EVENT+ Love Quest: Story


Taemin’s Wife Blog Lead
Dec 10, 2023
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It's not that uncommon, honestly—I've played quite a few in just the last few years where that is on the table. It's not like that's the main focus of the game, but a lot of otome games these days has thriller/suspense/mystery-like elements to them that go with the overall story, so one or more of the love interests usually have certain scenarios where they might try to kill the heroine.
I don’t really play otome games but when I do only play cute and fluffy ones. My favorite, A3! Didn’t even have swear words let alone violence. The most “violence” we got was when my favorite boy, Chikage, temporarily kidnaps you. :lurk2:

(This is also why I ended up hating stardew valley, it’s too dark and depressing! :peepoblanket:)

kyom ✦ kyom ✦ pom

•┈••✦ 🔫
Jul 16, 2020
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It's not that uncommon, honestly—I've played quite a few in just the last few years where that is on the table. It's not like that's the main focus of the game, but a lot of otome games these days has thriller/suspense/mystery-like elements to them that go with the overall story, so one or more of the love interests usually have certain scenarios where they might try to kill the heroine.
... can I have a spoiler of your bookmarks tabs, please? :blushblob:


The Worst Girl in the World Events VIP+ Tenth Place HoE
Jun 18, 2019
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White Space
Plus Coins

Option 1: Stare at her -5 points

Even as you sit down right next to her, the girl continues to deliberately ignore your presence. Frowning, you stare intensely at her, willing the girl to look at you. After what feels like minutes but in reality was only a few seconds, your wish is granted. The girl sits up abruptly and turns to face you, “can I help you?” Despite the polite wording, the dark scowl clouding her features and curt tone make it obvious how she really feels.

Well, this is a little awkward now…but it would be even more awkward to back down now, so putting on a smile, you say, “I just wanted to introduce myself to you, since we’ll be sitting next to each other for the rest of the school year.”

She simply rolls her eyes. “Uh, I’m not deaf, I already heard the teacher introduce you. My name is Eden Murphy. Now quit gawking at me before I tell the teacher you’re being a creep.” With one last glare, she turns away from you and goes back to painting away at her nails.

Embarrassed, you open and close your mouth, struggling to come up with a response. Defeated, you stiffly focus your attention onto the front of the classroom where the teacher is droning on.

Well…This was no doubt going to be an interesting school year.

Option 2: Introduce yourself +5 points
Deciding that you might as well introduce yourself to the girl since the two of you will be sitting next to each the whole school year, you turn to her and awkwardly clear your throat to get her attention. The girl glances over at you with a raised eyebrow, expression bored but not annoyed or angry. Sticking your hand out, you say, “Since we’ll be sitting next to each other for the rest of the school year, I hope we can become friends.” She simply stares at your hand for several seconds that feel like minutes, and internally, you slap yourself. You’re about to retract your hand and pretend this never happened, when she sticks a bottle of nail polish into your hand and says, “Eden. Eden Murphy,” before going back to work on her nails.

Staring down at the bottle of dark red polish in your hand, you feel a bit bemused, but also a tingle of happiness in your stomach. Huh…It seems this school year will prove to be quite interesting.

Option 3: Do Nothing +10 points
Deciding that, since the girl clearly isn’t interested in you, there’s no point in bothering her, you focus your gaze on the front of the classroom and attempt to pay attention to the lesson. After a few minutes, you hear a shift at your side and turn to look. The girl no longer had her legs propped on her desk, instead sitting sideways in her chair to face you, head tilted to the side. There is a frown on her face, but she doesn’t look annoyed or angry, merely curious as she surveys you up and down. Feeling a bit nervous under the scrutiny of her piercing blue eyes, you self-consciously sit up straighter, “um…”

But before you can get a proper word out, the girl smirks, a glint in her eyes that you can’t quite identify, and says, “I’m Eden. Eden Murphy.” With that, she turns back around and resumes painting away at her nails.

Blinking slowly as you process the interaction, you feel a stir of excitement in your gut. Turning back around to face the front of the classroom, you duck your head down to hide the large grin on your face. Well, this was no doubt going to be an interesting school year.
Option 1: Do nothing +5 points

The boy is so clearly trying not to be noticed by anyone, so you opt to just leave him alone, thinking perhaps he’ll work up the courage to talk to you. Unfortunately, that doesn’t happen, and the rest of the class is spent with you subtly glancing at him every now and then and him trying very hard to not make eye contact with you. At the end of the class, he shoots up and darts out before you can even think of saying a single word to him.

Baffled, you stare blankly at the spot where he had been mere seconds ago, wondering what exactly just happened. Your teacher, noticing your confusion, comes up to you with a sigh. “That’s Alex. He’s quite shy. I can never manage to get more than 5 words out of him.” She shakes her head, a fond, but sad smile adorning her face, “he doesn’t seem to have any friends, so it would be nice if you could try to become his first.”

Tilting your head, you consider her words. Become his first friend, huh…This year was off to an interesting start.

Option 2: Attempt eye contact -5 points
As you make your way to your seat, you notice that the boy at the desk next to yours is very deliberately avoiding meeting your eyes. Possessed by who knows what, you stop right in front of his desk and, in the spur of the moment, lean down in front of him, tilting your head so that he’s forced to meet your eyes. However, your brilliant plan fails, as before you can get a word out, the boy jerks back in shock, knocking his chair over and taking himself down with it. The loud crash gains the attention of the whole class, and you can hear various snickers resounding through the room. The teacher, for her part, just looks at both of you in disapproval and tells you to sit down and behave.

Woops…you may have screwed that up. Embarrassed, you sit down in your chair and keep your eyes glued on your desk for the rest of the class. Once the bell rings, you turn around in your seat, intending to apologize to the boy, but he’s already gone.

Your teacher, noticing you staring at the empty desk, comes up to you with a sigh. “That boy you scared the daylights out of is Alex Glass. He’s quite shy. I can never manage to get more than 5 words out of him.” She shakes her head, a fond, but sad smile adorning her face, “he doesn’t seem to have any friends, so it would be nice if you could try to become his first.

His first friend, huh. Well, you weren’t sure how much luck you’d have with that after the terrible first impression you’d made, but still…It was worth a try.

Option 3: Pass him a note +10 points
As the teacher drones on at the front of the classroom, you sneak glances at the boy next to you every now and then, pondering what to do. He is tense and seems to be deliberately avoiding looking your way, not out of ill intent, but simply due to nerves. Still, this wouldn’t do. If you were going to be sitting next to him for the whole school year, you’d prefer it if he didn’t look as if you were going to murder him the whole time. You want to talk to him, to tell him there was no reason to be so nervous. But you felt as if he might have a heart attack if you did.

Glancing down at your desk, your eyes land on a piece of sheet paper, and in that moment, an idea pops into your head. Writing down a basic introduction on the paper, you fold it into a little paper crane and quickly toss it onto his desk. He flinches in shock, eyes wide as he glances at you, and you return his wary look with what you hope to be a reassuring smile.

After a few seconds of hesitation, he opens up the paper and reads it. For a moment, the nervous, shy exterior disappears, and his face is carefully blank. Then, he picks up a pencil and writes something down on the paper underneath your own writing. Once done, he slowly reaches over and holds the paper out to you. At the same time, the bell rings, and as soon as the paper lands in your hand, he bolts up and disappears from the classroom in the blink of an eye.

Slightly baffled, you stare at the spot where he was just seconds ago before shaking your head and opening up the paper. You don’t know what you were expecting, but all it says is, “Alex Glass.”

Huh. Well, it was a start at least.

@Events Squad :poggers:

Last edited:


Ain't Nobody Fifth Place HoE VIP+ Early Supporters Donor
Jun 15, 2019
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No Sana No Life
now what do i do since sana introduced herself to me?



Don't cry. You're perfect. Community Manager Moderator VIP+ Ninth Place HoE
Jun 24, 2019
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@Chiharu Can you put which options gave which points? (10, 5, -5)? I figure it's supposed to be obvious most of the time, but it would be helpful so we can keep track!


Taeyeon's Slave Seventh Place HoE
Mar 25, 2022
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AjummaTaeng JummaTaeng KingTaengoo

Option 1: Stare at her

Even as you sit down right next to her, the girl continues to deliberately ignore your presence. Frowning, you stare intensely at her, willing the girl to look at you. After what feels like minutes but in reality was only a few seconds, your wish is granted. The girl sits up abruptly and turns to face you, “can I help you?” Despite the polite wording, the dark scowl clouding her features and curt tone make it obvious how she really feels.

Well, this is a little awkward now…but it would be even more awkward to back down now, so putting on a smile, you say, “I just wanted to introduce myself to you, since we’ll be sitting next to each other for the rest of the school year.”

She simply rolls her eyes. “Uh, I’m not deaf, I already heard the teacher introduce you. My name is Eden Murphy. Now quit gawking at me before I tell the teacher you’re being a creep.” With one last glare, she turns away from you and goes back to painting away at her nails.

Embarrassed, you open and close your mouth, struggling to come up with a response. Defeated, you stiffly focus your attention onto the front of the classroom where the teacher is droning on.

Well…This was no doubt going to be an interesting school year.

Option 2: Introduce yourself
Deciding that you might as well introduce yourself to the girl since the two of you will be sitting next to each the whole school year, you turn to her and awkwardly clear your throat to get her attention. The girl glances over at you with a raised eyebrow, expression bored but not annoyed or angry. Sticking your hand out, you say, “Since we’ll be sitting next to each other for the rest of the school year, I hope we can become friends.” She simply stares at your hand for several seconds that feel like minutes, and internally, you slap yourself. You’re about to retract your hand and pretend this never happened, when she sticks a bottle of nail polish into your hand and says, “Eden. Eden Murphy,” before going back to work on her nails.

Staring down at the bottle of dark red polish in your hand, you feel a bit bemused, but also a tingle of happiness in your stomach. Huh…It seems this school year will prove to be quite interesting.

Option 3: Do Nothing
Deciding that, since the girl clearly isn’t interested in you, there’s no point in bothering her, you focus your gaze on the front of the classroom and attempt to pay attention to the lesson. After a few minutes, you hear a shift at your side and turn to look. The girl no longer had her legs propped on her desk, instead sitting sideways in her chair to face you, head tilted to the side. There is a frown on her face, but she doesn’t look annoyed or angry, merely curious as she surveys you up and down. Feeling a bit nervous under the scrutiny of her piercing blue eyes, you self-consciously sit up straighter, “um…”

But before you can get a proper word out, the girl smirks, a glint in her eyes that you can’t quite identify, and says, “I’m Eden. Eden Murphy.” With that, she turns back around and resumes painting away at her nails.

Blinking slowly as you process the interaction, you feel a stir of excitement in your gut. Turning back around to face the front of the classroom, you duck your head down to hide the large grin on your face. Well, this was no doubt going to be an interesting school year.
Option 1: Do nothing

The boy is so clearly trying not to be noticed by anyone, so you opt to just leave him alone, thinking perhaps he’ll work up the courage to talk to you. Unfortunately, that doesn’t happen, and the rest of the class is spent with you subtly glancing at him every now and then and him trying very hard to not make eye contact with you. At the end of the class, he shoots up and darts out before you can even think of saying a single word to him.

Baffled, you stare blankly at the spot where he had been mere seconds ago, wondering what exactly just happened. Your teacher, noticing your confusion, comes up to you with a sigh. “That’s Alex. He’s quite shy. I can never manage to get more than 5 words out of him.” She shakes her head, a fond, but sad smile adorning her face, “he doesn’t seem to have any friends, so it would be nice if you could try to become his first.”

Tilting your head, you consider her words. Become his first friend, huh…This year was off to an interesting start.

Option 2: Attempt eye contact
As you make your way to your seat, you notice that the boy at the desk next to yours is very deliberately avoiding meeting your eyes. Possessed by who knows what, you stop right in front of his desk and, in the spur of the moment, lean down in front of him, tilting your head so that he’s forced to meet your eyes. However, your brilliant plan fails, as before you can get a word out, the boy jerks back in shock, knocking his chair over and taking himself down with it. The loud crash gains the attention of the whole class, and you can hear various snickers resounding through the room. The teacher, for her part, just looks at both of you in disapproval and tells you to sit down and behave.

Woops…you may have screwed that up. Embarrassed, you sit down in your chair and keep your eyes glued on your desk for the rest of the class. Once the bell rings, you turn around in your seat, intending to apologize to the boy, but he’s already gone.

Your teacher, noticing you staring at the empty desk, comes up to you with a sigh. “That boy you scared the daylights out of is Alex Glass. He’s quite shy. I can never manage to get more than 5 words out of him.” She shakes her head, a fond, but sad smile adorning her face, “he doesn’t seem to have any friends, so it would be nice if you could try to become his first.

His first friend, huh. Well, you weren’t sure how much luck you’d have with that after the terrible first impression you’d made, but still…It was worth a try.

Option 3: Pass him a note
As the teacher drones on at the front of the classroom, you sneak glances at the boy next to you every now and then, pondering what to do. He is tense and seems to be deliberately avoiding looking your way, not out of ill intent, but simply due to nerves. Still, this wouldn’t do. If you were going to be sitting next to him for the whole school year, you’d prefer it if he didn’t look as if you were going to murder him the whole time. You want to talk to him, to tell him there was no reason to be so nervous. But you felt as if he might have a heart attack if you did.

Glancing down at your desk, your eyes land on a piece of sheet paper, and in that moment, an idea pops into your head. Writing down a basic introduction on the paper, you fold it into a little paper crane and quickly toss it onto his desk. He flinches in shock, eyes wide as he glances at you, and you return his wary look with what you hope to be a reassuring smile.

After a few seconds of hesitation, he opens up the paper and reads it. For a moment, the nervous, shy exterior disappears, and his face is carefully blank. Then, he picks up a pencil and writes something down on the paper underneath your own writing. Once done, he slowly reaches over and holds the paper out to you. At the same time, the bell rings, and as soon as the paper lands in your hand, he bolts up and disappears from the classroom in the blink of an eye.

Slightly baffled, you stare at the spot where he was just seconds ago before shaking your head and opening up the paper. You don’t know what you were expecting, but all it says is, “Alex Glass.”

Huh. Well, it was a start at least.

@Events Squad :poggers:

oh so Alex is a shy young fella, I also am very shy and timid and wouldnt go on that level to falling down my chair.


The Worst Girl in the World Events VIP+ Tenth Place HoE
Jun 18, 2019
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White Space
Plus Coins

The rest of your classes passed by without anything of note occurring, and as the school day came to an end, you found yourself absentmindedly exiting the school to begin your trek home. You make it a few steps out before your attention is drawn to a girl crouched down on the sidewalk. A girl with long, curly blonde hair and tan skin. Despite only having one encounter with her, you immediately recognize her; Eden.

Without even realizing what you’re doing, your feet begin to head in the girl’s direction. Coming to a stop right behind her, you peer down and see what just what it is she’s crouched over. There, on the sidewalk, lying on its side and letting out weak mewls, is a tiny kitten. The animal is too thin and dirty, no doubt a stray, and you can see that there’s a shard of glass stuck in its bloody paw.

You kneel down beside Eden and glance over at her. There is a deep frown on her face, and her brows are furrowed in concern, a soft look in her eyes. It’s quite the contrast from how she was earlier. The girl is so caught up in her worry for the kitten that she doesn’t even seem to notice you next to her.

What will you do?

1: Suggest taking it to the school nurse
2: Try to remove the glass yourself
3: Offer to take it to the vet

The rest of your classes pass by without anything of note occurring, and as the school day comes to an end, you grab your stuff from your locker, intent on taking a nap as soon as you get home. However, on the way out, you hear the faint sound of piano music.

Without even realizing it, your feet begin to lead you in the direction of the sound and you soon end up right outside the music room. The door is half-closed, but through the gap you can see Alex Glass sitting in front of a pristine white piano. Despite having only interacted with him once, if you could even call that an interaction, you immediately recognize the mop of brown hair and pale skin. His eyes are closed, but in spite of that, his hands move expertly without a hint of hesitation. All the timidness from earlier is gone, replaced by an air of confidence that leaves you feeling lightheaded.

Shaking yourself out of your stupor, you push the door open fully and quietly enter the room, unnoticed by Alex. The tune he’s playing sounds vaguely familiar, but you can’t quite put a name to it.

1: Ask what the song is
2: Try to guess the song
3: Applaud his performance

@Events Squad u have until 10PM EST on the 22nd :poggers:
Aug 23, 2024
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Plus Coins
Are we supposed to get any feedback on the choices we pm? Like acknowledge or something? Or is it like a real life relationship where you have no idea what they are thinking lol.


Don't cry. You're perfect. Community Manager Moderator VIP+ Ninth Place HoE
Jun 24, 2019
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Plus Coins


The Worst Girl in the World Events VIP+ Tenth Place HoE
Jun 18, 2019
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White Space
Plus Coins

Option 1: Attempt to remove the glass -5 points

Deciding to try and play hero, you reach down and attempt to pull the piece of glass from the kitten’s paw, careful not to cut yourself. However, as soon as you tug on the glass, the kitten lets out a loud cry of pain and Eden immediately shoves you away, knocking you flat on your butt. When you look up, you see her glaring down at you fiercely, blue eyes cold as ice with none of the gentleness she directed at the kitten.

“What are you doing??? You’re just hurting it!” She’s not quite shouting, but her voice is loud enough to draw attention, earning the two of you some curious stares from students passing by. Woops…“I-I’m sorry, I didn’t-” you try to salvage the situation, but she is having none of it. In one flourish she stands up, the kitten clutched in her arms, and quickly heads back inside the school, presumably going to the nurse’s office…

You decide not to push your luck by trying to follow after her.

Option 2: Offer to take it to the vet +5 points
“There’s a vet near my house. I could take it there?” Eden jerks a little in response to your voice, proving that she really had been unaware of your presence.
She furrows her brows in thought, eyeing you up and down as if deciding if you’re trustworthy enough for such a task.

Noticing her hesitation, you add, “unless there’s one on the way to your house? I doubt we’re going the same way.” No, you were sure the two of you weren’t going the same way. It was obvious from the way she carried herself that Eden Murphy came from a well off family. You certainly weren’t poor, but you lived in a perfectly normal middle class neighborhood. She probably didn’t live anywhere close to you.

Eden confirms your suspicions with her next words. Nodding in agreement, she says, “No. That would be too far away. I don’t want it to suffer for longer than necessary.” With those words, she places the kitten in your arms and stands, giving you a stern look. “But I expect a full report on its health tomorrow!” With that, she turns around and leaves, apparently putting her full trust in you for this task.

Hmm…that would have been a good opportunity to get her phone number. Sighing, you begin your trek to the vet, kitten clutched securely in your arms. Oh well, another time.

Option 3: Suggest taking it to the nurse +10 points
“Maybe we should take it to the nurse’s office?” Eden jerks a little in response to your voice, proving that she really had been unaware of your presence. She bites her lip in contemplation (and you have to make an effort to NOT stare), before nodding in agreement. Standing up with the kitten clutched delicately in her arms, she heads back towards the school, not quite running, but steps quickened. You follow after her at a slower pace, trying not to pay attention to the obvious stares being directed at the two of you.

The school nurse is already getting ready to leave when the two of you enter. If she’s surprised to see Eden with a cat in her arms, she doesn’t show it. Instead, she smiles, walks over, and gently pets the kitten's head. “Well, what do we have here?” The nurse took the kitten from Eden’s arms and gave it a once over. “Poor thing. I’ll remove the glass and then take it to vet on my way home. Good on you kids for bringing it here.” There’s a pause as she tilts her head to the side, a curious look in her eyes as she looks from you to Eden, then finally fixes her gaze on you. “I don’t recognize, by the way. Perhaps you’ve just been lucky to never need my assistance?”

At that, Eden also glances over in your direction, as if just remembering your presence. She answers the nurse for you, simply saying, “they’re new.”

The nurse nods, a knowing smile making its way onto her lips. “Well, it’s quite unusual to see Eden here with other students.”

At that, Eden stiffens, a slight scowl making its way onto her face as she lets out a terse, “we’ll be going now,” before walking out, not bothering to wait for you. Despite saying “we’ll,” you got the feeling that she did not actually expect you to directly follow her. Nonetheless, you trail after her, and you both make it to the steps of the school before she stops and turns towards you.

She just stares at you, a frown on her face and head tilted to the side. Under her intense gaze, you feel a bit like a helpless prey, about to be pounced on by a vicious predator. What was it you’re supposed to do when encountering a bear? Play dead? You suppose the equivalent of that here would be standing very still and avoiding eye contact.

Of course, Eden Murphy was not a bear, and in fact, that was a rather crude comparison. She doesn’t sink her teeth into you, instead, she says, “thanks...for helping me with the kitten.” The words sound stiff and unnatural coming from her mouth, as if she’s not used to handing out apologies. Somehow, you don’t doubt that.

But you’re not trying to ruin her goodwill here, so rather than pointing that out, you just smile. “No problem. I’m sure most people would do the same.”

At that, she scoffs and rolls her eyes, as if you just same something terribly stupid and naive. But she looks more amused than anything, a twinkle in her eyes you can't quite put a name to.
Option 1: Applaud his performance -5 points

Without thinking, you begin to applaud his performance.

Alex jerks in shock at the noise, his playing coming to an abrupt stop as he stares wide eyed at you. Without the music, the sound of your clapping sounds far too loud in the empty room, so you stop.

For a moment, the two of you just stare at each other. In the silence, you can’t help but notice how green his eyes are. His glasses sit low on his nose, barely kept in place, and the hair that was previously covering half his face is held off to the side by a clip, giving you a perfect view of both his eyes.

Shaking your head, you snap yourself out of your ogling and open your mouth to say something, anything to make this situation less awkward, but before you can, Alex stands up and rushes past you out the door.

Well, that could have gone better.

Option 2: Ask what the song is +5 points
“What song is that?’ You raise your voice slightly to make sure he hears you, and clearly he does, if the way his hands slam against the keys in shock are any indication. He stares blankly at you for a few seconds, during which you can’t help but notice how green his eyes are. His glasses sit low on his nose, barely kept in place, and the hair that was previously covering half his face is held off to the side by a clip, giving you a perfect view of both his eyes. Their color reminds you of emerald gems, like the one on your moms wedding ring.

While you’re busy waxing poetry in your head about the color of his eyes, Alex finally answers you. “Um…it-it’s Claire de Lune.” You have to strain to hear him, but still, at least you actually got a verbal response.

“Ah.” Maybe his shyness is contagious, because that lame response is the only thing your brain could come up with in response. The two of you just stare at each other, before Alex seems to realize what he’s doing and quickly focuses his gaze onto the piano keys. Realizing that this situation is quickly turning awkward, you say, “it sounded beautiful,” to which he simply nods in acknowledgment.

Well…you think that was a positive interaction? It certainly wasn’t negative. Deciding to make your exit before you could somehow screw this up, you say, “well, I’ll be going now!” You turn around to leave, but then stop. Unwilling to just end things there, you add, “I’d love to hear you play again sometime.” With that, you make your exit. He doesn’t respond, no surprise, but you can feel his gaze lingering on you on your way out.

Option 3: Try to guess the song +10 points
You decide to take a guess, hoping you’ll get lucky. “Is it Moonlight Sonata?”

Alex starts, the beautiful tune of the piano abruptly cut off by an ugly noise as his hands slam against various keys in surprise. “H-huh?” He is clearly shocked by your presence, but despite that, he doesn’t look ready to bolt away like he did in the classroom, so you consider that a win and slowly inch closer, as if approaching a wild animal. “The song you’re playing, is it Moonlight Sonata?”

He stares blankly at you for a few seconds, confusion evident in the furrow of his brows. You feel real stupid, but then his lips twitch upwards, a hint of a smile, gone just as quickly as it appeared. Focusing his gaze on the piano keys, he shakes his head, “no. That’s…that’s not even close. Did you just guess randomly?” The words come out in a mumble, but you think you hear a hint of amusement in his voice.

Grinning sheepishly, you shrug, grateful that he doesn’t seem to be a music snob, “well, you know, sometimes you hear a song and think it sounds familiar, only for it to end up being completely different from what you were thinking of.” Stopping next to the piano bench, you carefully sit down, making sure to keep a wide berth between the two of you. He gives you a wary glance out of the corner of his eye, but stays where he is, hands hovering over the piano keys in uncertainty. Eager to not let this turn awkward, you say, “whatever it is, it sounded beautiful.”

He doesn’t acknowledge the compliment, just says, “it’s called Claire de Lune.” Then, after a beat of silence, “it’s my mother’s favorite.” He frowns immediately after revealing this tidbit, as if he doesn’t understand why he told you it. But before you can give it too much thought, a quiet ping catches both of your attention. Alex pulls his phone out of his pocket and peeks down at it. It takes all of your willpower to not be nosy and do the same. Whatever he reads causes him to let out a sigh as he stands up and makes his way towards the door.

Not willing to let the encounter end just like that, you call after him, “I’d love to hear you play again!” He looks back in your direction, opens his mouth, but then seems to think better of it and leaves without a word.

Still, you think that went quite well. Pleased, you smile to yourself and head home humming the tune of Claire de Lune.

@Events Squad

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