Billlie (Mystic Girls) Official Thread 🎵 RING X RING out NOW


Nugu Early Supporters
Jun 21, 2019
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In any case, Haram just had her listen stage. She sang 5 songs.

BLACKPINK - Whistle (Acoustic ver.)
BoA - My Name
Lee Hyori - 10 minutes
S.E.S. - Just a Feeling

Tomorrow is Siyoon and new trainee Serim!


Servant Of Luda Early Supporters
Jun 17, 2019
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I think you misunderstand their intention. Mystic is trying to protect Miyu from taking the brunt in the Japanese-Korean conflict.
Have you even read the full post by YJS?

Juri is in a group. She has Korean members with her. And maybe they couldn't delay Rocket Punch debut any longer, and just went for it.
...and as much as I like RUANN, she's a still nobody in Korea.
It's different from Miyu who is well-known as a finalist in PD48 and was already getting hate for various things.

Different companies make different decisions. I believe Mystic made the right decision.

Translation of Yoon Jong Shin's instagram post by SeasonAndTime:


''During this summer when I was excited to release this refreshing song, Shinzo Abe and the Japanese government’s ult-right statements came into play; the situation worsened, and it has come to a conclusion that the song’s release would be postponed. '' Why involve politics with your employee who has NOTHING to do about it. I understand and I guess Yoon has no ill intention towards Miyu. But he and Mystic shoot himself in the foot when they are involving the situation. A company should be neutral and conduct business.

Now Miyu has schedules her listening stage in this month, so not everything is dark and gloomy yet. But that Mystic postponed her song and MV is already a bad sign. If she debuts in the girl group, then I'll eat my words and think how dumb I was. But anymore of this similar situation occurs in the future, then Miyu deserves better and shoud leave them. I'd rather she go to a nugu company and gets do live out her dreams, instead of being in a sizeable company and been treated this way.


Nugu Early Supporters
Jun 21, 2019
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I see your point. Fair enough. 🤔

Even if it was released as usual last month, it would have caused a great backlash for sure. And the only other option was for them (Miyu and YJS) to delay and keep all fans in the dark about what she filmed until (who knows when) this conflict is over. Basically, suffering in silence.

In any case, Miyu's dream is to go international, and going to a nugu company (or back to Japan) wouldn't work in her favour.
That's obviously not the best thing for her to do.

Anyway, I've said my thing and I don't feel like discussing this topic anymore. :)
Let's look forward to the upcoming listen stages from now on.


Aug 5, 2019
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Hi. I'm SeasonAndTime, the one who translated Yoon Jongshin's heartfelt post about Miyu on his Instagram.
A bit about myself; my passport says I'm Canadian, but I bleed Korean blood. I want to address the situation about Korea right now.
(General background of the boycott (if you don't like politics, you can skip this section))
Semiconductors are the device of technology that is going to trend for the next decades in this world, and Korea is planning for a mass production. Japan was responsible for exporting three things to Korea; photoresist, fluorine polyimide and HF. In this day of age, it needs to become of a time where Korea and Japan needs to work together. With Japan removing Korea from the whitelist and not sending these three chemicals to South Korea, it caused a great discrepancy between the two. The main purpose of the boycott is to inform that the Japanese government can't do things like this because at the end of the day, we need to work together. A month into the boycott, it still remains alive. The people of Korea has always showed democracy and togetherness throughout the recent history of the country, with the 3.1 liberation movement from the Japanese colonialism, 5.18 Gwangju Democracy and the impeachment of Park Geun-hye on March 10th, 2017. This is another movement done by the Koreans for what is right. It may affect Korea negatively for a period of time, but it is necessary for the future. I personally see it continuing for at least half a year, just like the impeachment two years ago. Personally as a Korean blood, I too restrain myself from using Japanese products. BUT, does this mean that it is also to show hate for the Japanese? Absolutely not. However, Koreans do want the young Japanese people to pay at least some attention to politics because it is important to know what is going on with your own country. The real concern about the Japanese government is that they're trying to change important laws, which could lead into some more trouble and possible war. The government that Shinzo Abe is running has been dominating Japan for the past sixty years. The current Japanese government controls media heavily, taxes aren't transparent enough and the most important thing that I hate about the most is that they neglect history, which has affected Korea terribly in the middle of the 20th century. We do want to inform the Japanese people to know about what is going with their country because the country is eventually run by the people.
(Do I think that cancelling Miyu's song is a good choice?)
Despite everything I said about the politics and such, my pick for PRODUCE48 was Miyu, and I follow her activities whenever I can. I knew she had something special from the moment I saw her intro on the show and I'm glad Mystic picked her up. She is my favorite Mystic girl, and I LOVE SOOMIN, SUHYUN, and all the other amazing talented girls. However, I do think that it is a good decision to cancel the release. Korea has the fastest internet in the world, and with one of the best internet, there are more nasty people on there, my gosh. Yoon Jongshin clearly indicated that the blame goes for the Japanese government, and yet the comments on his post is bashing both YJS and Miyu; it's absolutely hideous. There are a lot of groups on the internet who do REALLY NASTY STUFF, such as spreading false rumors, ruining an event and more ridiculous things that you can't fathom to imagine. These people can literally destroy people's careers, especially Japanese celebrities active in Korea. These groups say that they're patriotic, but to me they're more nationalist and I can't stand that. The general people in Korea actually like the Japanese people who are active in Korea, because they work for their own country and pay Korean taxes. If Miyu's song was to be released on July, she would have been a victim from these horrible bunch of people online, and it would affect her mentally and emotionally. While she has been popular worldwide through PRODUCE48, her fandom is not yet developed and she would still be a trainee even with the release of the song. I don't think it is to mistreat her, but rather protect her. Also, the reassuring fact about the whole post is that YJS and Mystic REALLY cares for Miyu.
(Mystic Girls)
I feel really good things for the girls. Suhyun has pretty much shared her name to the internet through the web drama A-TEEN (even though I wish people called her Suhyun NOT Yeo Boram smh), Soomin was featured on the Produce Series medley which racked up more views and delighted people who actually remember her and Mystic really cares for Miyu. I am concerned about the constant changes of the girls however, but I do sense something really good for the girls. THEY WILL DEBUT. I think Mystic has learned something from the recent stir about YJS's post, and for a business to run properly they need to learn from what they did and think for the future.

...Sorry for a long post for an introduction haha. Nice to meet y'all.


Nugu Early Supporters
Jun 21, 2019
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Welcome to the thread!

@SeasonAndTime Thank you for the wonderful translation of YJS' post. (y)

Kim Siyoon & Lee Serim Listen Stage

Motte - Don't Run Away (Siyoon)
2NE1 - Lonely (Serim)
Cheeze - Madeleine Love (Siyoon)
Camilla Cabello - Havana (Serim)

Lee Serim is confirmed to be the girl who participated in K-Pop Star 4 (Younha - Waiting, Sistar - I swear).
She used to live in Singapore and attended Korea International School.

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Nugu Early Supporters
Jun 21, 2019
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Lee Doyoon Listen Stage

Kehlani - Undercover
Girls Generation - Goodbye
Khalid - Location
Taeyeon - All About You (Hotel Del Luna OST)
The Neighbourhood - Sweater Weather

Miyu will perform this Friday.


MY | ningmeng Early Supporters
Jun 15, 2019
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Hi, it's been a while! It looks like Mystic likes girls from K-POP Star lol. I'm quite worried about the girls, I thought they would debut in 2019 or 2020 but the lineup is constantly changing. I hope that Soomin won't leave because it's already her 3rd or 4th agency and she's getting older... Miyu and Suhyun too but I'm less worried about them. At least we have listen stages


Nugu Early Supporters
Jun 21, 2019
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Hi, it's been a while! It looks like Mystic likes girls from K-POP Star lol. I'm quite worried about the girls, I thought they would debut in 2019 or 2020 but the lineup is constantly changing. I hope that Soomin won't leave because it's already her 3rd or 4th agency and she's getting older... Miyu and Suhyun too but I'm less worried about them. At least we have listen stages

Even funnier, the entire "Lee family" hails from K-Pop Star. 🤣

Soomin already confirmed that she will debut with Mystic soon (hear it straight from her mouth lol).
And she just had that Produce101 medley that got her lots of attention. So I'm not worried about her.

All these new additions may look strange from our point of view, but it actually kind of makes sense if you think about it.
Here's a theory I had for quite some time:

Rather than 5 or 6 members, I think they were aiming for a total of 7 girls since the beginning of the year all along.
I don't know much about dance, but I've read that uneven numbers is 'better' for kpop choreography.
In December/January there were 6 girls (including Miyu and Soomin who were in talks of signing up at that time). They only needed one more girl.
However, Jeha left in March, followed by Jimin in April.
So that's why they needed to find 3 more girls.

This theory came to me sometime after I watched Talgokki. It's Yoon Jongshin's series about producing music for a client (Do check it out, it's very interesting and enjoyable. It's fully subbed in English. Here's a playlist.). He chose BTS as his "first client". It kind of lead me to think that BTS was used as a case example for Mystic's future girl group, rather than any other popular girl group. 7 members who are creatively involved in music production. I believe that's the kind of girl group they want to aim for. We know that Miyu can produce music. Doyoon is taking lessons in producing, and maybe some other trainees are doing so as well.

Will there be more than 7 girls? I don't think Mystic has the capacity to do so.
I mean, they don't have that much training space in their building lol. They always had around 5 trainees before this year.

As for debut... I assume they don't want to sit any longer on Suhyun and Doyoon who have been at Mystic for years.
Miyu and Soomin have gained plenty of attention from survival shows, and Suhyun in particular has loads of people who know her from A-Teen, which was also popular in Japan. ...She has like 494k followers on instagram. Those 3 girls in particular will draw the most attention to the group at the beginning. If it's not 2019, then it's definitely in the first half of 2020. Not any later. It's best to strike while the iron is still hot.

In any case, I added Serim's profile to the OP. We don't really know that much about her, so it's kind of short.
She's the same age as Haram. I placed Serim after her because Haram was born in early January.
(I wonder about her birthday because none of the girls are born after March. 😅)


MY | ningmeng Early Supporters
Jun 15, 2019
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Even funnier, the entire "Lee family" hails from K-Pop Star. 🤣

Soomin already confirmed that she will debut with Mystic soon (hear it straight from her mouth lol).
And she just had that Produce101 medley that got her lots of attention. So I'm not worried about her.

All these new additions may look strange from our point of view, but it actually kind of makes sense if you think about it.
Here's a theory I had for quite some time

Your theory makes a lot of sense! I think you're right. I'll watch it when I have time :)
I hope that we'll get more informations about Serim soon


Nugu Early Supporters
Jun 21, 2019
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Seiko Matsuda - Akai Sweet Pea
Sunwoo Jung A - C A T (Feat.IU)
Suchmos - Stay Tune
MeloMance - You&I
Maroon 5 - This Love

August 11 was Miyu's 15th debut anniversary in the entertainment world. 15 years ago she debuted as a child actress in little by little's music video "Ameagari no kyuuna sakamichi" (A Steep Slope After the Rain). The fans congratulated her after the 3rd song. Unsurprisingly she had completely forgotten about it. 🤣

A gift from the K-Miyukats:

That's it for this week. Gosh, it was packed lmao

The remaining listen stages of this month are:
08/12 Lee Soomin
08/19 Kim Suhyun

See you on Monday for Soomin. 😉
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Hallyu8 / OH Refugee Early Supporters
Jun 15, 2019
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I was hoping Mystic Girls (including Miyu that is) would debut anytime soon because i wanted Miyu to promote around the same time as Rocket Punch Takahashi Juri



Servant Of Luda Early Supporters
Jun 17, 2019
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Twitter updates


[JP-EN Translation]
"I started these jobs from the age of 8, and with today 15 years have passed. Fans in Korea, Japan, China, and various countries celebrated for me. :) Thank you for the happiness "


Aug 5, 2019
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I visited Soomin's gallery page for a bit; Soomin said that things are looking positive for her debut. I honestly don't think it will happen this year because rookie girl groups this year has been REALLY something else. Strong debuts left and right have been taking over this new gen of Kpop, so I assume Mystic will plan the group for 2020.


Nugu Early Supporters
Jun 21, 2019
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Yeah, 2020 is far more likely. It gives the new trainees enough time to catch up as well.

Soomin thanked her fans for coming to the listen stage even though it was raining.


MY | ningmeng Early Supporters
Jun 15, 2019
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2020 is the most likely yeah... Especially now that Jimin and Jeha left and are replaced with new trainees.
There's a public during listen stages??


Nugu Early Supporters
Jun 21, 2019
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Yeah, the artists and trainees busk at the front of Mystic's building. 😄 Mystic didn't actually live stream until August last year.
A glass door can be opened so the audience can hear the singers live (take pics, and record fancams).

How it looks like from across the road. There's only space for a small crowd.

Video from SM producer K JUN's instagram. I think he passed by some people waiting for Miyu's stage.

Speaking of Miyu, she once caused a traffic jam with her welcome committee...
Thankfully no one was harmed and after that the audience size went down to a manageable number. 🤣
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