MINI+ [GAME FINISHED] Game of Lies - Starts 6th SEP @ 12pm EDT (4pm UTC)


Death's Mistress
Jun 10, 2019
Reaction score
Cracked & Devoured
Plus Coins

Can you tell apart a lie from a truth?
Come let's find out.


This is a 9 player game. With 9 rounds, 1 for each player.
(I tried to see if I can go for a bigger player count but the game timing will just go on for way too long.
The only other option is a 2 day game but given the following day is a Monday, I am not sure if it would be possible for the players to turn up but let me know when signing up if you can make it for Monday 12pm EDT too. There is no guarantee the game will be extended but I would just like to know.)

Before the game begins, you need to PM me a real-life situation you were in.
This needs to be the truth.
It also needs to be interesting or funny.
You need to give the statement and then a detailed explanation about what actually happened.
An example is in the spoiler below.

Statement - The first time i drove a car alone, I hit another vehicle and then ran away.

Explanation - I always drove with my mom, brother or dad in the passenger seat but I had to drop mom off at the bank and go to college and mom insisted we take the car. As there was a lot of traffic and dropping her at the bank and waiting for her to come back would take too long, when we were about a km away from the bank, mom got off and decided to walk. So i had to drive to college alone. When I reached college, I couldn't find a parking spot. And i drove for about 15 minutes and couldn't find a spot. However, in the lane next to college, i noticed that a restaurant had an empty parking lot. So i could just park there and slide the security guard a bit of cash to let me keep the car there until i come back. Now because i went past the restaurant and this was a one way road, I had to reverse. And at this point, my ability to reverse wasn't perfection. It was meh. There was a truck blocking my view of the parking lot but my memory when passing the spot before told me that behind the truck was the parking lot, so i figured you know what i could just reverse park and everything would be fine. yay. problem solved. So I sat there confidently behind the steering wheel and i reversed... everything was fine, the butt of the car was behind the truck, so i turned the steering wheel to the right and i heard this awful, awful sound of metal scraping metal. I hit something. I panicked and looked behind and saw that behind the truck wasn't the parking lot but a three wheeler. And the car was scraping the side of the three wheeler. but lo and behold, behind the three wheeler was the bloody parking lot. I was petrified and horrified. My adrenaline hit a peak and I was panicking. And against the better judgement of every screaming neuron in my brain, I made a move that made the situation worse. Instead of going forward... I continued reversing. And the sound of the piercing metal grew louder and longer. 10 seconds after the initial impact, the car was in the parking lot... with a broken headlight, the right side of the hood was dented and there was a 3 feet wide dent on the right side of the car with missing paint to boot. The three wheeler's condition though... was pretty great actually. Just a tiny scrape. I gathered up my nerves, got off and realized that no one had seen what had happened. So i drove again, to another lane where i parked the car. And then i took my sorry bum over to college to find out that classes were cancelled... i could go home. So i went back to my damaged vehicle, gathered whatever was left of my spirit and drove home like a panicked rabbit staring at the barrel of a hunting rifle. I didn't tell the restaurant what happened. I didn't tell the three wheeler owner what happened. I just ran away filled with shame and eternal dread.
Cause the car... belonged to my dad.

When the game begins, you will be randomized either your truth or a lie I came up with.
You will not know beforehand what you have been given. It will be announced in the thread during your round.

In your round, I will post a statement.
This could be either the statement you sent or a statement that I came up with which is a lie.
You will then be given 5 minutes to post an explanation of what happened. This doesn't have to be a very detailed explanation like the one you sent to me via pm. You also can't copy and paste what you sent me.
It has to be something you come up with and post.
If the statement was a lie, then you will need to explain like it actually happened.
Once you post, the gm will give 10 minutes for the players to question you. Each player can ask one question. You will have to answer the questions in the order they were submitted. Once time is up, you need to stop answering. The rest of the players will then have 2 minutes to fill a form and say if they think the statement is a truth or a lie.

The winning conditions and point distribution will be revealed just before the game begins. And this is very important so make sure to turn up for roll call. :sip:

At the end of nine rounds, whoever scores the highest number of points will win.

Be warned this is the first time a game of this sort is being held.

So it could have issues that are not foreseen yet.
I have tried to ensure the game would go smoothly but as it is the beta version, there could be hiccups.


If your statement is the truth, you cannot lie about the details surrounding the statement. Altering details will result in an automatic zero.

While statements don't have to be pg-13, you are not allowed to go into detail about explicit situations. So keep that in mind when submitting your statements and explanations and also keep that in mind when asking questions.

Keep in mind that only a Randomizer will decide whether a truth or a lie will be given as a statement, the GM nor the player has no control over this.

All statements and explanations should be submitted latest 1 hour before the game begins. If you get later than that, you will be replaced.

Stick to round timings. Anything submitted after time is up will be removed by the GM. If a player is unable to post their explanation on time, they will automatically get 0 points and the round will be skipped.

Do not discuss or give hints as to what your statements are before or during the game anywhere. You are only allowed to speak about it during your round in this thread.

Do not cheat. Cheating will result in an automatic game ban.

Good behaviour is expected.


Difficulty Level - Hard
First place - 5 orbs, 50k coins, 50 Elite Gamer Points and 2 merit badges
Second place - 4 orbs, 40k coins, 40 Elite Gamer Points
Third place - 3 orbs, 30k coins, 30 Elite Gamer Points
Participation - 60k, 10 Elite Gamer Points and 1 merit badge


1. @Chiharu
2. @Golden
3. @anh
4. @sunsetsana
5. @Beefy
6. @Nara
7. @Saint Ren
8. @BlueNose
9. @Lurkette
10. @Chococo
11. @Chomiczewska
12. @Yuki

Best of Luck!
gfx by @Bchip

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The Worst Girl in the World Events VIP+ Tenth Place HoE
Jun 18, 2019
Reaction score
White Space
Plus Coins
Wait, why did I sign up for this game. Nothing interesting or funny ever happens in my life, and I'm too lazy to give detailed accounts.....I need the merit badge tho :TzuyuKek:
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