Official Turbo Badge voting thread : finished

Which jongkook mock do you prefer ?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .



*General Guidelines:

- No fantaken images - To protect the content creators rights as well as ourselves fantaken images are not allowed to be used as badges.
- Use HQ pictures - For quality purposes, the higher quality the better an image will look as a badge.
- No heavily edited images - The more edited the worse the quality becomes overall.
- No extreme contrast, highlighted colours, or super light/dark images - They just don't look good when sized down.
- Face should be centered - For aesthetic purposes.
- Logos should only be used for groups and are not allowed for individuals in most cases - We understand some artists are very difficult to find pictures of and will deal with that on a case by case basis.
- Only screenshots from Music Videos, CFs and official content are allowed - If you're unsure what falls under this rule please don't hesitate to ask on our ask thread.
- Profiles can be used as well as some object cover is allowed - Face coverage isn't totally ruled out but the more you can see of the artist the better. Profiles are OK if we can clearly tell who the artist is.
- Derp Faces/Exaggerated facial expressions/Unrecognisable - These will not be allowed, badges are not to be meme like or something that is out of the ordinary/unpleasant such as frowning, crying, etc. We will also not be allowing badges that look weird and in which people look unrecognisable regardless of it being an official picture.
- Zooms - Any mocks found to be too zoomed in or zoomed out will need to be readjusted, as all badges must be able to resized down to 74x74 properly . In the event a mock does not pass crop standards, it will need to be readjusted until our quality standards are met.
- Pre-approval of badges - We ask that all OP’s submit their round 1 mocks for pre-approval of by an Awards member in the appropriate thread. This is to avoid badges of lower quality, bad lighting, etc, from making it to later rounds and dividing votes from other badges. That being said we still reserve the right to veto any badge that we feel does not follow the rules by the final crop (this is especially relevant in crop rounds).
- Final submission - The Awards team reserve the right to re-do a mock if we feel they are not in accordance to all the aforementioned rules.


Suggestion Phase: 5 jan 2020 - 13 jan 2010
voting : 22 jan 2020 - 27 jan 2020 10AM kst

Jong kookSomethingThere,byulharangbona,

SomethingThere,byulharangbona,Polaris_Tae,Mimi ,

* suggestions :
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Apink ~ I.O.I ~ Loona ~ IZ*ONE ~ fromis_9 Early Supporters
Jun 16, 2019
Reaction score
Plus Coins
Par Coin
I just want to point out if you are using the Award Request Form for this then you don't need any supporters or keepers.

Important notes:
Forms are set to be removed every 17 days
. However, we will keep a spreadsheet with all buyers, so you don't need to buy another one in case yours disappear. Please contact the Awards Team here if it happens.

You don't need supporters/keepers for your badge but it is still mandatory to open a suggestion + voting period.
The Awards Team reserves the right to delay/cancel the addition of a badge if rules aren't followed properly - in this case, no refund will be provided.


I just want to point out if you are using the Award Request Form for this then you don't need any supporters or keepers.

Important notes:
Forms are set to be removed every 17 days
. However, we will keep a spreadsheet with all buyers, so you don't need to buy another one in case yours disappear. Please contact the Awards Team here if it happens.

You don't need supporters/keepers for your badge but it is still mandatory to open a suggestion + voting period.
The Awards Team reserves the right to delay/cancel the addition of a badge if rules aren't followed properly - in this case, no refund will be provided.

I am not thats why i'm asking for supporters/keepers

because jongkook and haha are singers no need for form
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Thread is on hold till further notice need to change a few things first


After discussion with AW team turns out i needed to do a turbo thread instead of a jongkook thread everything will be the same just that turbo members and turbo group badge added because of fourm rules and i extended the suggestion phase by a day due to my missinformation I was informed if we dont get any keepers supporters for turbo & jungnam,mickey and we got for jongkook then its ok his badge will be avalable


Suggestions are now over i'll submit jongkook's mocks for preapproval


Voting is over as the poll just closed gonna submit mock 1 of jongkook to final approval
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