POEM The Deepest Depths (The Warm Within The Light)


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Dec 28, 2020
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Memories overlooked, a tragic past brought to light
Memories over-compensated, no way out from the darkness
I love to gamble with my future, as it is bleak like my soul
A numbing like no other
baby I feel you on the other side
even though you are never there
I can still feel your warmth
I can still feel your heart
beating like a clock on non-stop
non-stop trauma after trauma
I now embrace it, I used to deface it
As well as your inner feelings
I tread on your dreams like dead roses
like silent nightmares I wake up screaming
but no words come out
Can I come out of this coma of delusion?
this endless pattern of sanctuary I call home, but isn't?
the endless wisdom of your words lost, can I ever find them again?
No hope, no realisation, no passion
a passion for bringing out the best in those I care about
is no longer what it's about
I am selfishly endangering myself
the procrastination lingers like a dull pain
a pain in my hands, in my feet in my head
a brilliant red that shines like the night all bloodied
how do I escape when the knife is right there?
ready to pierce my existence or what's left of it?
What is left of a person
if the person is no longer themselves?
but something else
something else
something not of this world
something not human
but a demon
of urge and splurge
of resistance and persistence

@Idol Killer
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