
*¨*•.¸¸ପଓ VIP+ Donor
Jun 15, 2019
Reaction score
Plus Coins
soo hard choosing favorite songs.. why only 4 :noooo:

Full Sun

I put the A in ass 😜
Jul 2, 2019
Reaction score
Plus Coins


@AKID❀KI @BlessMeAchoo @BlueNose @boo @Full Sun @Nara @OutroTearTheFirst @rananicolee @Rektinq

Hello everyone!
After a week of judging your playlists, results are ready to be posted !

My co-judges (who were 4 in the end: @Frandae, @Lucia, @meltrosz and @Mina)
listened to all playlists "anonymously" in a judges PM to avoid any bias.
Judges will actually discover who sent what today
I also judged, but thanks to my bad memory I didn't remember who had sent what, wew.


I'll post all playlists gradually with all comments from judges.
It wasn't mandatory for judges to comment on all playlists for every player,
but we tried to do it as much as possible.
I'll just post the songs and not the explanations written by players, as some of them were quite personal.

To keep things interesting, I'll reveal the scores and winners at the end ;)

No comment was written to "bash" any player, we really appreciated everyone's efforts.
So please don't take any offence in case you'll read sounds "bad".

This was simply a game made to have fun, promote SJ a little on the forum and celebrate their comeback.
Among the participants, there were fellow ELF, but also non-fans and I hope the latter category discovered songs they like!

Thank you everyone for your participation


"User 1" @BlueNose

Playlist 1: Time Slip

Playlist 2: The Crown

Playlist 3: HallyuPlus

Judge 1: Playlist 1: Good choice for the 1st song. Using Shirt and Spin Up is a little repetitive to me; you skipped their big "mainstream" era from 2009-2013. Playlist 2: I relate to this playlist overall! Playlist 3: Looks like you looked lyrics up; the choice of songs match perfectly what you wanted to express

Judge 2: Overall pretty good and solid playlists but there were a few things here and there that made me deduct some points. I wouldn't have used a sub-unit song to represent the whole group myslef; it feels like you are leaving half of the lineup out. Also the lyrics for Black Suit don't match your description (imo); Black Suit is more of a cocky and flirting song than anything else

Judge 3: Does Suju only have upbeat songs? Playlist 1 only displayed upbeat songs that roughly sounded the same. "This is Love" saved Playlist 2.

Judge 4: Playlist 1: Would’ve loved to see something more latin influenced in this playlist because it’s a direction they’ve gone in lately. Playlist 3: Not sure if Black Suit would be a song I'd choose, but if you think it represents your experience it's cool!

Judge 5: Playlist 1: I will agree that the first song fits the theme since Suju's first two albums were very diverse in style and it's hard to pin-point one as their representative style. However, I disagree with Shirt and and Simply Beautiful. To start, a whole era was skipped - their 2009 to 2012 - which represents their peak popularity wise and had a very distinct auto-tune dance music feel to it. Also, although included in a main album, I don't feel a song with only a few members represents their style whatsoever. The last song is good, I agree with it. Playlist 2: I don't have much to say about this one besides that all songs were very well chosen. They represent different styles but overall they are all very good and well explained! Playlist 3:​

Good playlist! One thing I don't agree with is Black Suit, I feel that the lyrics don't represent the type of feeling you were after. Besides that all good.


"User 2" @Full Sun

Playlist 1: Time Slip

Playlist 2: The Crown

Playlist 3: HallyuPlus

Judge 1: Focused a lot on the message SJ wanted to convey with each song and a little less on the "musical evolution" ("Alright" doesn't really show their current sound imo, "Sapphire Blue" and "YATO" have similarities) but overall I understand a big part of this selection. Playlist 2: I don't especially relate to this selection, minus "Bittersweet", but I think it's a very cute one. Playlist 3: I feel like, without the explanations, I couldn't understand the story behind those songs. The explanations were nice and relatable, though.

Judge 2: The second playlist felt more like a personal / feelings one than anything else; like it's totally fine to go that way but it looked like this one would fit the third playlist more tbh. Also on the third playlist, Super Duper didn't make sense to me (I get the use of it but it doesn't match the other songs of the playlist and it feels odd)

Judge 3: Good variation and backstory in Playlist #1. Good bops in Playlist 2 but needs more upbeat songs

Judge 4: Playlist 1: Although I can understand the song choices, I don’t really think it showed the evolvement in SuJu like the other playlists did from a non-fan perspective. It seemed to focus more on their legacy and experience rather than the evolution they’ve done.

Judge 5: Playlist 1: I get where this playlist was trying to do by showing more of their personal evolution but the point here was so go by their music, not their story. As such I had to bump it down a couple of points since I feel it doesn't really represent them as artists. Story wise, I see your points, it's a nice way of putting it! Playlist 2: Although not my favourite selection of songs - besides bittersweet which I love - it's well thought out and coherent. It is a bit focused on the meanings which could have worked well for playlist 3. Playlist 3: I love most of the songs in this playlist but I feel that they don't really match up that much with the goal of theme. Without the explanations I would not be able to understand the choices. Still, as a whole solid songs.​


"User 3" @Nara

Playlist 1: Time Slip

Playlist 2: The Crown

Playlist 3: HallyuPlus

Judge 1: Playlist 1: Focused on messages instead of sounds. The first two songs make the most sense to me. I wouldn't have finished my own selection with Islands, their sound evolved a lot after that, but I still kinda understand the choice. Playlist 2: I honestly don't relate much with that selection, I'm sorry ;-; Playlist 3: I didn't understand the choice of "Mamacita" that much, but I really enjoyed the rest of the playlist, it made a lot of sense to me given how you described each song.

Judge 2: I didn't get the feeling of their whole evolution through the years with the first playlist; it was more of a sentimental + personal favourites playlist. I didn't feel Miracle that much; like it's a nice song but that's it; the other three songs saved this playlist. As for the third playlist, I don't get the use of Mamacita; nor the lyrics or the melody seem to fit your description/idea imo.

Judge 3: good variation + good songs for playlist 1. From U and Miracle are good songs.

Judge 4: Playlist 1: I like that you talked about the members that left in your evolution, it is a huge part of their history that should be included imo. Opera felt a little out of place, unfortunately; it’s like in the middle they’re really cocky and the other songs they are thankful for their fans and each other. Playlist 3: I agree with everything you said about H+. It's truly a forum where we are ''happy together''.

Judge 5: Playlist 1: I'll be honest, I don't get the use of ballads to start and end the playlist when the point was to show their musical evolution. I love all the songs picked but it was not the for the comments I would have no idea why they were picked. If I was not a fan this shows little of what their representative sound has been. Playlist 2: Most of the songs on this list are not ones I'd pick as their best songs but I do respect all the reasons why you picked them! Just not personally my opinion when I think of their best. Playlist 3: I can't understand the inclusion of Mamacita here, even with the explanation I just don't see how it fits the H+ theme. The rest though, they are nice choices.​


"User 4" @AKID❀KI

Playlist 1: Time Slip

Playlist 2: The Crown

Playlist 3: HallyuPlus

Judge 1: Playlist 1: like users 2 and 3, didn't interpret the theme like I expected it (far from it). So I'm removing 2 points because the songs don't respect chronological order. However, the choices make sense to me and are really telling the story of SJ. Memories and OMC hit hard. Playlist 2:
Literally my own top 4 here, you'd just replace BS with It's You and that's my top 4. Playlist 3: I feel like all choices really relate to the explanation that was given, whether it's in the lyrics or the musicality. Very touching explanations.

Judge 2: Good playlists and really good explanations too; the only thing that didn't fit (imo) was using a sub-unit song to represent the whole group; yes they are allowed but I think for a playlist that tries to represent the group it should only include songs that have all the lineup (or almost all tbh); not a song with just 3 members; because it feels like you are leaving some members out

Judge 3: Lacks variation. Need more upbeat songs for playlist 1. islands and one more chance saved the playlist. using sub-unit song to show a group's evolution may not be a good idea. Good selection of songs for playlist 2. I cried with your story

Judge 4: Playlist 1: I didn’t like that you included a subunit song in a full group evolution. Your playlist had one of the smoothest transitions from rookies to becoming legends. Playlist 3: Your song choices were really nice and I felt like you were very genuine with your explanations!

Judge 5: Playlist 1: Like other people have already mentioned, the main point of this playlist was to focus on their musical journey, not so much the group history. On top of that, I'm also not keen on using a sub-unit song to represent the whole group. It being out of order also hurt the score but overall I can see your points clearly and for what it was meant to be? It was well put together! Playlist 2: I have nothing to say besides the fact that you only picked absolute bops and I agree with all your choices! I also like the reasoning behind each one, well done! Playlist 3: I don't know if I should thank you or not for the essays behind each choice because reading but got to say, very well thought out selection. I can understand why you picked all the songs in the playlist and agree with it.​


"User 5" @Rektinq

Playlist 1: Time Slip

Playlist 2: The Crown

Playlist 3: HallyuPlus

Judge 1: Playlist 1: I really like the way this playlist starts and ends. Perfect choices. However, I really regret the choice of track #2 + #3, only one of them would have been necessary. That disrupts the evolution to me; their "mature" sound from the past 5 years (which is quite important to me) is missing. Playlist 2: Even though I personally don't like "I Think I" that much, I think it's the best choice for a "Latin track" - the rest, I relate to it a lot Playlist 3: I get all choices, even though "I Do" looked weird at first; explanations were brief but enough to make me understand each choice, given the lyrics of each song, so you definitely looked things up.

Judge 2: For the first playlist I think it would have been better to not use two songs of the same album that are somewhat related in music style wise; but I really enjoyed it and I liked how you included the latin vibe phase (even tho it's a cover and I think an original track would have been better imo). As for the second playlist I think "I Think I" is kinda simple for Super Junior's sound/vibe; the other songs were really good tho

Judge 3: Good selection of upbeat songs for playlist 1. would have preferred some ballads but the playlist shows a lot of different sounds nevertheless. I liked all songs except spin up for playlist 2. Need more explanations for playlist 3

Judge 4: Playlist 1: I had no idea SuJu started with rock-inspired tracks lol. I think this playlist show a good variety of the different musical styles SuJu did over the years!

Judge 5: Playlist 1:I really like most of the choices for this list. However, the only downside is the fact that you picked 2 songs from the same album with similar vibes and jumped right to their latin phase. This overlooks their whole post 2013 to now mature sound present in at least 3 albums from 2014-2017. Playlist 2: I like all the songs here but I don't really feel that a couple of them represent their best tracks. This brought down the score a bit but as whole I really like it! Playlist 3: "I do" feels out of place to me even with the explanation, I don't really see how it fits in with the H+ theme. Besides that, I like the rest of the choices and I can tell you put some thought into it according to the lyrics so well done!​


"User 6" @rananicolee

Playlist 1: Time Slip

Playlist 2: The Crown

Playlist 3: HallyuPlus

Judge 1: Playlist 1: I think "From U" is not the best song to depict the era it was released in, but all in all I understand all choices, I see evolution both musically and in their "personal" feelings as a group. Playlist 2: I only relate to 2 of this choices a lot (This Is Love + Why I Like You) - but man, such good choices for these ones. You Got It always had me confused lol Playlist 3: I understand all choices - I'd have loved to get to know you better through them, though! You didn't dare to go much into details, but it's alright.

Judge 2: As already pointed out, the first playlist includes a song without a "full lineup" that's why I deducted some points, because imo, to show the evolution of the group, it would have been better to try to use songs with full line up (or at least the closest to that). For the second playlist; "No Other" feels a little weaker compared to the other three; but it's still good. As for the third playlist; I get the message you are trying to send but tbh it's all over the place and it isn't that deep; as in you don't tell your experiences with other people or what you really enjoyed while being here

Judge 3: playlist 1's songs slowly improves with each song. playlist 2 has good songs and only one i don't like.. i like the witty remarks in playlist 3

Judge 4: Playlist 2: I wasn't too fond of your song choices, tbh, but I can understand why you like them! Just not my cup of tea.

Judge 5: Playlist 1: I've mentioned this for other people too but the use of a song without the full group doesn't really represent their sound especially from that era. I'm missing something to really show their more dance music style from 2009-2012. Playlist 2: Although not my favourite selection of music I can see why picked all of them, overall a good list! Playlist 3: I'm at a lost on this one to be honest. Most of the song choices make little sense besides their title, the lyrics don't really represent what you are trying to portray.​


"User 7" @boo

Playlist 1: Time Slip

Playlist 2: The Crown

Playlist 3: HallyuPlus

Judge 1: Playlist 1: I think that "Dead At Heart" was not the best choice to represent its era, but overall I really see the evolution Playlist 2: ok, this is perfection. Not giving 10/10 because maybe the double choice for TIL/Evanesce was expected, but I relate so much to this playlist Playlist 3: overall I think that all choices match the experience of the average H+ user - I'd have liked more explanation because I had to analyse and maybe add some of my own interpretation to it, though. Runaway's explication is missing but it had potential, that's sad

Judge 2: The only thing that I missed is the lack of explanation in playlist 3. I couldn't get a proper idea of what you wanted to express through these songs. The general idea I get it but I wished you got more deep into it

Judge 3: Good song selection for playlist 1. needs more explanation for song choices. We Can is a very good song. No explanations for playlist 3

Judge 4: Playlist 2: Liked your song choices. Playlist 3: I think your song choices represent the H+ users very well! Only thing I'm missing is more in-depth explanation!

Judge 5: Playlist 1: I'm really repeating myself here by this point but I don't really see how "Dead at Heart" fits in that spot. Like others you completely skipped their dance beat style of 2009-2012. Ballads have been very constant in their discography in all albums and just don't really represent much time-period wise (even if I do love that song). Playlist 2: All I have to say is: taste. I love all the songs in this list! Just wish you'd have explained more of why you picked them Playlist 3: It's a pity that you didn't write anything about your choices because this list tells me nothing the reasons you picked them. I can see the potential in some of them but as it is I can't score it very high I'm afraid.​


"User 8" @OutroTearTheFirst

Playlist 1: Time Slip

Playlist 2: The Crown

Playlist 3: HallyuPlus

Judge 1: Playlist 1: I think that some of the choices could have been replaced, but overall I see where you're going with this and I see the evolution I wanted to see Playlist: although I don't relate that much with Lo Siento and Spy, I can relate to the rest and I enjoy this playlist overall, especially with the explanations you provided, which add a lot of meaning to your choices Playlist 3: Your choices would have made me go "????" without the explanations, but wow, you really manage to mix personal experiences on H+ with various things users and staff work on. Those choices are very well-thought! You made me laugh and go "aw" several times.

Judge 2: I think using two latin vibes for the second playlist was too much; Super Junior had different sounds through their career and half of this playlist that is supposed to represent the best of the best is latin vibe (also Ahora Te Puedes Marchar is a cover of an old song; it feels out of place and doesn't fit the general idea of the playlist imo). At first when I saw the songs by themselves it didn't make sense to me but then I read all the explanations and it was really cute; you put a smile on my face and made me laugh in some moments; great job with this one!

Judge 3: Properly showed the evolution of music + varied choices for playlist 1. I liked all songs in playlist 2. I can see that the explanations in playlist 3 were al very personal (and funny!)

Judge 4: Playlist 2: I really dig your song choices, I agree with all of them! Bonus points for the fun description for ''Hit Me Up''. Playlist 3: I felt your playlist and thoughts were very honest and I agree with them! I relate to it so much

Judge 5: Playlist 1: Although I don't necessarily agree with a couple of the picks here, I can see why you chose them. I think it would have been perfect if you had replaced the ballad with your 4th choice and added in one of the more latin influenced ones. Playlist 2: In contrast to playlist 1, this has too many latin songs. Suju has such a diverse discography and I don't feel this represents all they can offer, especially the cover song. Still a good list though Playlist 3:Your explanations made this playlist the most fun I had to judge! Well done, I love it.​


"User 9" @BlessMeAchoo

Playlist 1: Time Slip

Playlist 2: The Crown

Playlist 3: HallyuPlus

Judge 1: Playlist 1: If someone asked me to create a playlist, I wouldn't include any of these songs minus Keep In Touch. But the way you put everything together makes a lot of sense to me, I clearly see the evolution to maturity Playlist 2: I sadly only relate to Don't Don this playlist, sorry ;-; Playlist 3: I think the choice of songs + explanations were very simple. Everything had potential with more explanation, what a pity!

Judge 2: Animals wouldn't be the first song that comes to mind when you think of Super Junior but to be honest it worked well because you showed their latin vibes/sound phase without being too far from their sound so that was a good one! As for the second playlist I feel like some of them aren't that strong; as in they don't attract me that much tbh. Third playlist lacks of explanation; it's just a sentence or few words; I couldn't understand your message behind this playlist, sorry!

Judge 3: I can see the difference in each music in playlist 1. Evanesce and Animals are also much better than the previous 2 songs. Sorry Sorry and Don't Don are bops. Tell me more about how H+ is great in playlist 3

Judge 4: Playlist 2: Sorry Sorry saved the playlist imo. I liked the songs but they aren't my favorites. Playlist 3: Wished you'd written more in-depth explanations but I understand your feelings and can relate to them!

Judge 5: Playlist 1: You picked songs I would not have thought to include but got to say, it works. The way you explained your choices makes me follow it well and I can see the evolution through it. Playlist 2: I'm afraid you lost me a bit there since I don't really think these represent their songs other than "Don't Don". I'm sorry! But I can see what you wanted to accomplish with it. Playlist 3: I wish there was more in the explanations, without them I can't really figure out why you picked the songs you did.​


@AKID❀KI @BlessMeAchoo @BlueNose @boo @Full Sun @Nara @OutroTearTheFirst @rananicolee @Rektinq

Now it's time for results!

3rd place goes to...
with 111 points!

2nd place goes to...
with 125 points!

1st place goes to...
with 131 points!

Here is the screenshot of the grid with all scores:

Top 3 wins 250K Plus Coins each
And because I appreciated everyone's effort,
the rest gets 100K Plus Coins each instead of 50K.

I'll distribute the prizes a little later today.

Thank you again for playing everyone

And don't forget to stream Super Clap

And The Crown while you're at it because it snaps

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