For a TLDR:

Minhwan has gone to dispatch to try to reveal Yulhee as a bad mother.

Minhwan says the reason he divorced Yulhee wasn't because he was seeking prostitutes, but because she slept 18-20 hours a day and would leave home often after their fights. He claimed she was never dedicated to being a mother and would go out all night and sleep all day.

He says the first reason for divorce was her sleeping habits, he said him visiting prostitutes was only the second reason for their divorce (He is also still claiming he wasn't seeking prostitutes and was only "singing karaoke'), and the third reason was her leaving the house after arguments.

He claimed in the 5 years they were married Yulhee ran away from home 20 times and her time away from home could range from a day to a week to 10 days. Some of the times she would take the kids with her and sometimes she would just run away by herself. He said their relationship was a constant cycle of fighting and making up and she would run away after their fights.

He claimed she never did any childcare, never cooked or cleaned, and also treated his mother badly while his mother never treated her badly :uwot:

He also finished by saying under no circumstances is he willing to accept Yulhee's recent motion for alimony, child support, property division, and custody of the kids, and said the divorce should stay a done matter.

I would strongly recommend to read the full article though for all of the details.

Some side info I would like to throw in as someone who use to constantly watch Yulhee's family channel:

(I am putting this under spoiler since I literally watched her channel for years so I am a bit biased, I apologize)
- I do remember Yulhee saying (I think on her channel???) that early in their marriage she once ran away after an argument. She said she pretty much wandered around at night and came back at the morning.

- He claimed he would take the kids and go off, I believe usually to her mother's house? I do remember Yulhee talking the kids to her parents house a bunch of times and she would stay there for a few days without him. I never really thought much of it at the time and though she just wanted quality time with her family? They would also usually do things where they split up the kids such as he would take the twins and go off with her parents and she would take the son and go to her parents and vice versa.

- I support his manager's argument that how does he know she does nothing all day when he himself isn't even home all day and can verify that :dami:

- To him saying his mother was never abusive towards her, his mother was very well known to be a terror throughout the return of superman show and I remember many netizen comment articles popping up commenting on how terrible his mother treated her. I don't understand his argument that his mother was never mean to her when Knetz have been complaining about his mother's behavior towards her (and the kids too tbh she was pretty mean to them too) for YEARS.

I know Minhwan released this dispatch interview to put himself in a better light but it backfired on him severely.

Knetz are attacking him for:
- neglecting his wife
- not being concerned at all that she's sleeping 18-20 a day
- sleeping that much is a very clear sign of depression/postpartum depression and how did he not notice or care about that?
- Him arguing that sleeping a lot is worse than cheating on your spouse with prostitutes

- (They are also kind of pissed that he complained about having to do 4 hours of childcare a day :dami:)

Her youtube comments are still filled with supportive comments for her. She actually just posted a video today where she cut her hair short for her new start.​

Your Biggest Fan

Nov 14, 2023
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I'm glad netizens are still supporting Yulhee.
I can see why she would go to her parents' house constantly. Suffering from depression is hard enough, but adding abuse from your husband and MIL is too much. She wanted to ensure she and the children were cared for, and obviously, that couldn't happen at home.


엄지는 내 장미 VIP+ Early Supporters
Jun 15, 2019
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The amount of stupid mansplaining coming from him is quite mind-numbing. He needs to have a long break from things. His career seems at an end anyways.

kyom ✦ kyom ✦ pom

Jul 16, 2020
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She was sporadically leaving because you're an dud of a husband. Best thing he did was divorce her, that girl needed the strength. :exit:
Singing karaoke at brothels? Boy eat my ass.

He’s supposed to be on hiatus right now idk what his deal is :whaaat:
Okay, well his mouth needs to join his hiatus :exit: the way i know there is a pick me slobbering over him right now.

This case just pisses me off on a different scale.


🌸 Princess ØMÜJI 🌸 Early Supporters
Jun 11, 2019
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I see this as a negative narcissist issue.
Irresponsible. Irrespective. Irrational.
Then come the abusive part.

He'll never see Yulhee from her own light, because justification for him is that he's always going to be right. And he definitely can be even worse. Playing with media? Good luck bro, you're digging your own grave.

Am I too biased on Yulhee? I AM. Not because my personal attachment to her, but because the similarities that I witnessed, happened to someone important to me in real life.


Girl Groups Supporter Donor+ Early Supporters
Jun 16, 2019
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From what I read and from what I can conclude : even if Yulhee got her issues, Minhwan isn't really helping at all with his behavior and lack of support, lack of almost everything, etc.

No wonder the couple got divorced, no way it could've last long
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