Eugene Carthaginian
TraineetvN Comedy big League with YoungJi
Eugene Carthaginian
Trainee190724 lovegame1077 IG with YoungJi
Eugene Carthaginian
TraineeEugene Carthaginian
TraineeYoungji's Instagram Update
Eugene Carthaginian
TraineeEugene Carthaginian
TraineeYoungji's Instagram Update
Eugene Carthaginian
TraineeKARA sweet moments 
Sweet Youngji
Someone wrong wrote Youngji's name. Her name 영지 means wisdom. The inscription on the bottle 연지 means rouge (makeup).

Sweet Youngji
Someone wrong wrote Youngji's name. Her name 영지 means wisdom. The inscription on the bottle 연지 means rouge (makeup).
Eugene Carthaginian
TraineeEugene Carthaginian
TraineeEugene Carthaginian
TraineeEugene Carthaginian
TraineeEugene Carthaginian
TraineeEugene Carthaginian
TraineeEugene Carthaginian
TraineeYoungji's Instagram Update
Eugene Carthaginian
TraineeEugene Carthaginian
TraineeEugene Carthaginian
TraineeEugene Carthaginian
TraineeDSP Media twitter update with YoungJi
Eugene Carthaginian
TraineeKARA sweet moments 
Sweet Park Gyuri
(I'm not really sure about translation "Tamiyo tame tame". I think:
たみよ ため ため - Because I want to try)

Sweet Park Gyuri
(I'm not really sure about translation "Tamiyo tame tame". I think:
たみよ ため ため - Because I want to try)
Eugene Carthaginian
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