ANNOUNCEMENT User of the Month - April 2023!


Don't cry. You're perfect. Community Manager Moderator VIP+ Ninth Place HoE
Jun 24, 2019
Reaction score
Plus Coins

btw this banner proves that Magi is the absolute cutest

Saying goodbye to the month of March, we are here once again to show our gratitude to those who continue to work hard for our community through the nomination of the User of the Month of April!

The users selected each month is someone both the staff and the users of this forum, have chosen. These users contributed to the community in standout ways, be it by helping other members, answering questions, promoting H+, donating, or anything that makes this person stand out in a positive way.

To show how thankful we are, being a User of the Month comes with perks as well!

One of the three banners of your choice:

A special trophy (2,500 points)
3 orbs
1-3 Star +Card Pack

Before announcing the next user, we want to once again thank the selected member for March:


And now, we ask you to pass the crown to our new User of the Month...


Congratulations! Thank you for being an active, long-time member who is approachable, sensible and sociable. That's not all, of course; our members, even more so, wanted to let you know they appreciate the "Girl Groups Supporter" aspect of yourself quite a bit, so we hope to continue seeing you post in the artist threads! Our community is blessed to have someone like you in it.


Until next time!​
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