happy question

  1. Happy

    What is a job you would never do?

  2. Happy

    What skill do you wish you were good at and why?

    What skill do you wish you were good at and why? :pandasantacookie:
  3. Happy

    Are there more doors or wheels in the world?

    Are there more doors or wheels in the world? :pandasantacookie:
  4. Happy

    What's your hobby?

    What's your hobby? :pandasantacookie:
  5. Happy

    What's your favourite candy?

  6. Happy

    Where was the best vacation trip you had?

  7. Happy

    What's your dream car?

  8. Happy

    What's the hottest temperature it's been where you live?

  9. Happy

    What do you think of E3 2021?

    https://www.radiotimes.com/technology/gaming/e3-2021-recap-reveals-newsupdate/ What do you think of E3 2021? Any games you're exciting for? I kinda feel little bit disappointing! Not so much interesting reveal on E3. Few games I'm interest in is Elden Ring The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the...
  10. Happy

    Would you rather play a hero or a villain in a movie? Why?

    Would you rather play a villain or a hero in a movie? Why? :catpopcorn:
  11. Happy

    What's your internet speed?

    Mine: You can check your internet speed here: https://www.speedtest.net or there is other sites too. :pepesanta:
  12. Happy

    Would you rather sit or stand for 12 hours straight?

  13. Happy

    What's your dream job?

  14. Happy

    Which OS are you using?

    Which operating system are you using? :pandasantacookie:
  15. Happy

    Which web browser do you use?

  16. Happy

    Cookies or Donuts?

    Do you prefer Cookies or Donuts? :pandasantacookie:
  17. Happy

    What is a sound you find relaxing?

    For me is rain How about you? :pandasantacookie:
  18. Happy

    What is something that makes your day instantly better?

  19. Happy

    Do you brush your tongue?

    Do you brush your tongue? 🪥😛 :pandasantacookie:
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