
  1. Bellamy

    Test your personality and traits (I guess)

    I can't believe my results...I feel like I answered something wrong because I do not identify with almost nothing here.:TzuyuKek:
  2. M

    Due to heath issues I am getting tested for cancer

    The doctor said no real symptoms but since I've had my problems for ages. Bowel cancer and diabetes. I haven't told anyone about my health problems my whole life. Being so embarrassed about it. But hopefully its nothing. Just letting you all know in advance.
  3. M

    It's simply funny...

    How I can listen to Heads Shoveled Off by Cannibal Corpse, by the way 2.49 is brilliant stuff. Then I change switcharoo to Blackpink and Lovesick Girls lol My taste is both wild and brutal/softy and old fashioned romantic. I like girly I like brutal. oh and rap as well. Cannot forget what I...
  4. AKID❀KI

    What is your MBTI personality type?

    Or in case you can't do the mbti personality test. From the 16 personalities, which one do you have? I am an ENFP. And I think it it is pretty accurate. Like 75 percent. I am creative and enthusiastic but I also tend to procrastinate quite...
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