happy question

  1. Happy

    Would you rather lose your hearing or your eyesight?

    If you had to choose, would you rather lose your hearing or your eyesight? :pandasantacookie:
  2. Happy

    What household chore would you never do again?

    if you had the option, what household chore would you never do again? :pandasantacookie:
  3. Happy

    Fame or Money?

    What would you choose? :pandasantacookie:
  4. Happy

    Milkshakes or Smoothies?

    What do you prefer? :pandasantacookie:
  5. Happy

    Do you have a lucky number?

  6. Happy

    If you won 1 billion dollars in the lottery, what would you do?

    What would you do with it? :pandasantacookie:
  7. Happy

    Would you prefer fun work and less money or boring work and more money?

    Would you prefer fun work and less money or boring work and more money? Why?
  8. Happy

    What word(s) do you always spell wrong?

    Here is few words I often spell wrong! Because Receive Necessary Remember Definitely Recommend :squirtlechristmas: How about you? :pandasantacookie:
  9. Happy

    Which are your most used daily apps?

  10. Happy

    Do you prefer Cold or Hot drinks?

    What is your most preferred to drink in most days? Cold or Hot drinks? :pandasantacookie:
  11. Happy

    What's your favorite kind of pizza?

  12. Happy

    Is cereal a soup?

    In your opinion is cereal a soup? Why or why not? :pandasantacookie:
  13. Happy

    How often do you clean your computer?

    Here is a good video for cleaning laptop! :pandasantacookie:
  14. Happy

    Is a hot dog a sandwich?

    In your opinion is a hot dog a sandwich? Why or why not? :catpopcorn:
  15. Happy

    Do you prefer taking pictures or having your pictures taken?

  16. Happy

    Pizza or Burger?

    Which do you prefer? Pizza or Burger? :pandasantacookie:
  17. Happy

    Would you rather cheat on someone or get cheated on?

  18. Happy

    What do you usually have for breakfast?

    I only drink coffee for breakfast. How about you?
  19. Happy

    Foods you have always wanted to try?

    Is there any food you never had before that you really want to try? :pandasantacookie: For me is sushi. I have never tried it before!
  20. Happy

    What is the highest score you can get?

    https://kuku-kube.com/ Mine is: https://kuku-kube2.com/ and this one is What is yours? :pandasantacookie:
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