The official website for the anime adaptation of Natsu Hyūga and Touko Shino's The Apothecary Diaries (Kusuriya no Hitorigoto) light novel series began streaming on Saturday a teaser promotional video, and it reveals the October premiere and the new cast member, Takeo Ōtsuka as Jinshi.
The website also unveiled a visual:
Crunchyroll will stream the anime as it airs.
Aoi Yūki will voice the main character Maomao.
The website also unveiled a visual:
Crunchyroll will stream the anime as it airs.
Aoi Yūki will voice the main character Maomao.
The Apothecary Diaries Anime's Teaser Video Reveals New Cast Member, October Premiere
Takeo Ōtsuka plays Jinshi // The official website for the anime adaptation of Natsu Hyūga and Touko Shino's The Apothecary Diaries (Kusuriya no Hitorigoto)...