Hanse of Victon criticized for use of AI art and treatment of fans


Trainee Blog
Dec 10, 2023
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Hanse of Victon has been a hot topic on twitter lately.

Hanse announced that he will have a new album out soon. The image teasers started to be released and fans from all over were very quick to notice the concept photos were used using AI.

AI Art has been a contriversal topic because it uses art that already exists on the internet to make new art, pretty much committing art theft.

He never denied using AI, and even originally credited in the instagram description that the image was made via AI:

Fans were quick to start calling him out on AI and their disappointment in him. A lot of fans have even announced they will no longer be supporting his comeback because of this.

After this, Hanse immediately went to edit the instagram caption to remove the evidence that the image was made using AI:


As the comments criticizing him came pouring in, Hanse quickly started deleting any comments talking about the AI. All fans who commented about the AI on the post were also blocked, causing an outrage on twitter.

( I can personally vouch that my twitter feed has been filled by foreign fans complaining about having comments deleted, whether it was just a simple comments saying they were disappointed in him, or a more hateful comment towards him for using AI which honestly I can understand being deleted? and MANY people have been getting blocked by him.)

Hanse then went to bubble to speak on the matter.

I will post his full bubble messages, but the basic gist is:

- He doesn't think this is something worth such a heated debate.
- He doesn't feel like he did anything wrong and feels he has nothing to apologize for.

He also criticized that someone claimed to be a fan but they had a profile picture of another idol, so he seems to assume they are a fake fan because of that? (Or maybe he is assuming people are impersonating other idols? But kpop fans use pictures of their idols as profile pictures all the time, just look at us here, but that doesn't mean we're claiming to be them?...)




Some people feel like fans are going overboard with calling him out for using AI. Other people think Hanse is a jerk because he is blocking and deleting comments by foreign fans which in result is making them feel mistreated.

What are your thoughts? Do you think the fans are in the wrong? Or Hanse?
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chemical blue ocean Donor
Nov 19, 2023
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He's handling this really poorly but fans need to chill out my god. It's not like AI art is inherently useless— it can be used to create things that lack logic or flow that humans would have trouble ever personally conceptualizing, and frankly from the screenshot at least that picture is using AI in that way.

I also think somewhere along the way, the fact that it is big corporations using AI to eliminate actual creative that's the issue. Hanse isn't in any big company anymore and I'm personally fine with using AI to fill in the gaps on smaller hobbyist projects done by individuals or very small teams.

At least from that screenshot it also doesn't look like he told the AI to generate the image in an existing artist'a art style nor did the AI pick one to imitate. The consent to be copied issue is a valid criticism of course but honestly I don't think most people know enough about these AI tools to even know that's a problem.

He's also right to question whether some of them are really his fans because more casual fans will absolutely take opportunities like this to announce themselves a fan just to denounce him and virtue signal but... he definitely should acknowledge that. You're just throwing yourself to the wolves at that point lmao


Jan 20, 2024
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Fans' anger is understandable. AI steals from artists, so its disrespectful and lazy. Would've been easier to hire someone to pay them for their work. I'm sure he wouldn't want someone to train AI on his vocals/rapping to make songs out of, so his excuses are insulting.

Not to mention the deflection he has going on pretending his own fans aren't calling him out, or the immature 'woe is me/I'm actually a victim' towards the end of his message. People just have zero respect for artists and how our work is created so its disheartening.


Girl Groups Supporter Donor+ Early Supporters
Jun 16, 2019
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AI won't disappear, it's there, people will use it regardless if you like it or not. Since many artists are indie, struggling and active on SNS you'll see them complaint and criticize it, pretty normal when it's menacing your job.

It will spark many debates and it will take time to adapt, to regulate if possible, but it won't go back in the past.

He probably didn't handle this well but on the other hand I know how annoying K-pop fans can be.
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