Donor Perks

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Everything Everywhere All at Once Administrator
May 30, 2019
Reaction score
Plus Coins
Minopolis Coins
Hello everyone! We are really thankful and want to give something back to everyone that decides to help us and the community out by donating. We need your donations to keep this place alive and running smoothly. To express our gratitude, we've come up with some rewards for you guys:


Access to a couple of extra features for profile customization like changing your Profile Style and Username style, as well as the perks below:

: Special Trophy, 1.000 Points, Donor Banner, 10k Plus Coins. Access to additional customization features.

25$ and below: Request 4 badges regardless of post count, 25k Plus Coins (+Rewards Stated Above)

50$ and below: 2.500 Points, 50k Plus Coins (+Rewards Stated Above)


Access to custom Avatar Frames, Custom Title Style, Profile Style, Tooltip, Username Style and the perks below:

Above 50$:
1 Pinned Thread for a Month, Plus Coins depending on your donation, (+Rewards Stated Above)

100$ and above: 5.000 Points, Personalized Donor Banner, 1 Unique Badge, 100k Plus Coins (+Rewards Stated Above)

150$ and above: Personalized Donor Banner, 1 Unique GIF Badge (ability to turn above unique into a gif), 150k Plus Coins (+Rewards Stated Above)

VIP Donor

Our VIP donors will get their own user groups with all the benefits of above + the ability to customize your public profile with images

and these below:

200$ and above:
Can request unique custom avatar frames. 10.000 Points, Personalized Donor Banner with GIF Stamp (can be changed once every 3 months), 2 Unique Badges (incl. 1 GIF Unique), 200k Plus Coins (+Rewards Stated Above)​

  • The different tiers can be earned only once per user
  • The rewards will be given out manually so please be patient since it can take a day or two
  • You are allowed to change uniques, stamps and banners once every 30 days
  • If you wish to stay anonymous (no special banners, etc) please contact at least one of the three staff members listed below

Below will be a donations link where for those who wish for H+ to strive can donate. Be sure to include your username when donating or send me @Ackerman a PM.

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