10 Anime That Are Turning 10 Years Old In 2022


IDLE TRANSFIGURATION Community Manager Moderator VIP+ Ninth Place HoE
Jun 24, 2019
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Remember when I made my "10 Anime That Are Turning 10 Years Old In 2021" thread? Well, here I am again, with an assortment of anime turning 10 years old in 2022! Please keep in mind, there are many anime that didn't make this list, but that does not mean I am giving them an indication of their worth by not being named—so if there's something I missed, absolutely feel free to post about it yourself!

Source: 1, 2, 3, 4


Aired: Jan 10, 2012 - Mar 27, 2012 (12 Episodes)
In 1972, a popular student in Yomiyama North Middle School's class 3-3 named Misaki passed away during the school year. Since then, the town of Yomiyama has been shrouded by a fearful atmosphere, from the dark secrets hidden deep within.

Twenty-six years later, 15-year-old Kouichi Sakakibara transfers into class 3-3 of Yomiyama North and soon after discovers that a strange, gloomy mood seems to hang over all the students. He also finds himself drawn to the mysterious, eyepatch-wearing student Mei Misaki; however, the rest of the class and the teachers seem to treat her like she doesn't exist. Paying no heed to warnings from everyone including Mei herself, Kouichi begins to get closer not only to her, but also to the truth behind the gruesome phenomenon plaguing class 3-3 of Yomiyama North.

Another follows Kouichi, Mei, and their classmates as they are pulled into the enigma surrounding a series of inevitable, tragic events—but unraveling the horror of Yomiyama may just cost them the ultimate price.
Additional Information: Another is one of the most popular horror anime of all time. It was originally a novel, but has since had additional spin-off novels, an anime adaptation, a manga adaptation, and a live-action film. The novel ranked third in both the 2010 Honkaku Mystery Best 10 and the Kono Mystery ga Sugoi! 2010 mystery fiction guide books. It was also nominated for the 2010 Honkaku Mystery Award. (5)

Daily Lives of High School Boys

Aired: Jan 10, 2012 - Mar 27, 2012 (12 Episodes)
Roaming the halls of the all-boys Sanada North High School are three close comrades: the eccentric ringleader with a hyperactive imagination Hidenori, the passionate Yoshitake, and the rational and prudent Tadakuni. Their lives are filled with giant robots, true love, and intense drama... in their colorful imaginations, at least. In reality, they are just an everyday trio of ordinary guys trying to pass the time, but who said everyday life couldn't be interesting? Whether it's an intricate RPG reenactment or an unexpected romantic encounter on the riverbank at sunset, Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou is rife with bizarre yet hilariously relatable situations that are anything but mundane.
Additional Information: A very well-received comedy that is still referenced today within the anime and manga community, particularly but not limited to this screenshot. Strangely enough, the manga abruptly ended in September 2012 with no prior announcement, wrap-up of the story, or any follow-up as to why it even ended to begin with. (6)


Aired: Apr 23, 2012 - Sep 17, 2012 (22 Episodes)
High school freshman Houtarou Oreki has but one goal: to lead a gray life while conserving as much energy as he can. Unfortunately, his peaceful days come to an end when his older sister, Tomoe, forces him to save the memberless Classics Club from disbandment.

Luckily, Oreki's predicament seems to be over when he heads to the clubroom and discovers that his fellow first-year, Eru Chitanda, has already become a member. However, despite his obligation being fulfilled, Oreki finds himself entangled by Chitanda's curious and bubbly personality, soon joining the club of his own volition.

Hyouka follows the four members of the Classics Club—including Oreki's friends Satoshi Fukube and Mayaka Ibara—as they, driven by Chitanda's insatiable curiosity, solve the trivial yet intriguing mysteries that permeate their daily lives.
Additional Information: Although widely considered "mystery" and "slice-of-life" by the industry, what really has given this anime a "cult classic"-status is the gentle coming-of-age story of young Houtarou Oreki, who finally begins to let himself see life through rose-tinted glasses, even if it's just a little. Hyouka is often praised for having some of KyoAni's best animation to date.

Kuroko no Basket

Aired: Apr 8, 2012 - Sep 22, 2012 (25 Episodes)
For the last three years, Teikou Middle School has dominated the national basketball scene with its legendary lineup: the "Generation of Miracles." It consisted of five prodigies who excelled at the sport, but a "Phantom Sixth Man" lurked in the shadows and helped earn the team their revered status. Eventually, their monstrous growth jaded them from the sport they loved and made them go their separate ways in high school.

In search of new members, the Seirin High School basketball team recruits Taiga Kagami and Tetsuya Kuroko, two freshmen who seem to have significant differences in abilities. Having returned recently from America, Kagami has both a natural aptitude and relentless love for the sport. Meanwhile, Kuroko lacks presence and exhibits no outstanding athletic talent. However, it is later revealed that he is Teikou's Phantom Sixth Man—the player once part of the Generation of Miracles.

Kuroko wants to prove to the Seirin team that he is strong in his own way. Seeing his conviction, Kagami forms a dynamic partnership with Kuroko, the latter promising to support Kagami's "light" as his "shadow." Alongside their new Seirin teammates, they aim to conquer the upcoming Interhigh championship, but the reappearance of Kuroko's former teammates complicates their plan.
Additional Information: Kuroko no Basket is one of the most successful sports anime and manga series of all time, having been third best-selling manga series of 2013 with 8,761,081 copies sold in that year alone. As of November 2020, Kuroko no Basket has over 31 million copies in circulation. DVD sales of the anime series have also been featured on Oricon's weekly Japanese anime DVD rankings at various times. (7)

Sword Art Online

Aired: Jul 8, 2012 - Dec 23, 2012 (25 Episodes)
In the year 2022, virtual reality has progressed by leaps and bounds, and a massive online role-playing game called Sword Art Online (SAO) is launched. With the aid of "NerveGear" technology, players can control their avatars within the game using nothing but their own thoughts.

Kazuto Kirigaya, nicknamed "Kirito," is among the lucky few enthusiasts who get their hands on the first shipment of the game. He logs in to find himself, with ten-thousand others, in the scenic and elaborate world of Aincrad, one full of fantastic medieval weapons and gruesome monsters. However, in a cruel turn of events, the players soon realize they cannot log out; the game's creator has trapped them in his new world until they complete all one hundred levels of the game.

In order to escape Aincrad, Kirito will now have to interact and cooperate with his fellow players. Some are allies, while others are foes, like Asuna Yuuki, who commands the leading group attempting to escape from the ruthless game. To make matters worse, Sword Art Online is not all fun and games: if they die in Aincrad, they die in real life. Kirito must adapt to his new reality, fight for his survival, and hopefully break free from his virtual hell.
Additional Information: Whether you love it or hate it, it cannot be denied that Sword Art Online is one of the most popular series to come out of Japan in the last decade. What first started as a web novel, is now an actual physical light novel series with over 26 million copies to date, an anime series with theatrical anime film releases, a manga series, and a video game series—and it's still going! (8)


Aired: Oct 12, 2012 - Mar 22, 2013 (22 Episodes)
Justice, and the enforcement of it, has changed. In the 22nd century, Japan enforces the Sibyl System, an objective means of determining the threat level of each citizen by examining their mental state for signs of criminal intent, known as their Psycho-Pass. Inspectors uphold the law by subjugating, often with lethal force, anyone harboring the slightest ill-will; alongside them are Enforcers, jaded Inspectors that have become latent criminals, granted relative freedom in exchange for carrying out the Inspectors' dirty work.

Into this world steps Akane Tsunemori, a young woman with an honest desire to uphold justice. However, as she works alongside veteran Enforcer Shinya Kougami, she soon learns that the Sibyl System's judgments are not as perfect as her fellow Inspectors assume. With everything she has known turned on its head, Akane wrestles with the question of what justice truly is, and whether it can be upheld through the use of a system that may already be corrupt.
Additional Information: This anime's blend of psychological thriller and dystopian sci-fi inspired by works like Minority Report and Blade Runner made it a stand-out release in 2012, and is now often recommended as a great starting point for people who aren't familiar with anime or don't generally enjoy the medium. It has made numerous lists like "Top 100 anime of the decade" and "best anime of 2010s" by media outlets, and in the Newtype anime awards from 2013, it was voted as fourth best title of the year. (9)

Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun

Aired: Oct 2, 2012 - Dec 25, 2012 (13 Episodes)
Shizuku Mizutani is apathetic toward her classmates, only caring about her grades. However, her cold view of life begins to change when she meets Haru Yoshida, a violent troublemaker who stopped attending class after getting into a fight early in the school year. He is not much different from her, though—he too understands little about human nature and does not have any friends. Much to Shizuku's surprise, he proclaims that she will be his friend and immediately confesses his feelings toward her upon meeting her.

Because of her lack of friends and social interaction, Shizuku has a hard time understanding her relationship with Haru. But slowly, their friendship begins to progress, and she discovers that there is more to Haru than violence. She begins to develop feelings for him, but is unsure what kind of emotions she is experiencing. Together, Shizuku and Haru explore the true nature of their relationship and emotions.
Additional Information: While the anime adaptation for Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun would not generally be viewed as anything exceptional to most, its manga had 6.1 million copies in print in 2018—a very good number for its genre. With both Sukitte Ii na yo. and Kamisama Hajimemashita sharing a similar fate, that actually makes 2012 a rather notable year for shoujo! (10)

Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic

Aired: Oct 7, 2012 - Mar 31, 2013 (25 Episodes)
Dispersed around the world, there are several bizarre labyrinths hiding incredible treasures within them. These mysterious places, known as "Dungeons," are said to be the work of Magi, a class of rare magicians, who also help people build their empires by guiding them to a dungeon. Djinns, supernatural beings that rule over the labyrinths, grant successful conquerors access to their immense power and choose them as potential king candidates to rule the world.

Having spent life in isolation, Aladdin, a kind and young magician, is eager to explore the world upon finally leaving his home behind. He begins his journey only accompanied by his mentor Ugo—a djinn that Aladdin can summon with his flute. However, Aladdin soon becomes friends with the courageous Alibaba Saluja after causing the destruction of a local merchant's supply cart. In order to pay for the damages, Alibaba suggests that they attempt to conquer the nearest dungeon, taking the first step in an epic adventure that will decide the fate of the world itself.
Additional Information: Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic is an understated shounen success, as in it is rarely brought up now within the anime and manga community, but when it is, few have anything negative to say. In fact, it had been in the top 10 best selling manga series in Japan every year, starting at 2012, and only stopping when it it officially ended in 2017. Will its anime adaptation ever get a third season, though? (11)

Sukitte Ii na yo.

Aired: Oct 7, 2012 - Dec 30, 2012 (13 Episodes)
Friends will only let you down—that is the sad truth Mei Tachibana lives with, ever since she was wrongfully blamed for the death of a class pet by her so-called friends in grade school. Since then, she has stayed away from people in order to avoid ever being hurt again. However, Mei's life begins to change drastically when a misunderstanding in high school causes her to encounter popular student Yamato Kurosawa.

Yamato finds her intriguing and insists on being her friend, even though Mei wants nothing to do with him. But when a dangerous situation ends with Yamato kissing Mei to save her from the unwanted attention of a stalker, Mei begins to develop feelings for him. On the heels of her discovery that their feelings are mutual, they start dating and she gains not only a boyfriend, but friends as well. Mei, however, finds it very hard to adapt to this new lifestyle, especially in expressing her true feelings towards Yamato.

Throughout misunderstandings of their new relationship, each other, and the attentions of other girls, Mei and Yamato slowly grow closer and learn the true meaning of those three little words: "I love you."
Additional Information: While the anime adaptation for Sukitte Ii na yo. would not generally be viewed as anything exceptional to most, its manga had 7.2 million copies in print in 2017—a very good number for its genre. With both Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun and Kamisama Hajimemashita sharing a similar fate, that actually makes 2012 a rather notable year for shoujo! (12)

Kamisama Hajimemashita

Aired: Oct 2, 2012 - Dec 25, 2012 (13 Episodes)
High schooler Nanami Momozono has quite a few problems of late, beginning with her absentee father being in such extreme debt that they lose everything. Downtrodden and homeless, she runs into a man being harassed by a dog. After helping him, she explains her situation, and to her surprise, he offers her his home in gratitude. But when she discovers that said home is a rundown shrine, she tries to leave; however, she is caught by two shrine spirits and a fox familiar named Tomoe. They mistake her for the man Nanami rescued—the land god of the shrine, Mikage. Realizing that Mikage must have sent her there as a replacement god, Tomoe leaves abruptly, refusing to serve a human.

Rather than going back to being homeless, Nanami immerses herself in her divine duties. But if she must keep things running smoothly, she will need the help of a certain hot-headed fox. In her fumbling attempt to seek out Tomoe, she lands in trouble and ends up sealing a contract with him. Now the two must traverse the path of godhood together as god and familiar; but it will not be easy, for new threats arise in the form of a youkai who wants to devour the girl, a snake that wants to marry her, and Nanami's own unexpected feelings for her new familiar.
Additional Information: While the anime adaptation for Kamisama Hajimemashita would not generally be viewed as anything exceptional to most (although it is generally rated the best among the three shoujo mentioned in this thread), its manga had 5 million copies in print in 2016—a very good number for its genre. With both Sukitte Ii na yo. and Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun sharing a similar fate, that actually makes 2012 a rather notable year for shoujo! (13)​


Pretty 💜 Psycho Early Supporters Donor
Jun 15, 2019
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Under Handong's hat
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Me wondering if Psycho Pass's art style stays that cool through out :youdontsay: "and is now often recommended as a great starting point for people who aren't familiar with anime or don't generally enjoy the medium." Inch resting... I MAY check it out!
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IDLE TRANSFIGURATION Community Manager Moderator VIP+ Ninth Place HoE
Jun 24, 2019
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Me wondering is Psycho Pass's art style stays that cool through out :youdontsay: "and is now often recommended as a great starting point for people who aren't familiar with anime or don't generally enjoy the medium." Inch resting... I MAY check it out!
The coloring won't be the same as the gif I used is from the second opening so those are always a bit more creative, but the design of the characters and how the world around them looks is of the same style.




^ These are from actual episodes, for example.


Philippians 4:11-13
Jun 16, 2019
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I've been meaning to watch Another and Psycho-Pass for a while. Probably will start with Psycho-Pass soon :poggers: I checked out Kuroko no Basket the other week since I was looking for another sports anime to watch after Haikyuu!, but honestly I wasn't really feeling it as much as the former so I kinda dropped :HidePar:


✴︎ Events
Jun 16, 2019
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Kamisama Kiss :poggers: that anime was so stupid i love it fnkwenjfw I cant believe its turning 10 years


IDLE TRANSFIGURATION Community Manager Moderator VIP+ Ninth Place HoE
Jun 24, 2019
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I've been meaning to watch Another and Psycho-Pass for a while. Probably will start with Psycho-Pass soon :poggers: I checked out Kuroko no Basket the other week since I was looking for another sports anime to watch after Haikyuu!, but honestly I wasn't really feeling it as much as the former so I kinda dropped :HidePar:
I like Another, but Psycho-Pass is an all-time favorite of mine! :poggers: Funny thing about Kuroko no Basket though, I actually dropped it the first time I tried to watch it after about 6-7 episodes? So I totally get where you're coming from... But then on a whim, I tried it again, and honestly, the end of Season 1 and the entirety of Season 2 was just great, in my opinion. I still prefer Haikyu!!, though. :TzuyuKek:


Pretty 💜 Psycho Early Supporters Donor
Jun 15, 2019
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Under Handong's hat
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The coloring won't be the same as the gif I used is from the second opening so those are always a bit more creative, but the design of the characters and how the world around them looks is of the same style.




^ These are from actual episodes, for example.
Ooooo pretty. Even as a stranger to the land of anime, I've always had an appreciation for the art that goes into some of these shows.


Philippians 4:11-13
Jun 16, 2019
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I like Another, but Psycho-Pass is an all-time favorite of mine! :poggers: Funny thing about Kuroko no Basket though, I actually dropped it the first time I tried to watch it after about 6-7 episodes? So I totally get where you're coming from... But then on a whim, I tried it again, and honestly, the end of Season 1 and the entirety of Season 2 was just great, in my opinion. I still prefer Haikyu!!, though. :TzuyuKek:

Wow, such high praise. I shall check it out soon then :omfgpepe:

I prolly dropped it after that many episodes, too :TzuyuKek: Something about the characters and their dynamics seemed a bit forced to me; whereas in Haikyuu the characters seem more relatable and how they bond seems more believable asjdlfk only one i liked so far here was Kise 'cause he somehow reminded me of Oikawa. Maybe i'll resume one day and have a change of heart as well :magicpar:
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