NCT gif spammers


・:*:・゚,。・:*:・゚ Early Supporters
Jun 22, 2019
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Yuta's fan club
Plus Coins



nct ∞ Early Supporters
Jun 16, 2019
Reaction score
Plus Coins
Why are you here??? It's not my birthday yet...

I am so happy you are back omgsdytfsdgas

Yeah, I was hibernating like I usually do during winter. Seeing and hearing him increases his uwu level

If we are talking about watching stuff, I recommend you all watch OCN's Strangers from Hell

Hehehehe, why was I expecting a different reaction to Kick It 🤡
I like the song and the entire album, especially Sit Down, but I've been listening more to western music lately lol

LOONA, the long lost sisters of NCT127, we have to stan

Gidle gave us the gay anthem we did not expect

Also, Maybe is such a good side track oof
i had no idea i was that missed, this is so sweet! :sejeongcry: alexa play feel special :sejeongcry: ilysm and i missed you too, i hope you've been keeping safe!
this corona stuff is freaking me the f out and i'm stressing about everyone, the most of all about my mom possibly getting it

i just went to google to check out what ocn is and automatically typed in nct, lmao. three letters, two of those being the same than in nct must've made my brain short circuit. no, but what is it? it sounds like a network like cnn or something but google says it's a japanese internet service provider???

kick it was a surprise to me as well in terms of how much i simply don't like it. i don't much care for black on black either but it grew on me enough that i do enjoy watching the performances of it these days but kick it is just... a big nope. i could handle it if i only had one problem with it (the biggest one being the bruce lee parts, i HATE it) but when we get past that and to the verses and i hate them as well, there's just no hope.

i have to listen to g-idle's entire album one of these days

They release more content than anyone needs though.
I try to watch everyrhing yuta is in and call it a day. Like if doyoung or haechan are doing an hour vlive i wouldnt even consider watching it:feelsblankie:

loool that you would mention haechan and doyoung of all people when those two are the ones that happen to have the most stans present atm (cinna and fs for haech and kstar and me for doyoung) :munchlax:

Change thread title to "Fake Nctzen Spammers"
i'm doing it :palglam:

I just took out what I don't need from my room. It feels better with less stuff,
this is so true, i recently moved and got rid of so much stuff. one should do major useless stuff clean out every year

Em made one post and then she left
excuse! i made two :teehee:

no but that's why i said i'm only kinda back, i'm still working through some issues

Full Sun

I put the A in ass 😜
Jul 2, 2019
Reaction score
Plus Coins
i had no idea i was that missed, this is so sweet! :sejeongcry: alexa play feel special :sejeongcry: ilysm and i missed you too, i hope you've been keeping safe!
this corona stuff is freaking me the f out and i'm stressing about everyone, the most of all about my mom possibly getting it

i just went to google to check out what ocn is and automatically typed in nct, lmao. three letters, two of those being the same than in nct must've made my brain short circuit. no, but what is it? it sounds like a network like cnn or something but google says it's a japanese internet service provider???

kick it was a surprise to me as well in terms of how much i simply don't like it. i don't much care for black on black either but it grew on me enough that i do enjoy watching the performances of it these days but kick it is just... a big nope. i could handle it if i only had one problem with it (the biggest one being the bruce lee parts, i HATE it) but when we get past that and to the verses and i hate them as well, there's just no hope.

i have to listen to g-idle's entire album one of these days

loool that you would mention haechan and doyoung of all people when those two are the ones that happen to have the most stans present atm (cinna and fs for haech and kstar and me for doyoung) :munchlax:

i'm doing it :palglam:

this is so true, i recently moved and got rid of so much stuff. one should do major useless stuff clean out every year

excuse! i made two :teehee:

no but that's why i said i'm only kinda back, i'm still working through some issues
Not to sound sappy.mp3 but I have been thinking about you often and I was waiting for your comeback lmao. I love you too!
I totally understand, it's really scary what's happening in the world. When I check the news, I get so depressed. I worry a lot about my grandma, she's safe, but I know that if she gets the virus, I will lose her. I hope you and your mom stay safe and healthy! <3

Most of my favorite kdramas were aired on OCN. They got good thrillers and mystery series, Strangers from Hell being one of them :shablob: I make sure to recommend it to everyone, even though it's not everyone's cup of tea being a lil disturbing

Okay, but you are such an NCTzen, typing their name by mistake

You know what we do to people who hate on the Bruce Lee part (the whole song sdfghjkm), we send them to jail

But your feelings are valid. You don't have to like Kick It, if you like, let's say, Sit Down (one of the bsides on Neo Zone) :sehunehh:
Some of us can't count, Em, and I think that's okay :clowned:
I get it. Take all the time you need, Em. This place will always be here.
When I returned I wasn't sure if I wanted to be really active here, but look at me now, last night I spammed here alone like I used to :hehe:
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