MINI+ [Finished] Tales from the Crypt


Death's Mistress
Jun 10, 2019
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Cracked & Devoured
Plus Coins
Banshees really love me don't they. :wow: jokes aside... you really murdered a meerkat.

sm maid

Global Star Administrator Events VIP+ Eighth Place HoE
Jun 16, 2019
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Plus Coins
@AKID❀KI expose the words pls :lurk1:

@sm maid don't be sad. At least we finally managed to be on the same team in a game where you didn't ditch me. That's a win in my heart :poggers:

maybe I should have ditched you this time too!

see what happens when I don't... you arrested me :palcry:


Bloody murder how do you dare to do this to the sweet pumpkins, I hate this Disney movie :feelsblankie:


♬ honey, im good ♬
Jun 16, 2019
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Plus Coins
@Stannie @Chococo @Bchip @sm maid @BlueNose @Chiharu @Nara @Chomiczewska Results will be out as soon as judging is done. Give it about 30 minutes to 1 hour.

Here are the final stories though.
Team Bloody Banshees
Code 10-54. "A dead body code," detective Stannie mutters to herself as she looks at the police scanner. Not wasting any more time, she immediately gets into her car, speeding to the crime scene. As soon as she arrives at the destination, which is at an isolated house located in the wood. For such a desolated location, the house is beautifully built.

"Good Morning, detective!" a uniformed police office greets and lifts the crime scene tape as she approaches him.

"Not exactly a 'good morning', isn't it, BChip?" she remarks as she looks over his shoulder to where the dead body is lying. Blood can be seen spattered from the staircase all the way down to the living room. The victim must have put up such a fight. Unfortunately, it wasn't enough.

Stannie puts on her gloves and the mask over her mouth before approaching the corpse to take a better look. She grimaces and tears her eyes away from the corpse. It's really worse from up close. She does not need a second look to see that the victim's organ has been dug-out. We have a maniac of a killer here, she thinks to herself.
The scene is truly horrifying. Gruesome even. The walls are splattered in blood and the victim's mouth is open in the most lifeless, silent scream. Their knuckles are marked with what's left of their strength when they tried to fight the killer off. The victim is wearing only undergarments, but even they are smeared in blood. "There's a chainsaw over there," Bchip points out the evidence after taking a look around.

"Don't touch it!" Stannie shivers. Her eyes dart over to the direction. Dark hair glued all over the harsh, sharp edges. "We need to call the forensics," she remarks before fishing out a phone from her pocket. It slips out of her hands and when she leans down to pick it up, the light flickers towards the chocolate on the floor. Looks like someone had taken a bite of it. "Someone was eating chocolate here?"

"My friend who works in the morgue eats cookies here all the time," Bchip makes a comment, to which Stannie responds with a loud, "Ew." Now that is disgusting. But so is the humor of their work.

But as she crouches down for her phone, Bchip sends the chills up her spine again, but this time with questions, "Do you smell it?"

"Smell what? It might be the body."

"No, it is not the body, Stannie," Bchip says and shakes his head, rendering silent for a few moments. His head continues to jump to the sides. "Stannie!" he screams out his companion's name and takes a step backwards, falling onto the ground.

"Behind you!"
A meerkat carcass is hanging from the ceiling, dripping a dark liquid. Frightened by the proximity of the animal hanging in front of, Stannie screams and steps back. After the shock, she approaches the creature, trying to identify the liquid. "It's...gasoline", she says. "What does this mean? Was this the victim's pet?".

"We don't know yet. It's possible..." Bchip states.

"It's his school mascot," a voice behind them says. "The victim probably saw the animal hanging, tried to run away, but the killer was already here. So he, or she, killed the victim using the crime weapon, leaving this bloody mess." The person behind them is Akidoki, Stannie's rival detective.

"It surprises me how you're so slow nowadays, Stannie. You can't hide secrets from me."
"What secret?"Stannie asks, her voice screechy in surprise.

"Meerkats have a special significance to you, don't they, Stannie?" Aki walks closer, her face full of determination. "You attended the same school, though under a different name back then. You thought that no one
would find out, Ms. Berry? You thought that no one would connect the murders of Chomi, Nara, and now this? While you were busy covering your tracks and trying to distract me, I was investigating. Like the old times, I've always been one
step ahead of you."

Stannie screams in frustration from the grave accusation, "How can you say that about me? After all we've been through together, our story means nothing to you?
You know me inside and out, better than anyone else in this world, and yet you think I'm capable of something like this?" She steps closer and grabs Aki's hand, "Really, Aki? What's this conspiracy now?"

Aki is torn. Stannie wasn't lying, she is the biggest wimp and most boring person Aki has ever known. "What do you say then? If it wasn't you, then who-"

"Isn't it obvious, Aki? I hadn't connected the dots before but the Meerkat made it clear to me. Come on, you aren't stupid. Only one person could have done this. She was bullied in Meerkat High, and
turned evil and vindictive-"

Aki gasped and whispered, "Maid?"
Stannie nods her head slowly, an explosion of tears in her eyes.

With a moment of grief, Aki and Stannie both agree and come to the conclusion that all the evidence all pointed toward just one person.

"Do you want me to arrest her, or do you want to do it yourself?" Aki asks carefully. Though she despises Stannie, she knows when to not overstep.

As much as maid has a special place in Stannie's heart, she is a detective and of truthful good alignment after all.

"I will do it. It's the least I could do for the Meerkats."

Who would've thought a happy and cheerful camp would turn out to be like this. Justice has been served. But this surely isn't a happy ending.

Team Vindictive Vampires
Once upon a time, there was a magical pumpkin who could grow legs, see like a human, eat like a human, and think like a human. This pumpkin lived on the tip of a mountain, where he could keep an eye on the vampires in the city down below. Our pumpkin was afraid of vampires because they devoured his family when he was a young seed. Vampires loved this type of pumpkin our friend is, because their flesh was juicy like blood, except orange. Thus our pumpkin ran far up the mountain, and built a cute house where the sun touched and they wouldn’t be able to catch him. The city below was dark and creepy, so the pumpkin never felt the need to go beyond his mountain. However, one day, there was a small vampire child. Who climbed up and up and up. Through the cold autumn weather, he’d made his way to the top of the mountain and came across the pumpkin’s home. Pumpkin was baffled, this mysterious and small vampire had made it up his mountain in broad daylight, and wasn't burning to ashes. They screamed towards each other and scared themselves. After the initial jolt, the pumpkin walked over the vampire child, and invited him in, as long as the vampire swore not to eat his innards. The Vampire nodded in acceptance, and they walked inside. The Pumpkin made tea and they spent the afternoon making cookies.

Meanwhile, down in the dark, dreary city of Hallyu+, a meeting was in session. Five dark figures sat around a round table, their bloodshot stares piercing into each other. At the head of the table sat a young girl, slumped back into her seat and twirling a knife around with a bored expression. Across from her was a man with a deep scowl on his face. He sat with his arms crossed and was impatiently tapping "So, Chiharu, why have you called us here? For what purpose does this meeting hold?"

Chiharu sat up, directing a glare in his direction. "Patience, Bchip." Rising from her seat she began to pace around the room. "The Queen Aki hungers for pumpkin. She had demanded we capture the surviving member of the Uchiha clan and bring him to her."

Unbeknownst to the vampires, they had an uninvited guest. Hidden in the shadows eavesdropping in on their conversation was a female pumpkin. Clutching a silver cross to her chest, she sucked in a deep breath, "I have to warn my brother."

The female pumpkin wanted to warn her magical pumpkin brother who, unknown to the vampires, is actually not the last surviving member of Uchiha the clan as he has a sibling pumpkin. Female pumpkin looked for the door to get out of the meeting room she was in. She can never betray her brother and would never imagine going to his funeral. She had the ability to smell the silver and found that it is in the pocket of one of the vampires. She swiftly grabbed it but the vampire felt the touch. Vampire warned the other vampires and they all came for her with fangs and blood shot eyes. They were about to devour the pumpkin like how they would kill and devour the babies in the dark city of Hallyu+, causing so many unfortunate deaths and fear in the city.. They could smell the sweet scent of pumpkin and were furiously hunting for her. Bchip chopped off the tip of the pumpkin and the orange blood splattered all over. Female pumpkin, like her brother, had the magical ability to grow legs and so it ran as fast as it could back to the mountain where her brother was and locked the house with the silver lock. Thought everything was okay when the shadow loomed from behind them.

Seeing the shadow girl, the female pumpkin slowly and quietly stepped away from the door. She was holding onto her injury tightly to not splatter more of her innards out and leave a scent behind for vampires to track. She needed to find her brother in here, before the vampires got in. She quickly looked over the first floor, but she didn't see a sign of her sibling, so she immediately went upstairs. But to her misfortune he wasn't there either; she could hear vampire fangs and claws scratching on the silver lock downstairs, she knew her time was running out. She looked up to see if there was an attic, but after not seeing a ladder she ran to look for basement. And there it was! A Staircase leading down. As she was going down, a sharp pain pierced her side - her wound got bigger from her frantically running around the house. She let out a faint scream of pain, but it was completely drowned out by the front door being burst open. She could hear a ruckus coming from the bottom of the stairs. There she saw the face of her brother, but something was wrong with him. He was covered in something - in blood. The air got cold as she noticed it. But before she could think of anything, vampires chasing after her came to the stairs and began to go down. But they didn't go far before her brother ran up and slashed their throats with an axe that he was holding. Their bodies fell on the kitchen floor, but his sister's body fell down too. In the bottom of the cellar she saw a terrible sight - a cut into tiny pieces of the corpse of a small vampire.

Tiny vampire was dead! Brother pumpkin shed a tear over his new friend. Him and Female pumpkin looked in each other’s eyes and knew what they had to do next. Escape the mountain and find somewhere else to live. They went down the opposite side of the mountain. Taking a path that only they’d have known.Reaching the ocean where their uncle pumpkin was taking people to the next island over. Unfortunately, the vampires had smelled female pumpkin’s blood loss, and followed them there. Eating them all. Brother pumpkin’s last words being “i’m sorry old friend, that i couldn’t protect you”

Oh man, I had fun backtracking and rereading this. 4 years wjgdjs :omgwhat: We were cute and silly :hehe:
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