
  1. paradise.mp3

    Key to keep on living: A Goal!

    Iā€™ve thought and attempted suicide a few times but to stop myself from doing something stupid like that again I remind myself that there is a long term goal in mind if I keep my head up, earn money, and take care of myself That goal is to visit Japan, to see the shrines, important monuments, to...
  2. Danee

    If Somi debuted with Birthday in 2017

    soon after IOI disbanded... Do you think it would be more successful? I think its a song which would fit into 2017 better. And tbh it would fit Somi's image back then too. In my opinion it would suit her image back the better then nowadays. Or maybe its just that I expected something a little...
  3. sandwich

    Whats your favorite Dessert?

    I like brownies and cookies! šŸŖ What's yours?
  4. Taesthetic

    [H+ Games] I know you're addicted to ...(100% random)

    Welcome Hallyu+ users! The game is simple, you're going to let this random noun generator guess what the user above is addicted to, Let the chaos begin! https://randomwordgenerator.com/noun.php R U L E S *Please don't use any qualifier or option that limits the range of possibilities, let...
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