My Dream About JYP The Asiansoul


Resident Tzuyu Fanboy Early Supporters
Jun 20, 2019
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United States
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My Dream About JYP The Asiansoul


So I'm back on the forum.

To commemorate my return I will recount a dream I had last night. At least. What I can remember of it.

You'd think, me being the hyper focused Tzuyu obsessed fanboy I'd dream about her or something.

No no.

Not me.

I get the Asiansoul.

So there I was. In my dream.

In a suit. Somehow I'm a part of some corporate team about to strike a deal with JYPE.

We're at the airport about to receive JYP himself.

Apparently we're some kind of planned joint venture or something..... But anyway we gotta meet the big boss and wine and dine and pull out all the smooth tricks to ensure this corporate deal goes ahead without issue.

Anyway JYP shows up.

He comes strolling out in the most outlandish purple and green pants you can imagine. Somehow he has a tiny dog with him. And big ass shades on

Keep in mind in my dream this is supposed to be a corporate affair. So like... All business and suits and shit

I sense the disbelief and confusion by my colleagues who are disturbed by his entrance.

I assure them.. This is the Asiansoul. It's just how he is.

We keep on going through the nights activities. Wining and dining and such. But at each turn JYP does some outlandish thing that I in turn have to reassure my colleagues that this man is legit.

When we're at dinner, he passes out phamplets with his various eccentric photoshoots (him naked or plastic pants etc).

Again I reassure. This is the Asiansoul.

Finally after dinner we hit the lounge and are getting drinks. When JYP decides it's high time he give an impromptu performance.

So he suddenly appears on stage with backup dancers that seemingly appeared out of nowhere. JYP is thrusting and jiving and crooning to one his old hits all in gigantic white with red polka dots parachute pants that wave and flow as he gyrates.

When his dance is finished and the rest of my team is just gawking baffled. I jump out of my chair and clap enthusiastically, yelling "Ladies and gentleman! The Asiansoul!"

Sensing my colleagues still aren't convinced. I tell.... "The man who brought you Tzuyu!"

Suddenly the crowd burst into loud and boisterous applause.


Deal brokered.

Bonus here I come.

Anyway. That was it. Then I woke up.

Hope I can dream about Tzuyu next.



Awards Lead
Jun 26, 2019
Reaction score
Plus Coins
clicked this thread expecting a plastic pants reference somewhere in the post and sure enough...they are his legacy :yoosmile:
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