How I went from fat and weak to strong and athletic body


Jelly | Seoyeon best girl VIP+ Donor Early Supporters
Jun 16, 2019
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To cut a long story short: I was born really weak. I can't do a single pull up. Heck, I even struggle doing inclined pull up. The only good thing I was at is running since I have speed and stamina. When I joined the military for my mandatory national service, I got posted to a non-combat role eventually and got really fat since I was eating and eating.

However as someone who really like sports, I decided to stop being lazy and change my body for the better.

This is my routine:

Monday, Wed, Fri are spent training my upper body. All those weight lifting. Fancy gym machine is not needed. Just a bench, some dumbbell will do. Heck, Our own body can be used gor calistentic training. Rather than focusing on how heavy the weight is, I focus on the form. Every 3 weeks, I switch up my routine by adding more weight, more reps so that my body won't hit a Plateaus.

Tue, Thurs, Sat are mostly spent on cardio based workout and lower body training. HITT training such as interval sprints. Planks to workout my core. Squats..etc I might even do MMA Style training.

Sunday are spent on recovery. I take a break from workout. Although I might do some yoga or stretching.

I cut out soft drink and it help a lot. I like to drink tea without sugar. Milk. Hmm some honey lemon water in the morning. I try to drink at least 2 litres worth of plain water a day. Since I do not like to drink warm plain water, I keep my plain water in a bottle in a fridge and it help my water consumption.


Breakfast will contain of carbos, Protein, fibres and milk

Lunch will be the same as breakfast minus the milk

Dinner will see the removal of carbos as I do not need the energy from carbos since I won't be doing much physical activities.

If I feel hungry in between meals, I will either have nuts or a fruit.

Post workout will normally contain of a protein shake.

I don't really count calories. For me, what matter the most is the nutrition.

Sleep? I aim to get 7-8 hours of ninterrupted rest nightly.

Also to keep myself updated in the world of fitness and health, I read and research on sports and nutrition stuffs weekly to finetune my workout and mutrition rest.

Also never push yourself to workout if you are injured. Listen to your body.

It's possible for everyone to lose weight and be healthy or be physically strong. One just need to put in efforts and time to achieve it and of course train smartly.

Thanks for reading
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