[GAMEPLAY] The Blind Stab ㅡ Aug 2nd, 2.30pm EDT / Aug 3rd, 3.30am KST


🌸 Princess ØMÜJI 🌸 Early Supporters
Jun 11, 2019
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THE 10thNiversary Stage
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Maybe limit the use of referencing outside sources as hints? (tho it did help us a lot :sip:)
I'm sure this won't be an issue outside of this event but it really took away from the discussion aspect of the game and made the wait feel way longer.
Maybe even give us guidelines for what type of hints we're allowed to give each other and etc.
But otherwise this game was tons of fun and I really enjoyed it

To be honest, I didn't give much thought on how the discussion can be done.
It was as I laid out, to discuss by providing hints, but not obbviously hinting it's you.
It's definitely one thing that I know I need to work on even before the game started cause I found myself asking the question to me too lol rip--

Also since this is themed based, it can't be help that you will want the reference from outside.
Maybe I'll need to hold this game again without themed event and see how can this flaw be fixed.

And my most worry is the waiting y'all need to do when I was processing the results cause I felt like I took too much time on it.

It was useful and easy to understand. Even if the dead characters were still there it was nice to have all the characters there to decide (instead of having to check constantly the character list and having to spell the names correctly lol)

That's good to know then!
Guess I'll keep on using that and maybe try to get rid of the dead characters off from the form everytime there's incoming death.

Rig it so that next time I don't get Robert Baratheon, I get at least one card and pls put Sansa Stark as a playable character smh

Now seriously; I really liked this mechanic and I loved that we could somewhat figure out who was our teammates and go for other people; but yeah as other people said it would have been better if we had examples on the hints we could give? Cause tbh I wasn't sure if anything that I could do or say would be consider character reveal you know? But apart from that I really liked it so don't worry Eunnie! And thanks for hosting!

Well I tried not to have so many characters of the same family (even tho there's Jon Snow fadsfk) and RNG site hate you so I can't do anything about that smh

I see. I guess the biggest flaw is indeed on players part to hint themselves.
I barely catching up with all the conversations tbh cause monitoring the timeline is a hard job.
I notice this game is fairly easy for players to handle, but hard works on the host as a lot of things needed to be worked on.
But then, this is me we're talking, and this is my 2nd own game of my 2nd big event games adkfjdasfks I have to be better.

But thanks for playing!
Come play again after the event since I gonna improve this game ><

I had fun for the 2 maps I played. But I think the rules on the hints you could give could've been clearer. Also maybe more hp, but that's just cause I died :yoosmile:

Yeah more people saying about the hints so I definitely need to work on the hints part.
And HP? I don't mind giving more HP tbh, like, more HP but with more people and more cards (which means more damage)
So maybe you died even faster--

--or maybe...

Nobody stabbed me :fab:

...this sent you your instant death wish

what we could use as hints were kind of confusing at first. Had most of us not been in a discord and talked about GOT occasionally in them, a lot of us could be in a sticky situation of how to find out who our partners were and how to let our partners know who we are. this game couldve been 10x harder if none of us had even spoken a word to each other. so it would be nice if there some more explanation on what we could say

aside from that, round timing was good, not too short, but not too long either.
ur rules were clear and easy to understand, and u were nice to help me to understand things in PMs even tho u were still busy trying to host the game

So the next time I'll make this game undiscussable in discord and make everyone even more confuse since they won't have other resource to dig and hint.

But joke aside, looks like I'll need to find something good to adjust for hinting part.
But apart from that, I'm hoping the cards are fun to carry throughout the whole game?
I like the fact that the cards are superior than everyone's HP

I enjoyed it :shablob:.
Edit: The only issues I had were already mentioned by other users.
yeah i liked it and also agree with what beefy said. u did a great job 💜

uwu thanks for playing anyway!
Glad y'all liked it though--


Not to say that Im in love with you VIP+ Early Supporters
Jun 15, 2019
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summer with techi
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So the next time I'll make this game undiscussable in discord and make everyone even more confuse since they won't have other resource to dig and hint.

But joke aside, looks like I'll need to find something good to adjust for hinting part.
But apart from that, I'm hoping the cards are fun to carry throughout the whole game?
I like the fact that the cards are superior than everyone's HP
sdfghjk. the cards were fun yes!


🌸 Princess ØMÜJI 🌸 Early Supporters
Jun 11, 2019
Reaction score
THE 10thNiversary Stage
Plus Coins
Ughh the pain of hosting an OG game when you yourself not trained enough to host dhskdhkshfdns I had my fun here still
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