What is your in real life Game of Throne Moment?

SM's Kunta Kinte Silence

Stan Early Supporters
Jun 16, 2019
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I've been going through a lot of stress regarding family atm.

I'm not in any position to lash out right now though, despite already lashing out several times in the pass months, I am unbelievable good at putting on a fake smile on my face and playing dumb/innocent.

I finally revealed my true face recently, and I'm sure those people in my family were surprised at what an actual devil I can be once they try to fuck with me. (They've fucked with me for the last time).

Sometimes it makes me feel guilty - almost like a snake. Like I'm manipulative.

But the thing about my family is, they want to play mind games not realizing how stone hearted and wicked I can truly be once you push me to the edge, how volcanic is my anger, how maddening is my grief, how quickly I can seal my emotions to pretend everything is normal - biding my time to strike.

At some point, while I was busy unravelling, plotting on in my mind the few ways this thing can go right and the many more in which it can go wrong - suddenly, I can to the realization how Game Of Thrones everything was starting to get, and despite the whirlwind going on inside my mind, I couldn't help but muse over how much of Cersei Lanniester I was channeling.

I laughed and thought, well, "when you play the game of thrones..." As I'm sure you all already know here, "you WIN or you DIE."

I'm not an idiot though, so I don't plan to lose in this game. Although I am a Targaryen here, I also feel the overwhelming need to protect not only myself, but those under me who can not yet protect themselves. The insane love that Cersei Lanniester had for her own children that would cause her to stop at no ends to keep them safe. I'm too young to understand this kind of fear. A mother's grief. But here I am. Feeling a little too Lannister.

In any case, I will continuing to fight.


Of course in the end, I am still a Targaryen. As much as I love and protect, I also have a lot of pride and even more anger. And so, I WILL trample my enemies, burn cities to the ground if I have to, and take what is rightfully mine with FIRE and BLOOD.

This is my irl GOT moment.

Wat about u guys? Similar experiences??


Raised from the Dead Early Supporters
Jun 16, 2019
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Playing D&D
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My GOT moment was when I put dog shit in some girl's taco meat for pissing me off in middle school

she didn't rlly do anything major at least not something I can remember, only that she pissed me off and I plotted to take revenge
idk if that counts as a GOT moment but its my most iconic one either way
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