Gu Hyesun Has Narcissistic Tendencies + Her Inconsistencies In Statements

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Jinyoung's Wife
Jul 26, 2019
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Honestly I couldn't have cared less about this scandal had a close friend who suffered abuse by various narcissists reached out to me personally about how it was frustrating her that most people were ignoring the signs that GHS was showing. I'm not trying to diagnose her, simply saying I'd be wary of jumping on the AJH hate bandwagon and paint her as the victim here. And before I get an oppalogist or something, first off I ain't even a fan of his, and second, NO gender shouldn't be how we determine who is innocent or not. Not everything is black or white, there is always grey. This is coming from a woman, if that matters.

Her inconsistencies:

  • The screenshots that she released herself which started this whole ordeal contradict her later statements. In those screenshots it seemed clear that there was a divorce agreement, a fact which was backed by the agency, but then she as well as her lawyer speaks up to say that they never reached an agreement.
  • She claims to love her husband, but also airs out his dirty laundry, literally using every detail she can get to paint her into the saint in the situation (like buying an AC for his mom... what even), while simultaneously not wanting to divorce him to "protect her family" ??? How is she protecting her family when she's made ridiculous claims about her husband, true or not, regarding her nipples and the like. How is she protecting her family by remaining married to such an evil man like she makes him out to be? I understand women take the burnt during divorce but this is not doing her favors or protecting her family.
  • The biggest red flag in all of this is that she admitted to trespassing on his property under the justification that "she allowed him to move".
This part gave me goosebumps "[Ahn Jae Hyun] did not move into his separate apartment for the sake of our separation; instead, I allowed him to do so because he said he wished to focus on his acting. So I had the right to enter that apartment."

Again, everything on HER terms.

And not really a big red flag but moreso a shock of how she responded so child-like "I don’t use KakaoTalk~ Don’t make pointless preparations. You traitor."

Also I have a hard time believing any Korean doesn't use Kakaotalk in this day and age.

I think what's best for AJH's side is to release the KKT screenshots and then remain silent. She'll continue pandering to her newfound audience with whatever comes to her mind next...

Onto what's more speculation, but concerning nonetheless, is her victim mentality and narc-like behavior. Gonna quote my friend I mentioned earlier here and some of the sources she pulled to back her claims

And she is writing whole lists of accusations to see what sticks..
on a man she "wants to stay married to"..
i smell something and it smells like bullshit

this is obvious..
she really doesn't care what she's doing or how she could be hurting him..
but even more so, she claims her mother is in shock and unwell from the divorce news and she's so so so so mad about that that she's making a huge public scene that totally 150% definitely won't be affecting her mother at all..


more to the impaired empathy..
you don't go out of your way to deliberately hurt someone you claim to love.
that's not love. it's abuse.
And she is writing whole lists of accusations to see what sticks..
on a man she "wants to stay married to"..



yes, a narcissist will make up personally embarrassing crap like "unsexy nipples" to continue being the victim..
the amount of work she gave that victim card on her last post was something else..


"he replied and you can now see the escalation.. she went from "we lost our spark" to "he was bored" to "i have unsexy nipples and he's cheating on me" damn fast "


also you see that part..
her listing everything she ever did.. she paid for this, renovated that, cleaned this, installed that in his mother's house, cooked this, "gave him permission" for that, etc etc"


And then this.. again no explaining needed.. she's claiming she won't allow the divorce.. why would she stay with such an awful awful man?
then there is the whole controlling evidence on her break and enter and going thru his phone..
trying to dictate when he talks to her mother
constantly being the only one setting terms for the divorce and then changing the terms when he's met them..
oh, and threatening him in the text messages she posted..
"if you don't, I won't hold back"
yeah.. we see that now"


Also interestingly enough she's been called out in rumors in the past for compulsively lying.

I encourage everyone to go through Soompi or whatever media you trust's tags for AJH and GHS and read everything from beginning to end. You don't have to take my word for it, use your own brain, come to your own conclusions. Twitter's bandwagon witch-hunt has got me scared for internet culture's effects... I'm just here putting out some food for thought.
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"Kind but not soft" Early Supporters
Jun 16, 2019
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To be honest, I suspected something was amiss when she dropped the long SNS post, airing out her side of the dirty laundry with details of all the things she has done for her mom-in-law. But at this point, it's just a case of "he said, she said", and speculating too much about who is and is not at fault is kinda pointless - unless someone caves and admits fault, or more conclusive evidence is presented, I don't think we'll ever know the real truth. The reality is probably that both are at fault for their failed marriage to various degree, and it's best to leave it at that. The fact that both parties are turning their divorce into a public spectacle in the hopes of getting the public to side with one over the other tarnishes my opinion of both parties. Taking sides in this marital fight is pointless.


✴︎ Events
Jun 16, 2019
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Interesting read. I honestly feel like this entire situation is way too messy. I don’t trust any side and at this point, I think they should really find a way to settle this down asap because it’s starting to negatively affect both of their careers.


(っ◔◡◔)っ<3 Donor Early Supporters
Jun 20, 2019
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I hate it when a personal problem become a public problem for the sake of it. And I feel like that’s what’s going on.
This isn’t the first time that a public figure has made marriage problems public and I don’t understand why unless it’s to gain something.
In any case I hope that they can figure it out and settle it.


Ç'est quoi ce merdier? Early Supporters
Jun 15, 2019
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she learnt from Hye Kyo

Her husband and the company were gonna announce this first, werent they ?
So she just hit them first before they can
This is a lose-lose situtation
She has no choice but to make it public

A Flower4ever

❤ #AlwaysWithTwice #OT9ForEver ❤ Early Supporters
Jun 16, 2019
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she learnt from Hye Kyo

Her husband and the company were gonna announce this first, werent they ?
So she just hit them first before they can
This is a lose-lose situtation
She has no choice but to make it public
Agree. As I see it: She knew lies were going to be told, and she could be attacked without mercy, so she made the statements she did first, and continued to tell how things really were. Is not that deep.


Jinyoung's Wife
Jul 26, 2019
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Wow, for someone who claims is impartial, you sound so damn bitter towards her lol
I was initially moreso taking her side, but with reading the entire situation on news outlets and talking with friends, my pov has changed. I'm "bitter" because I'm pointing out tendencies that a close friend of mine has gone through? Okay...


Jinyoung's Wife
Jul 26, 2019
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CandY Land
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she learnt from Hye Kyo

Her husband and the company were gonna announce this first, werent they ?
So she just hit them first before they can
This is a lose-lose situtation
She has no choice but to make it public
Agree. As I see it: She knew lies were going to be told, and she could be attacked without mercy, so she made the statements she did first, and continued to tell how things really were. Is not that deep.
According to her own screenshots, they already reached an agreement, so the announcement she was aware of. If there is a statement by the company that she anticipated was going to have lies, it never actually came through. If you read the statement the company put out, it doesn't villainize either of them.

And also, her inconsistencies (and red flags) remain whether or not she chose to post first.

I think it's interesting to point out two things here, 1. she's been rumored to be a compulsive liar before 2. she literally moved to his company without telling him anything about it, so those who were dragging him for "forcing her to join" to corner her are kinda at a loss now lol

Overall, I think it's worth looking at aside form the superficial that's already been aired out.

A Flower4ever

❤ #AlwaysWithTwice #OT9ForEver ❤ Early Supporters
Jun 16, 2019
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According to her own screenshots, they already reached an agreement, so the announcement she was aware of. If there is a statement by the company that she anticipated was going to have lies, it never actually came through. If you read the statement the company put out, it doesn't villainize either of them.

And also, her inconsistencies (and red flags) remain whether or not she chose to post first.

I think it's interesting to point out two things here, 1. she's been rumored to be a compulsive liar before 2. she literally moved to his company without telling him anything about it, so those who were dragging him for "forcing her to join" to corner her are kinda at a loss now lol

Overall, I think it's worth looking at aside form the superficial that's already been aired out.

He just used her.

She is well known as a very private person and have never being in a scandal before. Her record speaks for herself.


Jinyoung's Wife
Jul 26, 2019
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CandY Land
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He just used her.

She is well known as a very private person and have never being in a scandal before. Her record speaks for herself.
"Has never been in a scandal before?" when I literally just linked you one... Although being in a scandal before doesn't mean you won't be in one now. There's no logic there.

And, there literally is no evidence for him using her. That's speculation. What isn't speculation is her own contradictions in things she's said herself and the red flags.

I feel like everyone is trying to side with the woman here because "women empowerment!" when really feminism is about gender *equality*. We should look at things at a level playing field.

A Flower4ever

❤ #AlwaysWithTwice #OT9ForEver ❤ Early Supporters
Jun 16, 2019
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"Has never been in a scandal before?" when I literally just linked you one... Although being in a scandal before doesn't mean you won't be in one now. There's no logic there.

And, there literally is no evidence for him using her. That's speculation. What isn't speculation is her own contradictions in things she's said herself and the red flags.

I feel like everyone is trying to side with the woman here because "women empowerment!" when really feminism is about gender *equality*. We should look at things at a level playing field.
I am being practical. If he was the one being the victim in this case I would have said about him what I saying about her, so is not about gender.

It's about someone who is defending herself by speaking first about how badly she has been treated by the one person she trusted. It can go both ways, this time is about Guns Hye Sun being a victim, not the other way around.

I had read both side arguments, she remains being the one I trust. Male can be victims too, not in this case.


Jinyoung's Wife
Jul 26, 2019
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CandY Land
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I am being practical. If he was the one being the victim in this case I would have said about him what I saying about her, so is not about gender.

It's about someone who is defending herself by speaking first about how badly she has been treated by the one person she trusted. It can go both ways, this time is about Guns Hye Sun being a victim, not the other way around.

I had read both side arguments, she remains being the one I trust. Male can be victims too, not in this case.
If we're being practical, then her past scandals of lying are pretty much red flags. This one is an interesting read . AJH has no such lying scandals on the other hand.

How badly she was treated is yet to be proven, all that she went through is based on her words only, she isn't a proven victim here.

You literally are just saying she's a victim without refuting any statements I made... it's just "because I think so" without actual reasons.

A Flower4ever

❤ #AlwaysWithTwice #OT9ForEver ❤ Early Supporters
Jun 16, 2019
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If we're being practical, then her past scandals of lying are pretty much red flags. This one is an interesting read . AJH has no such lying scandals on the other hand.

How badly she was treated is yet to be proven, all that she went through is based on her words only, she isn't a proven victim here.

You literally are just saying she's a victim without refuting any statements I made... it's just "because I think so" without actual reasons.
Because I used simple words to describe how I feel about the situation. I can quote articles but we obviously made our minds about who we feel is the one telling the truth. Is a she said, he said situation, I believe in her.

Him being friends with JJY, going out with all female friends out to eat on his birthday, neighbors saying how unhappy she looked and being always alone are signs to look after as well, and it's not looking good for him.
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Jinyoung's Wife
Jul 26, 2019
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CandY Land
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is it wrong for me to not take online diagnoses of people being narcissists seriously
There is no diagnosis as I made clear in OP. Simply pointers. I've spoken to actual victims of abuse, and someone on reddit actually reached out to me, who was also a victim of this type of behavior, regarding this matter. Weird how victims are trying to warn people but people want to ignore them... everyone is speculating she's right, so why is it wrong to speculate she's wrong?

Because I used simple words to describe how I feel about the situation. I can quote articles but we obviously made our minds about who we feel is the one telling the truth. Is a she said, he said situation, I believe in her.

Him being friends with JJY, going out with all female friends out to eat on his birthday, neighbors saying how unhappy she looked and being always alone are signs to look after as well, and it's not looking good for him.

JJY was friends with many people, many whom were not aware of his doings. He was a social-lite, and being friends with him doesn't equate to also being like him or being in that chatroom with him. Lol the evidence eating with his "female friends" was him in broad daylight eating with his co-workers... sue him for that I guess?

The neighbors' testimony really only points out that the two had opposite personalities... doesn't really prove anything.

Anyway, the point is you're ignoring the input of actual victims of abuse for this type of behavior... that's on you.

Also to those of you trying to paint as if I had a hate boner for her since the beginning, here's a tweet of mine when the news first broke out:

The time stamps are also there.
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A Flower4ever

❤ #AlwaysWithTwice #OT9ForEver ❤ Early Supporters
Jun 16, 2019
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Anyway, the point is you're ignoring the input of actual victims of abuse for this type of behavior... that's on you.

Your above comment can go both ways.

Feel free to go against the real victim in this particular case, and defend the abuser, nothing new. :jinjudge:


Jinyoung's Wife
Jul 26, 2019
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CandY Land
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Your above comment can go both ways.

Feel free to go against the real victim, and defend the abuser, nothing new. :jinjudge:
I'm not talking about ignoring GHS or AJH as the victim/abuser.
There are no "victims of abuse" that any of ya'll have spoken to or that have commented here regarding GHS being abused by AJH. People have literally posted as victims of narcs pointing out GHS's narc-tendencies. That's what I'm saying you're ignoring. These people who have been trying to point at the red flags but ya'll are ignoring them and belittling these arguments as "diagnoses" when that literally was refuted in the first paragraph of my OP.

If we continue witch hunting for the sake of burning men there's literally no progress that can be made. I suggest reading this for a victim's pov:


You, you better think TWICE Early Supporters
Jun 15, 2019
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I don't care for me he is a piece of shit who lied and cheated to her and, "their" company decided to take sides of course she will have to rely on her own sns and protect herself, knowing how kroaches are she would of gotten hated so much for no reason when clearly that piece of shit trash nipple man is at fault so fuck him hope he leaves the industry for good
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